Community Engagement Forum – May 10th, 2018
Steps of the Town’s Decision Making Process
The Forum began with a potluck supper and was followed by activities to establish shared values such as enjoying and protecting the natural environment, protecting the unique culture of Nederland, strategic community development and kindness.
Then the group of twenty Town residents and staff participated in an interactive exercise in which the group followed the steps of municipal decision making, beginning with a hypothetical situation: A Nederland residentis requesting a permit to install a wind turbine on his private property. The exercise used the example situation and an interactive narrative following the State mandated steps the Town of Nederland follows from inquiry to final Board of Trustee approval of a project.
Step 1: Application – Applicant submits an application to the Planning and Zoning Department. Resident Response:
- I request, “Town Staff have adequate work space to comfortably discuss application details with residents.”
- I feel, “Town Staff does a lot more then residents know.”
- I feel, “Town Staff was responsive when I applied to build on my property.”
- I observe, “The public is frustrated with the town’s process of decision making.”
- I need, “More information regarding the early steps of the decision process.”
- I request, “A way to explore development or public projects without paying a fee or a formal process.”
- I request, “Taco parties and/or pot luck socials regularly to encourage community.”
- I observe, “Efforts of the new administration to use social media to share information.”
Step 2: Public Notice of Upcoming Hearing. Response:
- I observe, “The general public doesn’t know when or how they are allowed to submit input in writing.”
- I observe, “Because of the process, staff is overburdened by projects that may never be approved.”
- I need, “More time to respond to proposals after packet is released.”
- I request, “That the website be made more user-friendly to find calendars and agendas.”
Step 3: Due Process by Town Staff. Response:
1. I feel, “There should be an assistant to aid with research and public noticing.”
2. I observe, “A great amount of effort and timing going into meeting prep and agenda building.”
3. I feel, “Staff can share meeting agendas on town Facebook page regularly.”
4. I request, “The agendas be posted on a designated board at the community center.”
5. I request, “Town provide an easily accessible agenda for the BOT and that it’s posted on NedHeads.”
Step 4: Posting of Board Packet. Response:
1. I feel, “There isn’t enough time to make comments once the packet is published.”
2. I request, “A phone-app for notifications.”
3. I feel, “The BOT is least informed of projects at the PC point of the process.”
Step 5: Initial Public Hearing or Action Item. Response:
1. I request, “That Quasi-judicial items be posted on the agenda packet.”
2. I feel, “Like you are all doing a great job.”
3. I feel, “I wish we could do what feels right, not what is the ‘rules’.”
4. I need, “Meetings to end before 9:30pm.”
5. I need, “To understand how to interact meaningfully with a board.”
6. I need, “Meetings to run efficiently and according to agenda.”
Step 6: Recommendation (or not) to continue hearing at the BOT level. Response:
1. I observe, “The public may be unaware the PC only makes recommendations not decisions.”
2. I feel, “Cautious about opening online dialogue with the BOT.”