(Informative, reflecting the core content, consisting of 5-15 words)
Author’s name
(written without education degree)
Name of faculty and university/affiliation
Author’s email
Abstract is written in italics in proper English with a maxiumum of 300 words. Abstract briefly explains the background of the issue raised in your paper, and then followed by one or two problem statement(s) related to business competition. Describe how the problem(s) will be addressed in your paper!
Keywords: put 3-5 important words known as concepts in business competition!
It contains background on selected issues on business competition that will be stated as the core problem(s) in your paper. Show a systematic identification of the problem(s) so that readers know that the issue(s)are interesting to discuss.
Paper must be written in English, between 5.000-7.000 words. Headings should be left margin, upper case and bold.
Prior to the analysis to address the problem, you need to derive these problems in a number of concepts. The significance of these concepts should be explained by reviewing the relevant literature. Make sure that all the literature will be stated in the references of this paper!
“Discussion”is a part of your paper that contains the results and analysis done with an emphasis on the answer of the problems. Although it is not a necessity, you can add tables and figures to strengthen your analysis. The tables and figures are placed in the middle of the page.
Table 1:Title of Table
No / Interval / Frequency / % / Category1. / 85 - 100 / 59 / 28.36 / Very Good
2. / 75 - 84 / 93 / 44.71 / Good
3. / 65 - 74 / 37 / 17.78 / Average
4. / 55 - 65 / 19 / 09.15 / Bad
Total / 208 / 100.00
Figure 1:Title of Figure
It contains the answer(s) to the problem(s)previously stated in the introduction of this paper.
Please follow the APA citation (author-date system) and referencing style.