Louisville, KY Branch
“Notes from the President” – Susan Baker
On Saturday morning, August 26, many from our branch gathered at the Frazier Museum for a great celebration of Suffrage. It was inspiring to gather with 250 women and men to celebrate the nineteenth amendment to the constitution. Our Louisville Branch was represented by women involved in many aspects of our community beyond AAUW. We have representatives in CEDAW, the League of Women Voters, the Patty Smith Hill Birthday Project, AAUW-University of Louisville, the Ky Coalition for Reproductive Rights, KUNA-USA and other groups. Just as women's groups joined together to achieve women's suffrage we are finding today that we can accomplish more when we collaborate for a common mission, empowering girls and women.
We are working together so that by 2020, the one hundredth anniversary of women's suffrage, the women and men of our community will have even more to celebrate!
Before 2020, our Branch is planning a one hundredth anniversary of its own. In 2018 we will be one hundred years old! We are working on a history, including short memoirs, and planning a way forward! We can use your help!
Pictured are members Jean Gordon, Ginny Copenhefer, Gail Henson, Peggy Ray, Megan Burnett, Susan Baker, Jamieca Jones, Carolyn Diener and Emily Boone. Other members present were Faye Dykstra, Sarah Riggle and Marsha Weinstein. The speakers were Dee Pregliasco, LWV president and organizer of the event, Bobbie Holsclaw and and a very enthusiastic Allison Lundergan Grimes. The morning ended with a rousing rendition of 'We Are Woman' led by Susan Stivers.
We are strong! We are invincible!
International Relations Programs
Rose Mary Toebbe reportsthat the 2017-18 schedule of exciting and educational programs is all set (see attached) and begins on
Wed. October 4, with our own Jan Arnold sharing her experiences in the first African American Education program in Sierra Leone, Africa.
When: 1st Wednesday of each month (no meeting in January)
Place: Treyton Oak Towers – Coffee 10:30am – Program 11:00 am
Lunch: To reserve call Lawrence Toebbe 459-6119 by noon Monday
Cost: Lunch is $10.00 and is optional.
Education Programs
EMILY BOONE, a Lifetime AAUW Louisville Branch member will be presenting -
India and the Future of Our World
Emily spent extensive time in India this summer and has wonderful stories and adventures to share. Join us at the U of L Alumni Club.
Guests are welcome.
Saturday, October 14 10:30am to 12:45pm
Brunch: Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Bread, Fresh Fruit, Salad, Juice
$20.00 total price per person.RSVP by Oct. 7
- Faye Dykstra 502-245-8172
- Make check out to AAUW and write Oct. 14 on memo line.
- 204 Beckley Woods Drive Louisville, KY 40245-4612
Global Classroom Model UNA and Global Impact Award
At the recent 95th Anniversary of Alpha Kappa Alpha Eta Omega Chapter, Teena received their "Global Impact Award". Congratulations Teena!!!
Pictured are: Teena Halbig, her husband, Eddie, and longtime friend, Brenda Mayfield.
Teena Halbiggave classes to high school students about the United Nations structure, globalization, etc., as well as to teachers about holding Classroom Model UNs. Teachers were also members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Eta Omega Sorority. There is an agreement between national offices of UNA-USA and AKA Eta Omega Sorority to work toward holding Classroom Model UNs.
July 20: 2nd annual summer luncheon & Space Trek Camp fundraiser at Faye’s home
- Faye Dykstra reports:
On July 15, 2017, I attended the Sixth Annual Space Science Camp for Young Women at the Space Science Center at Morehead State University. 24 young women graduated, making this a total of 123 graduates since the inception in 2012. In addition to members of MSU, guest speakers included a video voice message from Jenean Hampton, Lt Governor of KY, and a live two way video presentation from Judy Sandrock, the Joint CEO of MEDO Space in South Africa. Participants shared their reflections by individually coming forward and giving their feedback and observations to the audience. The program emphasizes “Your voice is your power.”
One of the most exciting activities shared by the participants was launching the spacebot into outer space from the roof of the science center. SpaceTrek has been so successful that the MSU freshman class in space science has grown from 8-11% young women to 30-33% in the coming year.Scientists holding a BA degree in Space Science are part of a growing field without unemployment.
Individual camp sponsors are critical to the continuation of thisSpaceTrek program and the AAUW Louisville Branch Member Fundraiser is significant to the program’s success. Other AAUW individual members throughout the state, as well as the Ashland, Bluegrass Central, and Louisville branches, contribute to Space Trek. The 7th Camp will be July 6-14, 2018 – with a $500 per student fee (an increase from $250 for the past 6 years).
Saturday, August 5: Indiana University SE Cultural Center
- CeelieChilko reports:
On August 5, AAUW members traveled to the Center for Cultural Resources, located at the IUSE library.The Center is a valuable resource for students, teachers, and anyone involved in diversity education.AAUW member Carolyn Diener and her colleague Claudia Crump have put this remarkable Center together almost single-handedly. It is quite an achievement.
Carolyn was on hand to show us the Center's 120+ resource kits that are available to be checked out from the library. She then gave a presentation on notable Indiana women, some of whom we know and others we heard about for the first time.On her invitation, we then headed to the home of the Center's co-founder, Claudia Crump, to view her unique Japanese gardens.The outing ended with a delicious lunch at the Onion Asian Restaurant.
AAUW U of L Student Chapter Report-Jamieca Jones
The students are working on recruitment by tabling and hosting interest meetings which have gained a lot of interest from students.
They’re also starting a new initiative on Campus with the Women’s Center – Tampon Task Force
Students approached The Women’s Center with concerns about the lack of access to personal hygiene products on campus, and needing to either beg strangers for tampons in the case of emergencies or leave class. In response, a personal hygiene product drive was held on campus in Spring 2017. With the generous support of students, faculty and staff, they were able to collect more than 700 personal hygiene products! In order to expand this initiative, the Tampon Task Force was created to provide personal hygiene products for students on campus. Students/organizations are asked to be a part of the TTF to help collect donations and get the support of departments to maintain a basket of supplies. There has been a buzzing interest already growing about this!
Lunch Bunch
Get to know each other at lunch at different
restaurants throughout the metro.
Usually meets on the 4th Friday of each month.
- Friday, September 22 at 12 noon Yoki Asian Buffet 1700 Aliant Ave. This is in what was Hometown Buffet. beside Ruby Tuesday off ofBlankenbaker& Bluegrass Pkwy. and I-64
- RSVP with Evelyn Vance 502 - 245-0670
- Friday, October 27 at 11:30am Jack Fry’s 1007 Bardstown Rd (corner of Bardstown and Highland Roads). Entrance and parking is on the side of the restaurant.
- RSVP with Rose Mary Toebbe 502 – 459-6119
- Friday, November 24 at 12 noon (to be determined)
- RSVP with Jan Arnold 502 - 614-4216
No luncheon scheduled in December
- Friday, January 26 at 12 noon Brasserie Provence 150 N Hurstbourne Pkwy (in Forum Shopping Center with Lucky’s Market)
- RSVP with Jean Gordon 502 – 618-2174
Louisville AAUW Christmas Party – Rose Mary Toebbe
Rose Mary Toebbe and her husband Lawrence always host the wonderful Christmas Party for AAUW members and their guests in this most lovely of Holiday venues in Louisville. Rose Mary and Lawrence begin decorating in October and you must come and share their Christmas Spirit!!!
This is also a membership recruitment event.
Bring a dish for pot-luck lunch, such as finger sandwiches, hot casserole, nuts, relishes, desserts….
Saturday, December 9 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Rose Mary Toebbe’s Home 1211 Summit Ave. (between Eastern Pkwy and Barret Ave) 459-6119
Please welcome our special entertainment, courtesy of Rose Mary Toebbe
Mike O”Bryan, “The Accordion Guy”
The “Accordion Guy” is great with his talent and personality. He plays all kinds of music – from folk to swing to wonderful oldies from such movies as LILY, SOUND OF MUSIC, etc. He was the accordionist for the Louisville Ballet's production of Shakers, and he provides music for the city of Louisville's Summer scene and Winter scene programs. Mike has also been a popular feature on the Bardstown Road Aglow trolley. Enjoy the Accordion Guy, and as always, guests are welcome.
Special Interest Groups
Anyone is welcome to join one of the Special Interest Groups, by contacting the name below:
- Literature Group – a book club which meets monthly on Monday mornings
- Evelyn Vance: 502-245-0670
- Supper Club – group that eats out last Saturday of each month
- CeelieChilko (H) 896-8132 (C) 502-544-6039
- Dining Out - 2nd Saturday of each month at various restaurants in the Louisville area
- Pam Steffen: 502 - 459-4934
Check out our website: and our Facebook page.
Thank you to the members of the Leadership Team, who have agreed to continue their positions for one final year – until June 2018. Hope we’ll have members who are willing to become engaged and to lead our organization next year!
If you have anything you’d like to contribute for future newsletters, please contact:
Jean Gordon 502-618-2174
Chair: Rose Mary Rommel Toebbe
Place: Treyton Oak Towers – Coffee 10:30am – Program 11:00 am
Lunch: To reserve call Lawrence Toebbe 459-6119 by noon Monday
Cost: Lunch is $10.00 and is optional.
October 4, 2017: “1981 AFRICAN AMERICAN EDUCATORS PROGRAM” Speaker, Jan Arnold. Jan talks about her experiences in Sierra Leone, where she visited as a member of the only African American Educators set up through AAUW in 1981. Fascinating.
November 1, 2017: “CAN IT GET ANY MORE CHALLENGING – OUR COUNTRY AND OUR WORLD IN 2017” Speaker, Roy Martin.
We welcome one of our favorite speakers back to talk about his view on our current events.
December 6, 2017: “SHAKESPEARE BEHIND BARS” Speaker, Matt Wallace.
Matt is an uplifting, dynamic speaker, and the director of Shakespeare in Central Park. A Bowling Green native, Matt also works with groups to help at-risk populations. Come to hear an interesting program.
February 7, 2018: “ORIGINS OF LOUISVILLE ORIGINALS” Speaker, Steve Wiser.
Hear origins of such companies as Poppa Johns, Louisville Slugger, Humana, KFC, and Pappy Van Winkle's Bourbon, which is the most expensive bourbon in the world. Steve, an architect, has written articles for THE COURIER-JOURNAL and has also been on TV. He is always one of our most interesting speakers.
March 7, 2018: “MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF MERRIWEATHER LEWIS” Speaker, Jim Holmberg
After hearing Jim debate if it was murder or suicide, you can decide for yourself. Jim is Curator of Special Collections at the Filson Historical Society.
April 4, 2018: “DARK HIGHWAYS – LOVE, MURDER, AND REVENGE” Speaker, Ann Dangelo. This is a fascinating true story of a well-liked and beautiful widow who was murdered by a powerful politician – the Lt. Governor of Kentucky. This story of two murders in 1936 received national attention. Ms. Dangelo is an author.
May2, 2018: “SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE” Speaker, Leah Bayens.
Leah is the young Director of the Wendell Berry Farming Foundation Center which partners with a Kentucky college in studying agriculture and farming. Wendell Berry's daughter is the founder of this organization, and Wendell is the adviser and an active board member. Wendell Berry is a well known Kentucky writer and poet.
June 6, 2018: “TALES OF THE TRAILS” Speaker, Jeanne James.
Jeanne walked the Road of Pilgrims in northern Spain, a road that pilgrims from all over Europe travel along the way of St. James. The “shell” symbolizes the foot path along the road. Jeanne will tell us of her adventures walking 500 miles in the north of Spain.
AAUW Branch Newsletter Fall 2017