Annual Summit
22 February 2015
UW Stout
Menominee, Wisconsin
The Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society met for its annual meeting (annual summit) on Sunday, February 22, 2015 from 1PM to 4PM. People began arriving early, resulting in a meet-and-greet session that included new acquaintances and enthusiastic reunions of old friends.
Keynote Address:
Brian Collins and Robin Maercklein gave an in-depth presentation on Bird Communities in Wisconsin and opportunities for citizen science. Brian Collins gave his Wisconsin Birds program, highlighting many interesting details of Wisconsin's forest bird communities. Robin Maercklein presented exciting information on Citizen Science, highlighting the opportunities for involvement over the next five years in the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II.
Part of the meeting was devoted to the confirmation of current officers by acclamation and the election of new officers. According to By-laws, the meeting required the election of a new Treasurer and a new President.
Officers at Close of Business, February 22, 2015
Secretary : Brian Collins,
instated by nominations from Mike Prichard and Toni Doughterty, by acclamation
President: Steve Betchkal
Nominations by Kathy Fredrickson and Nina Koch, by acclamation
Treasury: Karen Brabec
Nominations by Bill Hogseth and Nina Koch, by acclamation
At Large: Nina Koch
Nina Koch volunteered, Nominations by Bill Hogseth and Brian Collins, by acclaimation
Continuing Officers:
Chet Anderson -- Vice President
Katelin Holm-- At Large
Martin Mart
Steve Betchkal presented on the Martin Mart initiative. This is the same concept presented in the National Audubon Society periodical, "Audubon."
Steve presented the following information:
A 6% decline in populations of Purple Martins has been documented by Partners in Flight. This invites investigation to determine if the "missing martins" can be found or if reasons for the decline can be determined. Specifically, a 17 County region of Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society will be studied. A Northwest Wisconsin population of Purple Martins occurs around many of the region's lakes. The aim of Martin Mart is to census Purple Martin houses and active colonies. Toni Doughterty and Steve Betchkal will collaborate to some extent, and Steve's pilot project will demonstrate that colonies of Purple Martins can be located and censused from year to year. We will need to update the Martin Mart form to take Toni's name off of the general Purple Martin census form.
Toni Doughterty will be giving a program on March 28th.
Birds Bugs and Blooms (B4)
Nina Koch has acquired grant funding and is currently developing the B4 Event to take place at UW-Stout in Menominee on June 5, 6, 7 Friday night through Sunday Noon. The event will feature Tom Schultz, a biird illustrator of National Geographic Field Guide fame, BenThwaits on his Northwest Passage therapeutic photography project, "In a New Light", and numerous field trips in the outdoors (including a bird walk with Bill Hogseth) and presentations indoors. The Web Site has been started! Nina is looking for help! She needs a pit crew of about 6 to 10 supporters on hand at any time. Helpers will be able to attend events but will volunteer as able. Friday night will be the time of greatest need for volunteers. B4 is a Gaylord Nelson Audubon sponsored event. Grants are in place. Admission will be charged, but not much compared to other birding festivals. Sustainable Dunn grant will sponsor the social hour. Monies from silent auction will go the the Lower Chippewa River Endowment Fund. Donations for the Silent Auction will be needed!
Some discussion was held regarding the creative "B4...and After Party!"
Other Topics Addressed:
Welcome Back Bird Day
Welcome Back Bird Day: May 20; Bird City Eau Claire; "Big Sit"
Accomplishments of the Year, Presented by Katelin Holm
-Martin Mart was launched and received press in "Audubon" magazine.
-501c3 status was granted to Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society. Some final details are in the works, but we expect our final confirmation letter to come within 60 days.
-Field Trips were offered, and many filled very successfully. More than 50 participants attended bird hikes in Polk County in May of 2014.
We will seek to develop communication avenues within our membership, especially in the context of being effective while saving cost.
We will seek to Identify Keystone events that will brand our Gaylord Nelson Audubon Society. One example of this is the Polk County Early Bird Whip-Poor-Will Tour and Big Day, occurring on May 17, 2015. Participants will meet at Lion's Park in Saint Croix Falls at 4AM.
Treasury Report
Cindy Collins gave her final Treasury Report before handing the Treasury to Karen Brabec.
$2551.61 Income through National Audubon (added about 1400 for the national membership) ; 20 to 30 local members;
Donations to Gaylord Nelson Audubon totaled $648
Expenses for the year were $1373.06
This includes the 501c3 fee ; Non Profit, Tax Exempt status
Paying the WAC loan back; We also pay $0.25 per member to Wisconsin Audubon Council.
$882.48 Newsletter Cost
Other expenses included Website Domain and Hosting
Hosting Room for the Annual Meeting at UW-Stout $200
Some fees were paid to presenters, Festivals, Etc.
Annual Mailbox Fees and bank fees were also paid.
Ending Balance : $2318.85
Gift Raffle:
We finished the meeting with a gift raffle that included donated items: a framed wildlife photograph worth approximately $100, a gourmet hand-harvested bag of wild rice from Burnett County, and a Gaylord Nelson Audubon Luck CBC Commemorative insulated coffee mug.
Todd Brabec and Karen Brabec and Mary Crane won the raffles