Curriculum Vitae of Retha Fritz
Date of birth: / 4 November 1982
1. Contact details
Organisation where based: / North-West University, Potchefstroom CampusFaculty or School: / Centre for Academic and Professional Language Practice
Work telephone number: / +27 (0)18 299 1044
Work fax number: / +27 (0)18 299 4084
E-mail address: /
Website address: /
Work postal address: / Internal box 111
Potchefstroom Campus
North-West University
Work physical address: / LJ du Plessis Building, Room 107
Potchefstroom Campus
North-West University
2. Qualifications (Start with most recent)
Qualification type: / M.A.Field of study: / Afrikaans Nederlands
Institution: / North-West University
Year obtained: / 2007
Qualification type: / Hons.
Field of study: / Afrikaans Nederlands
Institution: / North-West University
Year obtained: / 2004
Qualification type: / B.A.
Field of study: / Languages
Institution: / PU for CHE
Year obtained: / 2003
3. Employment history (From current backwards. Not more than five)
Position: / Organisation / Appointed from – to:Lecturer Academic Literacy / North-West University / 2009 - present
Administrative Official / North-West University / 2007 to 2008
Administrative Assistant / North-West University / 2004 to 2006
4. Research expertise
Scientific domain: / Applied LinguisticsMain research field: / Academic Literacy
Fields of specialisation:
5. Publications (List publications over the last three years)
International publications:National publications: / Omstrede kwessies en teksinterne korrektiewe in Skilpoppe van Barrie Hough
Literator 31 (2) 2010
Mede-outeur: Prof ES van der Westhuizen
6. Papers delivered (List papers over the last three years)
International papers:National papers: / Die teksinterne literêre korrektief in drie Afrikaanse jeugverhale – 19 Sept. 2007 by die 3de Suid-Afrikaanse Kinder- en Jeugliteratuur Konferensie
Die rol van begeleide skryfwerk ter voorbereiding tot ’n argumentatiewe skryfstuk – 28 Jun. 2012 – SAALA/LSSA/SAALT Kongres 2012
Wie is die nuwe-generasiestudent en hoe benader ʼn dosent hulle? – 1 Nov. 2012 – ITOU-voorlegging tydens die 2012 UOIT-konferensie (Uitnemende Onderrig/Leer en Innoverende Tegnologie gebruik)