Minutes to the Meeting
Coleson Cluster Association
Annual Meeting
21 April 2004
Place: Lake Anne Elementary School
7:00 pm: Registration / Reception
7:35 pm: Meeting Called to Order:
Introductory remarks by Manish Nandy. This is an opportunity to discuss our affairs at the Cluster. Manish thanked the residents for their contributions to the wellbeing of the Cluster. They have provided ideas, comments, criticisms that help improve the Cluster.
Introduction of Guest Speaker, Cathy Hudgins
7:35 pm: Cathy Hudgins, Supervisor, Hunter Mill District
Ms. Hudgins provided an overview of some of the issues that affect Reston and Fairfax County. This included information on the budget, taxes, property values, budget cuts, etc. She provided information on special projects such as the Watershed Plan and Dulles Rail Project (DRP).
During the Q&A period, Ms. Hudgins provided information on the Solid Waste strategic plan and it’s possible effects on residential trash collection. She also provided additional information about the DRP. She explained about the Tax Districts and how it determines where the rail stations will be.
Ms. Hudgins reminded the group that the Fairfax County Land Use plan is citizen driven. She encourages participation in the process.
Ms. Hudgins provided a variety of handouts for the meeting.
8:00 pm: Review of the past year--Cluster Highlights and Noted Events
Manish thanked the current Board members, and Michael Coyne and Pat Kane for their participation. He reviewed the general highlights that were identified on the agenda.
8:10 pm: Finances
Will Fraize discussed the finer points about the budget and our financial condition.
Ø Reserve amount is currently $35,000.
Ø 2004 Assessment was increased. The facts state that to maintain our Reserves for major future expenditures, an increase was necessary.
Ø The current budget reflects the assessment increase, $48.75 quarter, or 16%. It is still a deficit budget, spending $5,000 more than our income, due to our checking account balance.
Ø Reserve study: we’ve done an informal evaluation for our assets but we need to consider whether a professional study should be conducted, to be sure we are on track for significant future maintenance requirements.
Ø Bottom line for Reserves: on track but need to manage closely for future events.
Ø An Audit of the financial records will be required this year. It has been five years since the last audit.
As a result of the discussion of our finances the following issues are noted and the Board will consider them for the next year:
1. We should consider replacing the carport siding with new materials that don’t need painting. May reduce long-term expenditures.
2. The Residents request that we consider a way to involve them in the annual budget review, and how to notify them in advance of the proposed assessment increase. This may result in a meeting in the January/February time period, during which Residents can be invited to participate. Or, it may be communicated through the Website or e-mail. Currently, the budget is determined in March, and the notices are issued without warning to the Residents in April, before the Annual Meeting. The Residents want an opportunity to participate and know in advance what increases to expect and for what reason.
3. A chart showing the history of the assessment increases was included in the 2004 Annual Budget financial data.
8:30 Cluster maintenance
Chuck Szczepanski reviewed the maintenance and landscaping highlights of the past year.
1. Carport paint quotation was significantly different than anticipated. We will need to consider painting over a two-year period.
2. Concrete work: A contractor was scheduled to come in the next week to provide an estimate of repairs to some sidewalk areas. Residents who are interested in having work done could also get estimates.
3. Lighting in front of 1604 – finally the lights are in but ineffective. The Electrical Contractor will install different lights to provide better lighting.
The Residents made the following suggestions about maintenance and landscaping issues:
1. Look at “Hardie board” to see if it would be a viable alternative to wood and painting.
2. In front of 1616 there are no lights, no railing. Should be looked at for improvements.
3. Tree work: The company that evaluates the trees should not be the same company as the one that cuts them down. There is a concern about conflict of interest on the part of the contractor.
4. Currently there is no budget for replacing trees that have been removed. We will start budgeting for it in the near future.
5. Leaves build up behind the homes on common Cluster grounds, we want to be sure it is included in the round up for next Fall.
6. The Residents would like to have a periodic cleaning of the carports. The lawn service company will blow them out, after notice is given to the Residents to move their cars.
7. Rachel Teiger generously offered a Japanese willow to the Cluster.
8:45 pm: Future Meeting Dates and Hosts:
The Board would like to thank the following Residents for offering to host the future Board meetings:
7 June 2004 Harahan 1 November 2004 Fraize
13 September 2004 James 7 March 2005 DeCola
4 October 2004 Lanfear 4 April 2005 Lanman
8:50 pm: Nomination and election of Board Members
At the time of the 2004 Annual Meeting, the Current Board of Directors were (noting term expiration):
Manish Nandy, President (2004) * Beth Anne James, Director (2006)
Charles Szczepanski, Director (2005) Jennifer Tomlinson, Secretary (2004) *
Vacancy, Director (2006) **
Ø There are two positions expiring this term (*), plus one vacancy to fill for the remaining duration through 2006 (**).
Ø The Directors appoint the Treasurer, currently filled by Bill Fraize.
Elections were held to fill the open positions. The new Board of Directors are:
Sam Harahan (2007) Beth Anne James (2006)
Charles Szczepanski (2005) Jennifer Tomlinson (2007)
Michael Coyne (2006) **
** Filling the vacancy for the duration of the 2-year term
The Directors asked for a volunteer to act as the Minutes secretary, to take the notes from the meeting and assist with the distribution of information to the Cluster residents.
Melissa Brown generously offered her time. Thank you, Melissa!
9:10 pm: Old Business / New Business
At the end of the review of Cluster business, the meeting opened up to suggestions and general discussion.
1. Suggestion: End of school summertime party for the kids, end of June.
2. Manish urges residents to participate in the Board Meetings. Urges new Directors to communicate with the residents, solicit people’s opinions.
3. Suggestion: Add an additional meeting in January to address future budget issues for the community.
4. Car parking issues: There are continuous issues with parking. These issues will be addressed:
- Visitors and contractors are parking in the yellow zones;
- cars are not tagged or running; some residents have too many cars.
- Other clusters have signs – “Do not park in the yellow zone”.
Based on this conversation, the Board will evaluate actions that can be taken to enforce the parking regulations and By-Laws. For example, establish time frames by which we can issue assessments or enforce towing, and under which conditions. We will need to follow the procedures to change the By-Laws and implement the procedure over course of time, not capriciously. The goal is to ensure that there is parking for everyone and that the regulations are observed.
5. Concern about Non-residents walking through cluster, kids playing with big sticks, etc. What is the liability if they get hurt or if they cause damage?
6. Open forum recommendation. For example: subcommittees can present their ideas for improvements.
7. Question about AquaSource (formerly RELAC), how to change to the metered service, and when they should begin air conditioning service. Information about RELAC will be added to the website.
Adjourned: 9:40
The new Board of Directors met for a brief executive session immediately following adjournment:
Sam Harahan, President (2007) Beth Anne James, Vice President (2006)
Charles Szczepanski, Director (2005) Jennifer Tomlinson, Secretary (2007)
Michael Coyne, Director (2006) **
Melissa Brown will take minutes of the Board of Directors meetings
The Board nominated Will Fraize to continue as Treasurer 2004-2005
The Board will meet again in a few weeks to get acquainted with the current issues and get organized.
A notice will be sent out to the Cluster Residents about the landscaping and assets committees.
Minutes taken and submitted by Jennifer Tomlinson.
Issued to the Board for review: May 16, 2004