Nutrition Education:
- Teachers talk to students about the basic food groups and what nutrients are in different foods. They explain to them how the foods benefit the body. Cafeterias display posters regarding the benefits of a health lifestyle.
- During the school year we have different speakers and programs on AIDS, Drug Abuse and STD. We also have random drug testing on students who participate in any competitions, athletic or academic.
- Our teachers participate in professional development activities annually.
Physical Education:
1. Physical Education: Activity
A through G: P4 through 6th grade are required to participate in physical education. 7th through 12 is offered as an elective. We are involved in the Cherokee Nation Fitness grant which takes our students BMI at the first of the year and end of the year. Our school co-operates and encourages are students to participate in Little League activities (football, baseball, track, etc.).Recess and Athletics are considered a class or course and are not interrupted for academic purposes.All physical education facilities are fully equipped.All high school students are offered the option of physical education as an elective.Students are engaged in moderate to vigorous activity for 90 to 95 percent of their class time.
2. Physical Education Staffing:
A through B: All physical education instructors are certified.All physical education class size are with in state mandated size.
3. Physical Education: Standards/Requirements:
A through C: All students grades K through 5th receive at least 60 minutes of physical activity each week.Students are encouraged to participate in before and after school physical activities. Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School students are encouraged to participate in Little League activities. Some Middle School and all High School Athletics have practice before and after school when games are not being played.All students PreK through 6th grade will participate in physical education classes unless they have a note from their doctor.
All our playground equipment have met safety requirements.
Establishing Nutrition Standards for All Foods Available on School Campus During the School Day:
1. School Food Services must meet menu planning guidelines, including:
A through J: Our cafeterias are in compliance with all dietary guidelines. Parents are encouraged to come and eat with their child/children.
2. Nutritional Value of Foods and Beverages:
A through K: We strive for our schools to be in compliance with guidelines set by the State Department and USDA.
3. Portion Size:
All entrée and side dish servings are no larger than the portion size required by the Federal School Meal Program.
4. A la carte, Vending, School Store, or Concession Stands:
A through F: We strive to follow all school policies concerning the above items.
5. School Parties, Celebrations, Meetings:
A through D: Students have their parties in the afternoons and parents are encouraged to bring healthy snacks. Teachers are encouraged not to give candy for rewards.
6. Classroom Rewards:
A through C: Food items are not given as incentives for academic awards as a normal reward. No food items are given during meal time. School meals are not used as punishments against students.
7. Access to Child Nutrition Programs:
A through C: All students are given the option to eat our breakfast and lunches. We follow the policy on full price and reduced price students when that student’s breakfast and lunch bill falls in arrears of withholding the meals but providing them with a sandwich, fruit and milk.
8. Qualifications of Food Service Staff:
Our staff members hold a valid health certificate.
9. Food or Beverage Contracts: N/A
Other School-Based Activities Designed to Promote Student Wellness:
1. Scheduling School Meals:
Students are allowed at least 15 minutes for breakfast and at least 15 minutes for lunch.
2. Surroundings for Eating:
There are no minimal nutritional value foods sold or served during student meal services in the cafeterias. Vending machines with minimal nutritional value foods are turned off or locked up before and throughout the allowed mealtime.
3. Marketing of Food and Beverages:
A through D: We do not allow fundraisers that sell food items to be sold during breakfast or lunch times in the cafeterias. Vending machines are turned off during breakfast and lunch.
4. Access to Facilities After School Hours:
All facilities may be used when students are not in session by the Board of Education approval.
5. After School Programs:
A through B: Elementary schools only sale Smart Healthy Snacks during school hours. Unhealthy beverages for Middle School students are sold after school hours.
6. Coordinated School Health Approach:
Each school site has a Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee. Each committee was selected before October 1st of each school year.
7. Community and Family Involvement:
Menus are sent home each month and notes are sent home for events. Athletic events schedules are available at the Administrative office. Parents and relatives are invited to come and join their students for a meal at any time.
8. Staff Wellness:
A through C: Our staff strives to set a good example for our students with physical activity and nutritional meals.
Setting Goals for Measurement and Evaluation:
A through C: Jay Public Schools are staying in compliance with guidelines developed for a healthier lifestyle for our students. We monitor and review our school sites to follow the standards of the Wellness Policy.