Planning and Control
Group A-Cl: Professor Stefano Baraldi; Professor Antonella Cifalinò; Group Co-I: Professor Marco Albertoni; ProfessorMassimo Memmola; GroupI-Po: Professor Paola Sacco; Professor Alberto Pogna; Group Pr-Z: Professor Paola Sacco; Professor Andrea Cioffi
The course is aimed at the pursuit of the following objectives:
- to define the purposes of planning and control systems;
- to evaluate the contribution supplied by such systems to the activity of managing a business;
- to understand the means for using instruments (analytical accounting, budgets, reporting systems) needed for running planning and control systems;
- to analyse the planning algorithms for management in the short term.
Module I: Costs and management decisions in the short term.
The role of the planning and control processes in a company.
The planning algorithms (incremental or marginal) for management: the differential analysis and the analysis of break-even.
Module II: Analytical accounting systems.
The management accounting system: purpose and organisation.
The criteria for designing and developing analytical accounting systems. The definition of the calculations. The choice of cost configuration. Method for cost calculations.
III Module: The budgeting and reporting system.
The development of the budgeting concept; the structure and the organisation of the master budget; the organisational scope of the budgeting process. The structure of the reporting system and analysis of variances. Management by objectives.
S. Baraldi-A. Cifalinò-P. Sacco (compiled by), I sistemi di programmazione e controllo, Giappichelli, Turin, 2011.
S. Baraldi-A. Cifalinò-P. Sacco, Esercizi svolti di programmazione e controllo,Giappichelli, Turin, 2013 (fourth edition -revised reprinting).
Lecturesand assignments, use of Blackboard platform.
Student will be graded on the basis of: a) a written test (30-40 minutes); and b) an interview to be conducted only with respect to students passing the written test. The test and interview may cover one or more topics studied, and must be taken and passed during the same examination session. All students must take the exam with the group to which they are assigned.
Students attending class on a regular basis will be given the possibility of being graded based on two written tests (a mid-term test and a final test); students can sign up for the two tests on the Blackboard, and they must pass both written tests to pass the course. Otherwise, they will need to take the exam during the ordinary examination session, with the written test and interview described above.Information about the mid-term and final tests will be communicated in class and made available on the Blackboard at the start of the course.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.