Week 6 – Study Guide – ELA 7th

Unit Focus: Elements of Drama; Character Analysis and Development; Comparing Perspectives in Different Mediums; Comparing Historical Perspectives on same topic; Close Reading; Research Skills; and Writing Process;

Guiding Questions:

  • How do we treat those who we perceive to be different from us? How are our behaviors influenced by our experiences?
  • What is communication How do we communicate? Why is communication important? Are words our only method of communication?
  • How has our understanding of disabilities changed through history? How has legislation addressed the rights of the disabled? Has society become more accepting / compassionate towards those with disabilities as a result of these changes?

Assignment / Due Date
  • Introduce and go over New Vocabulary
  • Read “Out of My Mind” Ch. 25 (Pg. 218-227) and Ch. 26 (Pg. 228-238)
  • “Out of My Mind” Packet – Chapter 24/25, today – complete old, also.
  • Writing Trait #4 – Word Choice – Go over rubric and grading for character descriptions.
  • Achieve 3000 – Minimum 75% required to get all points. Achieve 3000 Must be Completed – One paragraph minimum for poll and thought questions.
  • Got a Problem? Send a Tweet (LEAP Challenge)
  • Earthquake in Japan (Bonus)
  • Story Test(100 Points)
  • Mindplay Schedule – coming soon.

  • Read “Out of My Mind” Ch. 27 (Pg. 239-247) and Ch. 28 (Pg. 248-261)
  • “Out of My Mind” Packet – Chapter 26/27, today.
  • Part of 2nd Hour: First time going to library.
  • Read article and find related research on character (pairs).

  • Read “Out of My Mind” Ch. 29 (Pg. 262-265), Ch. 30 (266-276), & Ch. 31 (Pg. 277-282)
  • “Out of My Mind” Packet – Chapter 28/29 & 30, today.

  • Read “Out of My Mind” Ch. 32 (Pg. 283-292) and Ch. 33 (Pg. 293-295)
  • “Out of My Mind” Packet – All through Your Invention, today.
  • Writing Trait #5 – Sentence Fluency.
  • Kahoot! Vocabulary WAR! (and possible Kahoot! bonus WAR!)

  • Story test (100 Points)
  • “Out of My Mind” Packet – complete all for all chapters.
  • Achieve 3000 Must be Completed – One paragraph minimum for poll and thought questions. (25 Points)

Week 6 - 7th Grade Grammar – Learning the 6+1 traits.

  1. Ideas (The main message.) are the heart of the message.

  1. Organization (The internal structure of the piece.) is the internal structure of the piece.

  1. Voice (The personal tone and flavor of the author’s message.)is reader-writer connection – that something that makes a reader feel, respond, and want more.

  1. Word Choice (The vocabulary a writer uses to convey meaning.) is the skillful use of language to create meaning.
  • You must use at least one new vocabulary word in all of your writing – tests, quizzes, and class assignments.

  1. Sentence Fluency (The rhythm and flow of the language.) is the rhythm and beat of the language you hear in your head.

  1. Conventions (The mechanical correctness.). This includes punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage, capitalization, and paragraph indentation. If you do not capitalize the pronoun I, the first word in a sentence, or proper names, I will subtract FIVE points from your CR/ER.

+ 1: Presentation (How the writing actually looks on the page.), and it will determine if someone wants to read your paper or not - this can overshadow your hard work.

Week 6 – Reading Vocabulary Words – ELA 7th

From novel “Out of My Mind” – Figurative Language

literal language / Uses words directly according to their proper meanings.
figurative language / Uses words in figures of speech, non-literally.
hyperbole / Big exaggeration, usually with humor. (Example: mile-high ice-cream cones)
metaphor / Comparing two things by using one kind of object or using in place of another to suggest the likeness between them. (Example: Her hair was silk.)
onomatopoeia / Naming a thing or an action by imitating the sound associated with it. (Example: buzz, hiss, roar, woof)
personification / Giving something human qualities. (Example: The stuffed bear smiled as the little boy hugged him close.)
simile / A figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as. (Example: The sun is like a yellow ball of fire in the sky.)