S.1512 Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2010; as submitted April 8, 2010

Yellow highlight denotes no change from the January report

Blue items are revised from the January report

Report item Reported

Award Type : Grant

Award Number: NV-96-X001-00

Calendar Year/Quarter: 2010 / 1

Final Report: No

Recipient DUNS Number: 830233818

Recipient Account Number: none

Congressional District: 01

Parent DUNS Number: n/a

Recipient Type: 12.77.C7.KM.TW.V2


Recipient DBA Name:

Recipient Address: 600 S GRAND CENTRAL PKWY STE 350

Recipient City: LAS VEGAS

Recipient State: NV

Recipient ZIP: 891064512

Recipient Country: USA

Funding Agency Code: 6955

Awarding Agency Code: 6955

Program Source (TAS) Code: 69-1101

CFDA Number: 20.507

Amount of Award: $ 33661651.00

Award Date: 06/10/2009

Award Description:

Recovery Act funds will be used to invest in public transportation by developing a new transportation center to serve downtown Las Vegas, by constructing a transit center and park & ride facility to serve the US-95 corridor, and by developing bus rapid transit in the Boulder Highway corridor. All three facilities are partly funded by ARRA, partly by other FTA grants, and partly by local sales tax revenues.

The new intermodal transportation center in downtown Las Vegas, which will be formally named the Bonneville Transit Center, will replace a functionally obsolete facility and serve as a hub for bus and Bus Rapid Transit services operated by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada. The transit center building will be certified under “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” criteria. The site has good pedestrian access and the transit center will integrates bicycle storage and showers for bicyclists using the public transit system. The Transit Center is located in Congressional District 1 and will cost $17.0 million, of which 33% will come from the ARRA.

The Centennial Hills Transit Center and Park & Ride anchors the first freeway express commuter transit route in the region, using recently completed High-Occupancy Vehicle lanes on US 95 to connect the north-west suburbs with downtown Las Vegas and the Resort Corridor. The Centennial Hills facility integrates transit and carpool operations with adjacent land uses, including a planned new campus of the College of Southern Nevada. The Centennial Hills Transit Center and Park & Ride is located in Congressional District 3 and cost $10.3 million, of which 86% will come from the ARRA.

The Boulder Highway Bus Rapid Transit project includes roadway reconstruction, intersection improvements, installation and integration of electronic information and traffic control facilities, and the construction of shelters and ancillary equipment for Bus Rapid Transit operations in the Boulder Highway corridor. This is the third Bus Rapid Transit route in the region and will provide new commuter options as well as improving transit service through low-income and minority neighborhoods. The Boulder Highway Bus Rapid Transit project is located in Congressional Districts 1 and 3 and will cost $48 million, of which 40% will come from the ARRA. Due to limited local funding, this project could not have been undertaken without the capital assistance provided under ARRA

Number, amount of sub-awards less than $25,000 per award: n/a

Number, amount of sub-awards to individuals: n/a

Number, amount of payments to vendors less than $25,000/award: n/a

Project Name or Project / Program Title:

1) Boulder Highway Bus Rapid Transit Construction; 2) Centennial Hills Transit Center and Park & Ride; 3) Central City Terminal Construction; 4) Central City Terminal Surveillance / Security, Landscaping, Bicycle Access and Facilities

Quarterly Activities / Project Description:

At the downtown terminal, activities for the quarterly reporting period included completion of all on-site underground utility installations; delivery and installation of all building structural steel; installation of, mechanical equipment/ductwork, plumbing for fire sprinkler systems, electrical conduit/wiring, and low-voltage systems; continued construction of off-sites with installation of underground utilities and half-street roadway pavement improvements. During the next quarter, it is anticipated that all electrical and mechanical equipment will be installed, with work beginning on the hanging of sheetrock walls, doors and storefront; and continued work on the low-voltage surveillance/security systems, landscaping and bicycle facilities.

At the Centennial Hills Transit Center and Park & Ride facility, activities for the last quarter included: final striping on public roadways; installation of landscaping, site furniture, and fixtures for restrooms and fire extinguishers; building glazing and light shelf assembly; installation, troubleshooting, and training for security and access control systems. The construction for the facility was substantially completed on March 1, 2010 and officially opened to the public on Sunday, March 28, 2010.

Activities in the last quarter on the Boulder Highway Bus Rapid Transit project included: Completion of the Phase 1 Pre-construction services contract, and execution of the Phase 2 Construction Services contract on March 11, 2020. Notice to Proceed for construction was issued on March 15, 2010. Construction activities to date have included mobilization, traffic control, clearing and grubbing, excavation and grading, numerous removal items, and installation of underground ITS and storm drain facilities. Construction is scheduled for completion on September 15, 2011.

Project Status: Less than 50% completed

Federal Amount ARRA Funds Received / Invoiced: $ 9882405.00

Number of Jobs: 56.00

Description of Jobs Created:

During this quarter, the contractors working on the ARRA funded projects report that some 29,000 job-hours have been worked in jobs sustained or created as a result of Recovery Act funds. This equates to 56 full-time equivalent jobs, assuming a full-time job equates to 520 hours worked during the quarter.

Of these full-time equivalent jobs, 30 were sustained by the Centennial Hills facility. 19 jobs were sustained by work on the downtown transit facility, which is a more capital-intensive project, while 7 were on the Boulder Highway Bus Rapid Transit project, where work has only just started on the construction phase of the project.

These full-time equivalent jobs included 9 in administrative and office positions, 1 bricklayer, masons and related trades, 6 carpenters, 1 driver, 9 electrical workers, 4 landscape workers, 10 laborers, 11 iron and metal workers, no engineer / surveyor, 4 operators and 1 plumber.

Activity Code (NAICS): 485113

Total Federal Amount of ARRA Expenditure: $ 9882405.00

Total Federal ARRA Infrastructure Expenditure: $ 9882405.00

Infrastructure Purpose and Rationale:

All three projects being undertaken with Recovery Act funds will contribute to the goal of the Recovery Act to invest in transportation, environmental protection, and other infrastructure that will provide long-term economic benefits. Additionally, all three projects will also help to assist those most impacted by the recession. The emphasis on efficient and sustainable design at the downtown transportation center will meet the goal of the Act to provide investments needed to increase economic efficiency by spurring technological advances in science and health.

Infrastructure Contact: Ms. Tracy Bower

Infrastructure Contact: e-mail

Infrastructure Contact: phone (702) 676-1730

Primary Place of Performance: 600 South Grand Central Parkway, Suite 350, Las Vegas, NV

Primary Place of Performance – ZIP: 89106-4512

Primary Place of Performance – Congressional District: 01

Recipient Highly Compensated Officers – Indication of Reporting Applicability: No

Vendor Information

Vendor 1

DUNS: 005823851

Name: Sletten Construction of Nevada, Inc

Vendor HQ ZIP+4: Not required if DUNS reported

Payment amount: $ 3683156.00

Product and Service Description:

Construction of new transit center building and related on-site and off-site improvements (NAICS code 236220)

Vendor 2

DUNS: 006950604

Name: The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Vendor HQ ZIP+4: Not required if DUNS reported

Payment amount: $ 5760274.00

Product and Service Description:

Provide Construction Management At-Risk services for the Centennial Hills Transit Center and Park & Ride. (NAICS code 236220)

Vendor 3

DUNS: 009596032

Name: Las Vegas Paving Corporation

Vendor HQ ZIP+4: Not required if DUNS reported

Payment amount: $ 438975.00

Product and Service Description:

Provide Construction Management At-Risk services for a 15-mile Bus Rapid Transit system including dedicated transit lanes, elevated platforms and passenger shelters as well as Intelligent Transportation Systems equipment. (NAICS code 236220).