2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider


SylvanLearningCenter Local Commercial Provider

Contact information

Name of the Company: SylvanLearningCenter

Address: 4300 NE Fremont , Portland, OR 97213

Street City StateZip

Phone: (503)-249-2855Email:

For further information about the company contact:

Name: Tanya Brame

Address: 4300 NE Fremont Portland, OR 97213

Street City State Zip

Phone:(503)249-2855 Email:

Company’s Representative in Oregon

Contact Information:

Name: Tanya Brame

Address: 4300 NE Fremont Portland, OR 97213

Street City State Zip

Phone:(503)249-2855 Email:

Company Representative in Oregon

The company’s Oregon representative must be available to:

  1. meet with parents and the district, on behalf of the company, to:
  2. describe the program, sign agreements with parents and district personnel
  3. develop and set student goals,
  4. determine timelines for progress
  5. determine frequency of progress reports to parents, teachers and district coordinators

The representative is responsible for arranging for students to receive services


  1. Number of Years with the Company: _5___years __6__months
  1. Describe representative’s role: in district arranged parent recruitment meetings and meetings with parents to set goals, timelines and measures of progress in collaboration with parents: Representative will coordinate with individual site leaders to set meetings, goals, timelines, and measures of progress.
  1. Describe experience, and/or training, to accurately describe SES services, set student goals, timelines and measure student progress in collaboration with parents:

Representative has over 5 years as Director of Education at the SylvanLearningCenter and 2 years experience in working as an SES coordinator for services that include student goals, timelines, measuring student progress and meeting with parents.

  1. Describe services representative will provide in program implementation and technical assistance:

Representative will oversee all site program directors, training and coordination of all services provided on site.

  1. Describe experience and/or training to assist parents and students with any support services provided by the company:

Service representative has received extensive training in program implementation, educational practices, attended all site meetings to assist parents and students, and coordinate with site directors to support and assist parents and students.


2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP


2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider


Service Areas, Capacity for serving students and Content Areas

Name Of District / Grade Levels / Maximum Number Of Students To Be Served In Math / Maximum Number Of Students To Be Served In Reading / Maximum Number Of Students To Be Served In ELD / Total By District
Portland Public Schools / 4 - 8 / 80 / 80 / 0 / 160

Program Sessions

Frequency, Length, Times and Location of Sessions

Average number of sessions:__30_____ Average number of sessions per week__2______

Length of each session:___1 hour______Average Cost of each Session____$46.00______

Times of Service

List specific times - Sessions must not be held during regular school hours.

Afternoon / Evening / Summer
Local District Time: 4 PM / Local District Time: 5PM to 6 PM / Dates: Not applicable

Location of Sessions:

If services will be provided in district facilities complete the following

District (S)
List Each District To Be Served / Name(S) And Contact Information Of Administrator(S) At Each DistrictGiving Permission For Use Of District Facilities
Portland Public Schools / Dunya Minoo(503)916-2000 ext. 4929
Name of administrator telephone number email address


2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP


2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider


Program Description

  1. What languages of instruction are available to students? English
  1. What diagnostic assessments are used? California Achievement Test (CAT) Form A
  1. Approximately how long does the diagnostic assessment take for students to complete? 2 Hours
  1. What assessments are used to determine student progress?California Achievement Test (CAT) Form B
  1. How are student achievement goals measured? Pre and Post testing, as well as interim test for program evaluation
  1. Please briefly describe a typical tutorial session. A session is 1 hr in duration working in an 8:1 student to teacher ratio. Reading instruction would include vocabulary, word analysis, and comprehension. Math would include all areas of computation and concepts and applications.
  1. Describe how the program accommodates students with disabilities, on an Individual Education Plan (IDEA) or a 504 plan.
  2. Describe how the program ensures that the program is aligned with a student’s IEP or 504 plan.

Individual site coordinators would review the student’s IEP or 504 Plan and set goals based on information provided by the IEP or 504 plan and the results of the diagnostic assessment.

  1. Describe how:
  2. the program is aligned with the student’s classroom work.

When possible the student’s classroom work is aligned with the district benchmarks per grade level.

  1. students are informed of their progress

Individual test scores were shared, individual student conferences, and daily feedback.

  1. parents are contacted to report student progress.

Parents are contacted by phone and mail, or face-to-face conferences.

  1. parents are contacted to report student attendance.

Parents are contacted by phone.

  1. student’s teachers contacted to report student progress

Individual site coordinators made contact with individual teachers

  1. Will the student work with the same tutor during each session?

Student would work with the same team of teachers for both reading and math.


Attendance and Achievement Incentives

  1. Attendance Incentives
  2. Describe how students qualify for attendance incentives:

Students are given gift certificates to local stores for 100% attendance during a set period of time, or they could exchange token rewards for items out of our in-house school store.

  1. Describe incentives offered to students to attend sessions:

Token rewards and gift certificates

  1. Achievement Incentives
  2. Describe how students qualify for achievement incentives:

Based on progress at mid-program review students qualify for additional token reward

  1. Describe incentives offered to students to encourage achievement:

Students are rewarded with tokens for consistent effort

  1. Program Completion Incentives
  1. Describe how students qualify for incentives if they complete the program:

Students qualify through attendance, effort, cooperation and completion of all assigned work.

  1. Describe incentives offered to students to complete the program:

The incentives are ongoing and when completed the student can receive a gift certificate from the store of their choice.

  1. Describe any other incentives offered, the purpose of the incentive, how participants qualify for incentive and how participants collect incentive.



2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP


2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider


Required Notification of Progress

Student Progress Reports

Students must be informed of their progress toward meeting Oregon Standards the agreed upon goals.

Please complete the following table.

Languages Used To Communicate Progress / Frequency Of Reports / Content/Format Of Communication To Students
English / Every 15 hours / Individual Student Conference

Parent Notification of Student Progress

Parents must be kept apprised of student progress toward meeting Oregon Standards and the agreed upon goals in a language and format that are easily understood by the parent. Please complete the following table.

Languages Used To Communicate With Parents / Frequency Of Reports To Parents / Content/Format Of Communication To Parents
English / Pre-Testing to Midterm Conferences and Post-testing results / Written Communication, Phone calls, or face-to-face conferences

District and Teacher Notification of Student Progress

Districts and classroom teachers must be kept apprised of student progress toward meeting Oregon Standards and the agreed upon goals. Please complete the following table.

Frequency Of Reports / Content/Format Of Communication
Pre-Test information and midterm follow-up / Written communication form to each teacher

Staff Roster, Criteria for qualifying an instructor, Role of instructor

Name / Title (administrator, certified teacher, instructor) / Qualifications / Current Certification state and date / Expiration date
(if appropriate) / ODE Criminal Records Check Sequence Number
To be determined

Before any SESP employee is allowed to have unsupervised contact with students the SESP must submit to participating district (s):

  1. “Staff Roster”, completed to include ODE Criminal Records Check Sequence Number
  2. Any additional documentation required by a district

Parents must be given a copy of Staff Roster of the instructor serving their student,

Describe criteria the company uses to qualify instructors : 1:1 interviews, reference checks, criminal background checks, and appropriate educational certification

Role of Instructor

Please describe the role of instructors in the program: The instructors will implement the required program material and record attendance, make contact with parents, set goals, be in charge of all pre and post testing, and responsible for reporting to site coordinator.

Student Achievement

Measurable Achievement

All providers must measure student achievement and report progress toward meeting Oregon Standards to parents and the school district

Assessments used to Determine Student Progress:

Name of Assessment / Publisher / Source of Scientific Research stating assessment is valid and reliable / Content area assessed
(Math, Reading English Proficiency) / Grade level assessed with this instrument
California Achievement Test /5 / McGraw-Hill / Administrative Handbook published by McGraw-Hill / Math and Reading / 2 - 12

Student Achievement in Reading and Math

(Record number of students served and the number and percentage of students meeting goals at each grade level.)

Number of students served at each Grade level during SY 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 / Number and % of students meeting achievement goals
Reading / Number and % of students meeting achievement goals
04-05 / 05-06 / 04-05 / 05-06 / 04-05 / 05-06
Grade / Number
served / Grade / Number
served / Grade / # / % / Grade / # / % / Grade / # / % / Grade / # / %
3 - 5 / 42 / 3 - 5 / 3 - 5 / 23 / 84% / 3 - 5 / 3 - 5 / 19 / 83% / 3 – 5
6 - 8 / 54 / 6 - 8 / 21 / 6 - 8 / 30 / 90% / 6 - 8 / 12 / 100 / 6 - 8 / 24 / 89% / 6 - 8 / 9 / 84
9 - 12 / 24 / 9 - 12 / 9 - 12 / 13 / 80% / 9 - 12 / 9 - 12 / 11 / 85% / 9 - 12

English Language Development N/A

2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP


2007-08 Approved Oregon Supplement Education Service Provider


Instruction and Materials

Scientific Research Based Instruction and Materials

NCLB requires that instruction and materials used by providers are based on scientific research. List the person/organization responsible for ensuring all instruction and materials are designed using scientific research. Include contact information to be used in verification of the design. The SES provider assures that the program is based on scientific research. (Do not send the alignment or any extraneous materials with the application. )

Name:Stefani Denner, NCLB Administrator

Address:1001 Fleet Street Baltimore, MD 21201


Phone number:1(800)627-4276 Email address:

Qualifications for determining instruction and materials are scientifically based

Instruction and Materials aligned to Oregon Content Standards

NCLB requires that instruction and materials are aligned to Oregon Content Standards in Reading and Math. List the person/organization completing the alignment process. Include contact information to be used in verification of the alignment. The SES provider assures that the alignment has been done and is available immediately on request by the ODE, a district or parent. (Do not send the alignment or any extraneous materials with the application.)

Name:Tanya Brame, Director of Education

Address:4300 NE Fremont Street, Portland, OR97213


Phone number:503-249-2855Email address:

Qualifications for determining instruction and materials are aligned to Oregon Content and Achievement Standards

30+ years classroom teacher with Portland Public Schools

Child Development Specialist

District Inservice Instructor in math and writing

Graded test for state writing and math benchmark standards

Mentor teacher

Who’s Who in American Teaching

Recipient of math and science awards

Award for Teacher of Excellence from Portland Public Schools

Nominated for Oregon Teacher of the Year

Tanya has reviewed Ace-It! curriculum with current Oregon Standards.

Program Evaluation

ODE is required to monitor all Supplemental Education Service Providers to determine that students receiving services are progressing toward meeting Oregon Achievement Standards. A program evaluation completed by the provider is used, along with evaluation by the district and parents receiving services, to determine that students are making progress. Describe the components and result of the program evaluation currently used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the program.

Program results are collected and evaluated from across the country by the NCLB administrative team in Baltimore, and reported annually to each participant.

Program evaluation components include: GRADE (Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation)

Assessment reports include: Group Score Summary, Individual Score Summary, Parent Report, Group Diagnostic Analysis by type, and Group Diagnostic Analysis by Item.

Areas that are assessed include: Word Reading, Word Meaning, Sentence Comprehension, Passage Comprehension, and Listening Comprehension.

GMADE (Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation)

-same reports generated as with the reading, specific content areas include: Concepts and Applications, Process and Applications, Operations and Computation.

All group scores summary reports indicate for each student: Raw Score, Stanine, Percentile, Grade Equivalent, Standard Score, Normal Curve Equivalent, and Growth Scale Value.

Both the GRADE and the GMADE are both nationally standardized, norm referenced, developmentally based, group or individually administered assessments for pre-kindergarten through adult.

2007-08 Approved Oregon SESP
