February 6, 2012*Announcements*
- Today for lunch will Hot Dog, Vegetable, fruit and milk
- Sophomores and Juniors: If you took the PLAN Test you will get your results on Thursday, February 9th during your lunch period. Get your lunch and go to the library.
- Attention Seniors: Mrs. Mills will be in the Guidance Office on February 9 and 16 to help you with FAFSA. If you have late arrival, study hall, or early dismissal you may sign-up in the Guidance Office to meet with her.
- There will be a FREE Financial Aid Workshop for anyone planning on attending college during the 2012-2013 school year, on Saturday, February 11, 2012 from 1-3 pm at the Ohio Christian University in the Maxwell Library. To reserve seats or for more information call Wes Brothers at 477-7757 or Christy Mills at 474-5383.
- Information and applications are available in the Guidance Office for junior girls interested in being considered for Buckeye Girls State, June 10-16, 2012. Applications should be returned to the Guidance Office no later than 12:30 pm on February 13, 2012 to be considered. Applications should demonstrate an interest in government.
- Seniors, applications for the following scholarships are available to pick-up in the Guidance Office:
-Pickaway County Farm Bureau
-Pythian Sisters of Ohio
-Motorcyclist Memorial Foundation
- The Prom Committee is sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner on February 10th during the boy’s basketball game which is Parent’s Night. Advance tickets are on sale for $5 or pay $7 at the door. Dinner consists of Spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert & drinks and will be sold from 4:00 to 7:00. Purchase tickets from Mrs. Wippel in the ISR room. Make checks payable to Westfall High School and support your prom!!
- Last Thursday Night Westfall Girls Bowling Team Defeated Circleville Girls by 40 pts. Westfall Boys played great, but were defeated by Circleville. Nick Knue bowled his high game of 268. They will be playing against Logan Elm tonight at 5pm and Huntington on Tuesday at Shawnee Lanes in Chillicothe.
- The school newspaper, The Echo, will be for sale for 25 cents during 5a lunch or in Mrs. Kern’s room today.
- Seniors, applications are available in the Guidance Office for the following scholarship: The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio.
- Names are posted outside of the Guidance Office of those students who meet the GPA requirements for NHS. If your name is on the list, please pick up an application from Mrs. Joyce.
- Luke Berger and Gage Rowe both received a 1 Superior rating for their Snare Drum Solo performances at the O.M.E.A. Solo & Ensemble Competition last Saturday at Pickerington North High School. Congratulations!
- Congratulations to all choir and band students who participated in Solo and Ensemble this past Saturday!
- Would you like to win a container of heart-shaped candy in time for Valentine’s Day? Come to the Library and be the one who is the closest without going over in guessing the correct number of hearts! Remember, you cannot guess the same number that someone else has written down. One entry per day in the library. The winner will be announced Monday, February 13. Good Luck!
- AFTERMATH will meet on Tuesday at 2:45
- FCA meets after school from 3-4. Next Monday, we will have our Valentines Party. Mrs. Kim Davey will be joining us. Hope you can join us too!