Eligibility Requirements for Sport NZ and HPSNZ investment
for NSOs and NROs
Section One – Contact information
1.1 Organisation information
1.1.1 Full name of organisation:
zxZx1.1.2 Other names the organisation is known by(if any):
zx1.1.3 Postal address:
Address One:Address Two:
City: / Postcode:
1.1.4 Physical address (if different from above):
Address One:Address Two:
City: / Postcode:
Phone number / Fax number
Email address:
1.2 Contact information
1.2.1 Primary contact:
Phone / ( ) / Mob phone ( )
1.2.2 Secondary contact:
Phone / ( ) / Mob phone ( )
1.3 Eligibility sought (select one)
/ Sports organisation/ Recreation organisation[1]
Section 2: Mandatory eligibility criteria
These criteria must be met by an organisation in order to be eligible for investment. There are two questions that are not applicable to recreation organisations.
2.1 Participation and Performance
2.1.1 What is the organisation’s role?
/ increase participation and/or/ win on the world stage.
Supporting documentation:
Please provide evidence ofthe organisation’s guiding vision / mission relating to its role.
2.2 Lawfulness
2.2.1 What is the organisation’s legal status?
/ An incorporated society/ A registered charity
/ A charitable trust
/ Other (please specify)
2.2.2 Does the organisation complywith the World Anti-Doping Code?
/ Yes/ No (not compliant)
/ No not applicable (recreation organisation)*
2.2.3 Does the organisation acceptthe jurisdiction of the Sporting Tribunal?
/ Yes/ No (has acceptable policies in place for addressing disputes)
/ No (does not accept jurisdiction)
/ No not applicable (recreation organisation)*
Supporting documentation:
Please provide evidence of the organisation’s:
- current legal status;
- compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code; and
- acceptance of the Sporting Tribunal (OR organisation disputes policy)
* if an organisation identifies itself as a recreation organisation here, it will only be eligible for funding that is relevant to recreation outcomes.
2.3 Accountability / Partner Capability
2.3.1 Are the organisation’s accounts audited or verified by a chartered accountant?
/ Yes/ No
2.3.2 Is your organisation GST registered?
/ Yes (please provide GST number ______)/ No
2.3.3 Does the organisation have a current strategic plan (or similar document) that covers three or more years?
/ Yes/ No
Supporting documentation:
Please provide the following:
- audited/verified financial reports for the previous three financial years; and
- your organisation’s current strategic plan
2.3.4 What is the composition of the organisation’s Board:
- Number of board members: Elected ____, appointed ____, co-opted _____
- Diversity of Board members; Male _____%, female ______%
- Ethnic diversity of Board members – please specify ethnicities represented and numbers thereof:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
2.3.5 Does the organisation have a clear and transparent process for electing and appointing new members?
/ Yes/ No
2.3.6 What is the term length, and maximum number of terms for the following roles:
- Chair – term length ___, maximum number of terms _____
- Deputy Chair – term length ___, maximum number of terms _____
- members – term length ___, maximum number of terms _____.
2.3.7 What is the organisation’s management structure?
Supporting documentationPlease provide the following:
- a current list of Board members and terms;
- a copy of your organisation’s rules/constitution relating to Board appointments; and
- a copy of your organisation’s management structure.
2.3.8 Does the organisation have an information management system that records membership data and activities of the organisation?
/ Yes/ No
2.3.9 If Yes, pleasedescribe system used
Supporting documentationPlease provide documentation on the types of information that is collected.
Section 3 – Evaluative eligibility criteria
These criteria are evaluative and there is scope to consider how well the criteria are met. One or some of these criteria does not mean that your organisation will automatically be ineligible for investment.
3.1 Delivery of sport and/or physical recreation outcomes
3.1.1 What proportion of the organisation’s business is focused on the delivery of sport and/or physical recreation outcomes?
3.2 Organisational structure
3.2.1 Is the organisation the national body for the sport or recreation code?
/ Yes/ No
3.2.2 If “no” please explain.
3.2.3Can other organisations affiliate to your organisation (e.g. regional organisations)?
/ Yes/ No
3.2.4 If “no” please explain.
3.2.5How many members belong to the organisation?
3.2.6What is the geographical spread of the organisation’s membership?
Supporting documentationPlease provide the following information:
- establishment as a national body (if applicable);
- affiliation process (if applicable); and
- membership numbers and spread.
3.2.7Does the organisation perform a coordination role across similar organisations in New Zealand?
/ Yes/ No
3.2.8If yes, please explain the role of your organisation and the extent of coordination.
3.2.9How does your organisation work with other similar sport or recreation administration organisations?
3.2.10Is there any shared administration between your organisation and others?
3.3 International linkages
3.3.1 Is the organisation affiliated to, and recognised by an international body (where one exists).
/ Yes/ No – not affiliated
/ No – no international body exists
3.3.2 The organisation is affiliated to the New Zealand Olympic Committee
/ Yes/ No
/ Not applicable (recreation organisation)
Supporting documentation:
Please provide evidence of
- affiliation to an international body;
- affiliation to the New Zealand Olympic Committee (if applicable).
3.4 Participation and/or performance
3.4.1 Does the organisation have a strategy to increase participation?
3.4.2 What are the key barriers to increasing participation in the sport / recreational activity?
3.4.3 What are the participation figures (both formal and casual) for your sport or recreation for the past three years?
Supporting documentationPlease provide evidence of:
- the organisation’s goal or plan to increase participation
- independently collected[2] participation figures for the past three years
3.4.4 How well does the organisation’s work tie in with government priority of more New Zealanders winning on the world stage?[3]
Supporting documentation:Please provide:
- a list of your athletes/teams in the top-16 athletes for the past 3 years;
- evidence of your talent identification and development plan;
- evidence of other support for high performance athletes (e.g. athlete services, facilities etc).
3.5 Supporting sport and physical recreation
3.5.1 How well does the organisation’s work tie in with the government priority of more New Zealanders participating in, supporting and delivering sport and physical recreation opportunities?
The outcomes we want to achieve, as outlined in our Strategic Plan,are:
- half a million more adult New Zealanders participating at least once a week in sport and recreation; and
- more than 1 million people volunteering in sport and recreation by 2015 (especially coaches, officials and administrators).
- 80% of school-aged children participating in organised sport for at least three hours a week.
Supporting documentation:
Please provide evidence of the organisation’s contribution to increasing the numbers of:
- adult New Zealanders participating in sport and recreation; and/or
- volunteers in sport and recreation; and/or
- young New Zealanders participating in sport and recreation.
3.6 Partnering
3.6.1 How successful have funding relationships been between the organisation and its funders? (for example, include information regarding how the organisation has achieved outcomes that were sought through funding, any funder that the organisation has preferred provider status)
3.6.2 How well has the organisation partnered with other organisations (either non-sport or recreation-related or from a different sporting / recreation code)?
Supporting documentation:Please provide evidence of:
- the organisation’s partnership with other sport and/or recreation organisations;
- the success of partnerships (e.g. the outcomes that are unlikely to have been achieved individually).
3.7 Sustainability
3.7.1 What other sources of sustainable incomedoes the organisation receive?
/ Membership/ Lottery Funding
/ Community Trusts
/ Other government funding (excluding Sport NZ or HPSNZ)
/ Health organisations
/ Local Authorities
/ Sponsorship
/ Other (please list) ______
Supporting documentation:
Please provide evidence of the organisation’s sources of income (e.g. audited accounts in an annual report)
Please ensure you have included the following information in your application. If the information is available on your website, please provide a link to the information.
Mandatory criteria
/ guiding vision / mission as relating to its role/ current legal status
/ compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code*
/ acceptance of the Sports Tribunal*
/ audited / verified financial reports for the previous three financial years
/ current strategic plan
/ list of current Board members and terms
/ rules / constitution relation to Board appointments
/ management structure
/ information management system and the data collected
Evaluative criteria
/ establishment as a national body/ affiliation process
/ membership numbers and spread
/ affiliation to an international body
/ affiliation to the New Zealand Olympic Committee*
/ goal or plan to increase participation
/ independently collected participation figures for the past three years
/ world rankings for the top-16 athletes for the past three years*
/ evidence of your talent identification and development plan*
/ evidence of other support for high performance athletes*
/ contribution to the number of adult New Zealanders participating in your sport or recreation code
/ contribution to increasing the numbers of volunteers in sport and recreation
/ partnership with other sport and/or recreation organisations
/ the success of funding partnerships
/ other sources of income or funding
* If applicable
[1]If an organisation identifies itself as a recreation organisation here, it will only be eligible for funding that is relevant to recreation outcomes.
[2] “Independently collected” means data that has been collected by the organisation, not data that Sport NZ has collected (e.g. through Active NZ and Young People’s surveys).
[3]Not applicable for recreation organisations.