Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church & Preschool
13145 S. Blackbob Road ● Olathe, KS 66062 ● 913-780-6023●www.bslcks.org
Connecting People to Jesus as we gather, grow and go.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU Help Vicar-elect Kapels get to know each of you. You should have received an email ek with an attachment entitled “Getting to Know You.” Each family is asked to fill one of these forms out and email it back to the church office. Please also attach a current family photo so we can insert into the form. If you do not have a current picture we can take one for you at church for the next few weeks. If you do not have email or wish to fill out a paper copy, there are forms located in the narthex. Please return this information by Sunday, August 4th. We would appreciate your quick response!
BLOOD DRIVE – Sunday August 4th
Blood is a precious commodity with a limited shelf life. Red blood cells must be used within 42 days. Platelets must be used within five days. Plasma can be frozen and used for up to one year. Please help Community Blood Center to insure that this precious commodity is being adequately provided to our local hospital patients. Donate blood at the upcoming blood drive held at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Sunday, August 4 from 8:00 am to 11:30 am. To make an appointment on-line go to www.esavealifenow.org and use sponsor code beautifulsavior1. You may also contact Carol Vandenberg at 913-406-6303 or .
HELP NEEDED Are you looking for something to volunteer for here at Beautiful Savior? Janette Copeland and Bobbi Boxler have done a marvelous job over the past several years putting together the baptismal banners but would like to step down. The process is easy and requires cutting, using the die cut machine, and ironing. It is a lovely gift to give to children as they are baptized. If you are interested, please contact Debbie Seutter in the church office (913-780-6023 or ). Thank you!
WINGFIELD FAREWELL Please join us NEXT SUNDAY, July 28 at 9:20 am as we say farewell to Vicar Wingfield, Vickie and Vanessa. The fellowship board will be providing breakfast that morning. Please make plans to be here to enjoy some fellowship time with them before they move back to the seminary for their last year.
WELCOME GIFT CARD SHOWER Please welcome Vicar Kapels, his wife, Mel, and their children as they as they begin their vicarage year with us beginning August 11th.. We invite you to shower them with a welcome gift. Consider giving them a gift card to your favorite grocery store, department store, restaurant or local family attraction. Place your gift or card of welcome in the gift box in the narthex. We will be presenting these gifts to the Kapels during a welcome event on August 11th. If you have any questions please contact any member of the Fellowship Board:- Alison Willey, Charlotte Hundley, Janette Copeland, Diane Curtin, or Debbie Newman.
KIDS (BOTH YOUNG AND OLD) Don't forget to eat your Sunday morning breakfast this summer! Doughnuts will not be offered during fellowship during the summer months. Doughnuts will resume on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month in September.
LUTHERAN FAMILY RETREAT This year’s theme is “Quenched by the Water” and will be held at Webster Conference Center in Salina, KS, August 2-4. Fantastic outdoor activities include a 5 acre lake with canoes and paddle boats; climbing wall and zip line course; the Fly - high challenge course; Frisbee golf; swimming pool; air rifle & archery target ranges; volleyball; tether ball; nature trails; sand play areas; and recreational activities for all ages. Retreat fees are $80 per person (children under 3 are free). Information flyers are located in the narthex and have other pertinent dates and information. Please grab one if you are interested.
MID-YEAR DONATION/OFFERING STATEMENTS Donation statements for the first six months of 2013 have been prepared. Each congregational member with an Offering Envelope will have a statement @ 6/30/13 sealed in an envelope and placed in their Narthex mailbox on or about July 19th. Please note that all pledges from the Consecrated Steward program last winter have been entered into the computer with an effective date of 3/1/13. After reviewing the statement, if you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Marc Splittgerber (phone - 780-6023 or email - ).
BOOKS AVAILABLE CPH is offering a series of books entitled “5 Things You Can Do…” Each book addresses a different topic. CPH is offering them at half price – just $4.00 per book! The display with samples of these books is located in the narthex. There is also an order form and a sheet that lists all the titles that are available. If you wish to place an order, please fill out the form and place it with your payment in the envelope provided with the display.
CHRISTIAN BURDETT is finishing up his mission trip in India. He sent an email update and this was forwarded with your “Info As You Go” email this week. There are also paper copies in the narthex. Keep Christian in your prayers for safe travels back to the states
CHIEFS TICKETS Pioneer Trail Junior High in connection with our Snack Pack program is offering reduced ticket prices for four specified Chiefs football games. The information and order forms are located on a clipboard in the narthex.
ROCKIN’ SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL – This week the children are learning about how the Lord Has Miraculous Power Over All. The will be exploring John 2, when Jesus turned water into wine, His first miracle. Our Education Hour offerings are currently being collected for Lutheran Malaria Initiative. For more information about LMI visit lutheranmalaria.com. Rockin’ Summer Sunday School Teachers needed in August. Please see the display in the narthex to sign-up.
BASIC Do you want to enrich your Bible understanding? Do you want to grow in your faith? Do you want to get to know your fellow church members better? Do you enjoy small group settings? Perhaps the BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) program would be just what you are looking for. Multiple small groups are meeting each month in members’ homes. Additional members are always welcome. If you are interested in learning more about BASIC and are considering participating, simply contact Christy Stapf at (913) 839-1116 or e-mail her at .
FULL DAY PRESCHOOL Did you know that we now offer 5 full days a week of Preschool for 3-5 year olds from 8:30-3:00? Tell your friends and neighbors and help us spread the word about this exciting new class! Preschool and MDO classes are filling up quickly. If you or someone you know is interested in securing a spot, please contact Amy Schultz in the Preschool office at 780-6889 or email the office at . We are excited for the upcoming year and want as many children as possible to be able to join us in the ministry here. Your word of mouth is our best advertisement, so thank you for helping us spread the word.
DO YOU NEED A CHECK-UP? I mean a check-in with your secret sister? If you had not had a chance to do so, why not make sure you drop off a note, card, or small gift in your secret sister’s mailbox to let them know you are thinking of them and praying for them? Remember “we must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another, and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.” (Lucy Mack Smith) Any questions or updates to your information, please contact Jana Holle at 913-302-1426 or .
LUTHERAN SERVICES GOLF BENEFIT This year's golf tournament for Metro Lutheran Ministries will be held on Friday, September 27th at The Golf Club at Falcon Lakes in Basehor, Kansas. The tournament is in a four-player scramble format, and individual entry is $100, with four player team entry at $360. Early entry rates end on September 16th. There is a $5,000 hole in one prize and two $100 gift certificate prizes. Sponsorship opportunities are Par Level - $100 (sponsor a hole), Birdie Level - $500 (sponsor a hole plus two registrations) and Eagle Level - $1,000 (sponsor a hole plus 4 registrations). Last year BSLC fielded two foursomes. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Bob Welsh (home phone 768-8659 or email ).
SCHOOL DAYS ARE COMING SOON! During the month of July we'll be collecting supplies for children in the Olathe School District. Watch for the school supply sales this month and pick up a few extra items: backpacks, binders, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, markers (water-based, odorless), glue sticks, blunt scissors, rulers, pocket folders, etc. Lists are available by the donation box. Place your donations in the large wooden box throughout the month. Contact Joyce Webber or Gina Raetzel if you have any questions
TWIN SHEETS NEEDED The Salvation Army is in need of twin sized bed sheets. They have 10 rooms with 4 beds in each room. They can be new or used. You can place them in the wooden box in the narthex.
THANK YOU for donating your change to Advice and Aid Pregnancy Centers to change a life. Beautiful Savior's generous coin drive has totaled $1,039.83 to date! Your help in serving our clients is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your support.
Sunday, July 21
8:00 am – Worship w/ Communion
9:30 am – Education Hour
10:45 am – Worship w/ Magruder baptism
6:00 pm – Evening Worship
6:00 pm – Faith on the Farm @ Matterns
7:00 pm – Church Council
Monday, July 22
1:00 pm – Staff Meeting
7:00 pm – Myth Buster’s Class
Tuesday, July 23
9:30 pm - Organist Practice
Wednesday, July 24
6:30 am – Men’s Breakfast Bible Study
9:30 am – Organist Practice
7:00 pm – Youth Hangout
Sunday, July 28
Vicar Wingfield’s final Sunday
8:00 am – Worship
9:00 am – Wingfield Farewell Breakfast
9:30 am – Education Hour
10:45 am – Worship w/ Communion
6:00 pm – Evening Worship w/communion
This guide is provided to help you prepare for next Sunday. Use it individually or with your family. Also included is a verse of Scripture to commit to memory to help you in your witness to your family, friends, and co-workers. It’s very simple…read the verse, reflect on the questions, say the Scripture to remember, and pray. Enjoy your time in the Word.
Monday: Genesis 18:17-23 – How many times did Abraham pray that the city of Sodom would not be destroyed?
Tuesday: Col. 2:6-15 – What did the Lord do to rulers and authorities here?
Wednesday: Luke 11:1-13 – How did the Lord show that he answers our prayers?
Thursday: Isaiah 29:17-24 – What shall happen to the deaf and the blind?
Friday: II Corinthians 3:4-11 – What does the letter and the spirit do?
Saturday: Mark 7:31-37 – What miracles did the Lord perform here?
Scripture to remember: Col. 2:6
Those celebrating Birthdays this week:
July 21 Mason Hughes
July 23 Kyle Krull
July 27 Traci Scheumann
Liesl Jensen
Martin Stevens
Those celebrating Anniversaries this week:
July 24 Dick & Sharon Cahill
July 25 Kyle & Gretchen Krull
Our Stewardship Last Week (0714/13)
Worship Attendance 386
Education Hour Attendance: 145
Our Gifts for the Lord’s Work:
Sunday Offering $21,377.99
Sunday School Offering $66.20
Need to contact someone on the Church Staff?
Church Office – 913-780-6023
Joel Schultz, Senior Pastor
Mike Ada, Associate Pastor
Bill Wingfield, Vicar
Pastor Carlton Kjergaard, Visitation Pastor 913-780-5468
Debbie Seutter, Senior Administrative Assistant
Lynn Kosberg, Assimilation/Education Assistant.
Marc Splittgerber, Business/Financial Assistant
Amy Schultz, Preschool Director
Christy Stapf, Preschool Office Asst. .
Deb Miller, Organist
Leigh Frith, Adult choir/hand bell director