An Introduction to Electronic Medical Records
HIBBs Detailed Specifications
- Identifier (system generated):
- Title: An Introduction to Electronic Medical Records
- Creators/Contributors: Mr. Yashik Singh, Department of TeleHealth, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, and School of Information Systems and Technology, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
- Content Creation Date: 2011
- Publisher: GHIP
- HIBB Repository Publication Date (system generated):July 2011
- Financial Support for Development of HIBB Provided by: Rockefeller Foundation. HIBB developed as part of a pilot project for the Health Informatics Building Block Program
- Language of HIBB: English
- Topic Area: Health Information Systems
- Subject:
1. Electronic medical records introduction
2. Examples of electronic medical records
3. Need for electronic medical records
4. Importance of electronic medical records
- Description of HIBB:
This HIBB presentation is an introduction to electronic medical records. It deals with what electronic medical records are, the disadvantages of paper-based records, examples of electronic medical record systems and how to assess the benefit of a computer-based record system.
- Learning Objectives:
- Define electronic medical records
- Explain what electronic medical records encompass
- Understand why electronic medical records are important
- List examples of electronic medical record applications
- Keywords Describing HIBB:
1. Electronic medical records
2. Change management
3. Technology intervention
4. Paper charts
5. Data entry
- Intended Audience: Students that require an introduction to electronic medical records
- Competencies/Skills that HIBB Addresses: This is an introduction module
- Related HIBB(s). Not applicable:
- Level of Computer/Health Informatics Knowledge Needed to Understand Content of HIBB:
Novice: “I have never done this”
18. Format of HIBB Components. List all Components and Files included in the HIBB Module in Table 1
Table 1: HIBB Components and Files (See example below.)
Component Type / File Name / Type of File / Size of File / Duration/length of componentSlides with instructor notes / Introduction to electronic medical records.ppt / Microsoft PowerPoint / 1.7mb / 16 slides
Audio / Introduction to electronic medical records.wav / wav / 339.72mb / 47 min
Videos that form part of the presentation / VideoOne.mp4, VideoTwo.mp4, / Mp4 / 42mb / 10min
Slides with synchronized lecture / Authorgen Folder / Compressed files / 492mb / 47min
Detailed Specifications / Introduction to EMR spec sheet.doc / Word / 930kb / 2 pages
19. Use of HIBB Content in Prior Training. Provide the following information about the HIBB:
- Training venue(s): University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pilot)
- Type of training: Masters of Medical Science in Medical Informatics, Post graduate diploma in Medical Informatics, BCom- Information systems and technology (Hons)
- Year most recently offered in training: 2011
- Number of times offered in training: 4times
- Approximate number of individuals trained: 37
- Type of individuals trained: university students
- Content not used before: n/a
HIBBs is a program of the Global Health Informatics Partnership ♦