EE Industrial Training Monthly Report Guide

Oct 2015 Rev. 2.1


This is a guide for the preparation of an Industrial Training Monthly Report for the Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. It covers basic information on the format, arrangement and layout of the monthly report. UTAR encourages its students to come up with their own reports. However, there are a few compulsory rules. These are marked with * in this guide and must be followed.


*The student’s completed and signed Industrial Training Monthly Report (soft copy) must be received by the supervising lecturer via email before the 3rd of every month. Submission will start after the student’s first month of Industrial Training.

*Students are required to prepare and submit their Industrial Training Monthly Report for the duration of at least 3 months.


The Industrial Training Monthly Report consists of a cover page and the main text.

The cover page for the monthly report should include:

a.  Industrial Training Report + Trimester Session / Year

b.  Name

c.  ID

d.  Degree Pursued

e.  Name of University

f.  Name of Supervising Lecturer

g.  Company Name

h.  Name of On-site Supervisor

The main text for the monthly report is an expansion of the weekly reports compiled from the daily logbook for the whole month. Students are usually required to record their tasks and experiences during industrial training everyday. These daily logs are then summarized into a weekly log at the end of each week. Finally the students compile these weekly logs into a monthly report. For more details on the contents of the weekly reports, please refer to Sections 5.9.1 – 5.9.3 in the Industrial Training Manual. The formatting for the main text of the monthly report is strictly up to the student.

Note: Logbooks are not provided by the University. Students are required to prepare their own logbooks to write down daily reports / summaries. The logbooks will be kept by the students and need not be submitted at the end of the industrial training.

Note: An example of the formatting for daily logbook is appended in Attachment B. Note that this sample format is for daily recording only. The format for daily logbook is not fixed and students are free to modify their logbook to their preference (E.g. Diary form, table form, paragraph form, point form, etc).


Number of Copies

A student is required to submit one soft copy of their Industrial Training Monthly Report to the supervising lecturer via e-mail.

On-Site Supervisor’s Checking Confirmation

The Industrial Training Monthly Report must be checked, reviewed and signed by the on-site supervisor BEFORE submission to the supervising lecturers via e-mail. Please use the form provided in Attachment A.

*Note: A scanned version of the signed form by the on-site supervisor needs to be attached together with the soft copy of the monthly report in the e-mail.

Language of Report

The report must be written in English.


The content of the monthly report should be an expansion of the weekly reports compiled by the student for the entire month. Students are required to elaborate, explain and discuss on their tasks, problems, achievements during the completion of their daily tasks. Students are required to append their weekly reports together with their monthly report during submission.

*Note: Two examples of well written monthly reports by seniors are attached for reference in Attachment C and D, respectively. The examples are merely a reference for students therefore there is no need to follow their format or writing style exactly.

Typeface, Font Size and Alignment (Main Text)

Typeface to be used is Times New Roman. The same typeface should be used throughout the report. Font size of 12 point should be used. Line spacing is one and a half spacing. Start with a paragraph indent (12.7 mm). Use alignment ‘Justify’ for the main body text of the report.

Margins and Spacing

There is no recommended margin on the document. However, students are advised to leave ample spacing for binding and printing purposes (for Final Report). All information excluding page numbers must be within the text area.


Please make sure to include page numbers at the bottom centre of the page. Every page except the front cover must be numbered.

Photographs (if any)

Photographs are allowed. Pages containing photographs should be numbered as regular pages.

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Attachment A


I, Mr. / Mrs. / Miss ______, from ______(company name) hereby declare that the following Industrial Training Monthly Report has been proof read and thoroughly checked. I find that the report is satisfactory / unsatisfactory and is ready / not ready for submission by the trainee.

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Attachment B


Week No. ____

Date / Duties Performed / Task setting

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Attachment C


Week 1 (4th Oct 20XX – 8th Oct 20XX:)

On my first day working at Intel, I was required to report to my manager, Mr. ______at the PG 12 guard post. After meeting up with him, I was given a brief tour around PG 12, the place that I am going work in. Also, I had my first one on one meeting with my manager. During the meeting, he explained the team structure and their job scope to me. The team that I am assigned to is the System Validation team and its main job is to perform post silicon validation on the next generation processor that Intel is going to market. My supervisor told me that he is still looking for a suitable task for me so for rest of the week my job would be to get familiar with the working environment and read up on notes that are related to Intel processor’s architecture………………………………..

First Month (4th Oct 20XX – 29th Oct 20XX):

On my first day reporting to work, I was guided by my supervisor, Mr.______. He briefed me on the general regulations of the company and showed me around the building that I am going to work in, PG12. Then, he brought me to the administrative department to fill up all the necessary documents. After going through all the paper work, he brought me back to my personal cubicle and told me to wait for the technical staff to set up the desktop for me. When the technical staff finished setting up the desktop, I used the desktop to navigate through the intranet of the company to get myself familiar with the features it offers. I attended and completed some of the basic trainings offered by the e-learning system of the company. Before the end of the day, my supervisor asked me to attend one of his team’s “tech sharing” session and introduced me to the team. The team is known as the System Validation team and its primary role is to validate Intel’s next generation CPU design. He explained to me that generally the team’s job is to perform various tests on the CPU and ensure that the design of the CPU is bug-free.

Thus, basically my first week at the company is to get familiar with the working environment and attend basic trainings that are related to my job. On the second day, my supervisor passed me some learning material that will help me in my job and asked me to read and understand them. After some consideration, he decided on my assignment and explained …………………………………………

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Attachment D


Week 1 (16 May 20XX – 20 May 20XX):

·  First week of industrial training.

·  Joined Unisem (M) Berhad on 16th May 20XX.

·  Reported at Human Resource Department at 8.00 a.m., and Mr. ______gave a speech about the rules of company.

·  Assigned to the Micrel department and met my supervisor.

·  Received short briefing about wafer sort.

·  Learned all the basic terms used inside the line.

1st Month (May, 20XX)

This is the first month I started my internship at Unisem (M) Berhad. I got to know in more detail about the wafer testing and the process of wafer sorting. Wafer testingis a step performed duringsemiconductor device fabrication. This step is performed before a wafer is sent for die preparation, where all individualintegrated circuitsthat are present on the wafer are tested for functional defects by applying specialtest patternsto them. The wafer testing is performed by a piece of test equipment called awafer prober. The process of wafer testing can be referred to in several ways: Wafer Sort (WS), Wafer Final Test (WFT), Electronic Die Sort (EDS) and Circuit Probe (CP) are probably the most common.

Usually, there is a machine referred to as the ASL1000 for testing the product. The popular ASL 1000 is a low-cost mixed-signal and analog semiconductor test solution that supports up to 21 instruments in a fully configured system. It has the smallest footprint in its class, is air-cooled, and uses a standard 110 or 220 V outlet. With a small test head that makes docking easy, the ASL 1000 is extremely adaptable and easily shared between engineering labs – where it is a cost-effective desktop test system – and in full production multisite test environments where it proves its low total cost of ownership on a daily basis.

The ASL 1000 is most commonly used to test power management, analog sensors and discrete IC devices, which often require specialized and diverse mixed-signal capabilities. To accommodate these diverse needs, the ASL 1000 implements a modular architecture so users………………………………………….

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