eDay Lessons 4 & 5
These six civilizations have been, or will be, studied during the course of your 6th grade year. You are asked to choose one (1) of the following civilizations in order to fulfill the responsibilities of eDay 4 and eDay 5.
Lesson 4(eDay 4) can be found on pages 2, 3 and 4 of this document.
Lesson 5 (eDay 5) can be found on pages 5, 6 and 7 of this document.
CHOOSE ONE (1): Use the appropriate pages in the online textbook to research the civilization you have chosen in order to complete Lessons 4 and 5.
Persians...... pp. 127 – 131
Phoenicians...... pp. 132 – 137
Egyptians...... pp. 144 – 163
Israelites...... pp. 170 – 187
Indians...... pp. 200 – 247
Chinese...... pp. 254 – 287
If you have access from home, use the “myWorld History: Early Ages eText” instructions to login and complete the research. This is the online version of our classroom textbook. Your son/daughter was given a copy of this information at the beginning of the school year. If they are unable to locate this document, a similar copy can be found on pages 8 and 9 of this eDay lesson packet. For those that do not have internet access at home, our classroom textbook can be used during the two weeks leading up to the due date for this assignment.
A civilization is a society with 1) cities, 2) a government, 3) social classes, 4) job specialization,
5) public works projects, 6) religion, 7) art & architecture and 8) writing.
A civilization can only meet these eight characteristics if it has first established a stable food supply (agriculture).
We will use the acronymG.R.A.P.E.S.to help us remember some of the key components to a civilization.
Geography – Where was the civilization located? What was it like there? What crops did they grow? What resources did they have?
Religion – What did people believe? How did those beliefs affect their lives? Were they polytheistic or monotheistic?
Achievements – What inventions or innovations did they contribute to the world? What did they build? How/why are they known? What was their art, music or recreation like?
Politics – What type of government was used to rule the people? Who made the decisions in the society? Who were some of their most famous/infamous rulers?
Economy – How did the society use their resources? Did they barter or have a monetary system? What did they sell or trade? What did they import/export?
Social Structures – How were their social classes organized? Who was considered more important in their society? What was the basis for organizing people in this manner?
eDay Lesson 4
DIRECTIONS: Using the online textbook as your resource, complete the following table for the civilization you have chosen.
Feature of Civilization / DescriptionGeography
Social Structure
eDay Lesson 4
DIRECTIONS: Use the C.E.R. method of response to answer the following question.
What do you feel is the most valuable legacy of your civilization and how does it connect to our world today?
eDay Lesson 5
DIRECTIONS: Using the online textbook as your resource, complete the following table for the civilization you have chosen.
M.R. L.I.P.
When studying any location on our planet, you can use the M.R. L.I.P. formula to understand the geography of the area. M.R. L.I.P. corresponds to the 5 Themes of Geography. The 5 Themes of Geography are used to study ANY place. The following is a refresher of M.R. L.I.P.:
Movement – How did people, goods and ideas get from one place to another?
Region – On which continent was this place located? What type of geographic (land & water) features could be found in this area?
Location – Where was it located? What was the Absolute (latitude & longitude) Location? What was the Relative Location?
Interaction – How did humans interact with their surroundings? How did they use and depend on the area and its resources?
Place – What was it like there? What could you have seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched?
/ Absolute Location: ______o_____, ______o_____Relative Location:
eDay Lesson 5
DIRECTIONS: Choose a major city from the civilization you chose in eDay Lesson 4 and use the chart below to describe what it might have been like there. Use the online textbook and/or the internet for research.
eDay Lesson 5
DIRECTIONS: Choose one of the following occupations from within your civilization.
King Farmer Trader
Write a journal entry describing a day in your life. Use your imagination to create a detailed and unique entry. Be sure to date your entry with an appropriate year.
The Personal Journal of______
(Create a unique name for your person)
myWorld History Early Ages eText
LOG-IN Instructions
Our textbook, myWorld History: Early Ages, comes with an online textbook that students may access outside of the classroom setting. We were unable to order textbooks on a 1:1 ratio for our students. A classroom set was purchased, but those books must remain in the classroom and may not be taken home. It is my hope that students will use this technology to work outside the classroom in order to complete assignments or prepare for exams. If a computer is unavailable to you, a limited supply of textbooks may be checked out for overnight use.
Listed below are directions for accessing the site that contains our online textbook:
1)Go to
2)On the right side of the page, under Returning Users click on Log In
3)In the Pearson Sign In window type:
- Username: see the following page for USERNAMES
- Password:see the following page for the PASSWORD
4)Once logged in to the Pearson SuccessNet Plus homepage, you can access the eText version of our textbook.
- Click on the triangle next to the word eText
- A drop down menu will appear; click on myWorld History Early Ages Student Edition.
5)The eText should appear with the front cover of our book visible on the screen.
6)Explore the navigation options to get to the appropriate page numbers.
7)BE SURE TO SIGN OUT WHEN FINISHED. Click on Sign Out, which is located in the upper-right hand corner of the page.
myWorld History Early Ages eText (continued)
Usernames & Password
If a username and password do not seem to work: 1) check spelling 2) choose new username and try again. BE SURE TO SIGN OUT WHEN FINISHED. The “Sign Out” is located in the upper-right hand corner of the page.
bwell15784 / Wellsaa / bwell79252bwell73276 / Wellscc / Wellsff
bwell71745 / bwell55750 / bwell27279
bwell80593 / bwell468600 / Wellsgg
bwell81223 / bwell05786 / Wellshh
bwell46310 / bwell27298 / bwell17975
bwell16436 / bwell65134 / bwell19877
bwell25792 / bwell10933 / bwell01690
bwell35428 / bwell65134 / bwell33410
bwell54653 / bwell85488 / Wellsx
Wellsii / bwell01690 / bwell58391
bwell78556 / bwell85107
Each of the USERNAMES from above shares the same PASSWORD. The PASSWORD is…
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