Name: ______

Midterm Review – Geometry

PART I.True or False.
If the statement is FALSE, write the word or phrase that will make the statement TRUE.

1.It is possible to have a triangle with sides of 10, 8, and 8.


2.In a triangle, the largest angle is opposite the longest side.


3.If the measure of one acute angles of a right triangle is 54, then the other acute angle is 46.

False: 36

4.If AM = MB, then M must be the midpoint of AB.

False; must be between A & B

5.When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, corresponding angles are complementary.


6.If the legs of a right triangle are congruent, then each acute angle has a measure of 45.


7.Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent.


8.Coplanar points are also collinear.

False; Collinear are Coplanar but not all coplanar are collinear

9.An equilateral triangle is isosceles.


10.On a line, if A is between B and C, then AB + BC = AC.

False; BA + AC = BC

11.An obtuse triangle has three obtuse angles.

False; one

12.SSA is a method to prove a triangle congruent.

False; ASA, AAS, HL, SSS, SAS would work but not SSA

13.The intersection of two planes is a line.


14.The slopes of parallel lines are negative reciprocals of each other.

False; congruent

15.Acute angles are less than or equal to 90.

False; less than

16.All equiangular triangles are equilateral.


17.If two lines have the same slope, then the lines are parallel.


18.If two lines intersect, then they intersect at a point.


19.The acute angles in a right triangle are supplementary.

False; Complementary

20.If two angles are supplements of congruent angles, then the two angles are congruent.


21.All right triangles are congruent.


22.A right triangle has at least one right angle.


23.The hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side adjacent to the right angle.

False; Across

24.All alternate interior angles are supplementary.

False; congruent

25.The base angles of an isosceles triangle are complementary.

False; congruent

26.Skew lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect.

False; not coplanar and don not intersect

27.The slope of a vertical line is zero.

False ; undefined

28.The legs of an isosceles triangle are equal in length.


29.Two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90.


30.The sum of the measures of the angles in a triangle is 360.

False; 180

31.Adjacent angles form a linear pair.

False; Supplementary and Adjacent

32.AA is a method to prove triangles congruent.

False; Similar

33.An isosceles triangle has at least two congruent sides.


34.If a conditional statement is false, then so is its converse.

False; Contrapositive

35.A scalene triangle has no congruent sides.


36.The hypotenuse of a right triangle is the side opposite the right angle.


37.The segment connecting the midpoints of the two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long.


38.The leg of a right triangle is the longest side.

False; hypotenuse

39.Two triangles are congruent if corresponding angles are congruent.

False; Similar

40.The contrapositive of the statement: “If a triangle is isosceles, then it has at least two congruent sides” is “If a triangle does not have at least two congruent sides, then it is not isosceles.”


41.Vertical angles are congruent.


PART II. Multiple Choice.

42. Plane X contains:

A. CE B. Point C C. Point D D. EB

43. Two segments that have equal length are:

A. collinearB. congruentC. coplanarD. perpendicular

44. On a number line, the distance between two points with coordinates –15 and 9 is:

A. 6B. –6C. 23D. –23

45. The statement “If mA = mB, then mB = mA” illustrates which property:

A. reflexiveB. symmetricC. transitiveD. commutative

46. In the conditional statement p  q , the q is called the:

A. hypothesisB. conclusionC. deductionD. converse

47. The inverse of the statement “If it is snowing, then there is no school” is

A.If there is no school, then it is snowing.

B.There is no school if it is snowing.

C.If it is not snowing, then there is school.

D.There is no school only if it is not snowing.

48. The vertex of TRS is:

A. R B. S C. T D. unknown

49. In the plane figure shown, 1 and 2 are:

A. vertical anglesB. nonadjacent angles

C. complementary anglesD. supplementary angles

50. mDEB + mAEB =

A. mBECB. mAEC C. mCED D. mAED

51.If EB bisects AEC, then mCEB =

A. 45B. 90 C. mDEC D. mAEC

52.If m DEC = 35, then m AED =

A. 55 B. 145 C. 125 D. 155

53.If m 1 = 32 and m CED = 58, then 1 and CED are:

A. vertical angles B. complementary angles C. supplementary angles D. obtuse angles

Use the diagram on the right to answer questions 54-56.

54.If j k, then 8 is congruent to:

A. 7 B. 3C.  2D.  1

55.If j k and t  k, then m1 =

A.m2B. m3C. m4 D. all three

56. If j  k and m2 = 115, then 6 is:

A. acute B. right C. obtuse D. unknown

57. The number of right angles in a right triangle is:

A. 0B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

58. The distance between (3, 5) and (9, -3) is:

A. 100B. C. D. 10

59. The midpoint of the segment with endpoints and is:

A. B. C. D.

60. In TQR, m T = 65 and m Q = 35, then m QRT =

A. 80B. 100C. 10 D. 110

61. Determine which set of numbers can be the measure of the sides of a triangle.

A. 7, 4, 3B. 15, 11, 4 C. 24, 68, 43D. 16, 18, 11

62. If m1 = 105, then m4 =

A. 105B. 75C. 95D. 65

63. Which of the following can NOT be used to prove that two triangles are congruent?


64.ABE CBE. In CBA which part of ABE corresponds to BEC?

A. A B. EBAC. BCE D. BEA

For #65-68, Use the diagram to determine the method that can be used to prove ABCEDC.

65. Given BD; BC  DC.


66. Given BC  DC; AC  EC.


67. Given A and E are right angles, BC  DC.


68. Given AB  DE, AC  EC and A and E are right angles.


69. The measure of one base angle of an isosceles triangle is 47. Find the measure of the vertex angle.

A. 86B. 47C. 106D. 53

70. In isosceles DEF, DE = EF. If DE = 3x – 6, DF = 2x + 2, and EF = x + 4, find the length of DF.

A. 7B. 9C. 12D. 5

71.K and J are complementary angles. If m K = 54, find m J.

A. 71B. 161C. 90D. 36

72.P and Q form a linear pair and m P = 62. Find m Q.

A. 62B. 28C. 118D. 90

73. Identify the if-then form of “All tigers are cats.”

A. If the animal is a tiger, then it is a cat.

B. If the animal is a cat, then it is a tiger.

C. If the animal is not a cat, then it is not a tiger.

D. If the animal is not a tiger, then it is not a cat.

74. In ABC, m A = 60 and m ACB = 70. What is the longest side of ABC?

A. unknownB. AC C. BC D. AB

Use the figure on the right for questions 75 – 78.

Write the answer in the blank provided.

75.8 and 6 are ______

A. complementary B. congruent

C. unknown D. supplementary

76. If k  j and m2 = 72, then m4 = ______

A. 108 B. 72 C. 180 D. 910

77. If k j, m9 = 9x + 5, and m8 = x + 35, then x = ______

A. 140 B. 5 C. 14 D. 180

78. Given m10 = 5x + 2 and m6 = 3x + 28, find x so that k  j.

A. 13 B. 12 C. 9 D. 8

79. The measures of two angles of a triangle are 32 and 47. What is the measure of the third angle?

A. 79B. 109 C. 180 D. 101

80. Find the values of x and y so that ABC DEF by HL.

A. x=45, y=12 B. x=45, y=5 C. x=90, y=12 D. x=90, y=13

81. Two sides of a triangle have lengths 14 and 19. Which measurement could be the measure of the
third side?

A. 4B. 6C. 33D. 35

82. What conclusion is justified by the following statements: “If I get a job, then I will save money.” and
“If I save money, then I will buy a car.”?

A. If I get a job, then I will buy a car.

B. If I buy a car, then I will get a job.

C. I can buy a car, if I get a job.

D. If I save my money, then I will buy a car.

83. The contrapositive of r  q is:

A. r  q B. r  qC. r qD. none of these

84. The lengths of the legs of an isosceles triangle are 3x and x + 12. Find x.

A. 18 B. 12 C. 6D. 4

85. An angle has a measure of x. Its complement has a measure x + 10. Find x.

A. 80B. 45C. 50D. 40

86.An angle and its supplement have measures x + 20 and x – 20. Find the measure of each angle.

A. 90o and 90o B. 80o and 100o C. 120o and 60oD. 110o and 70o

87. Find the distance between A and C. Reduce to simplest radical form.

A. B. 3C. D. 2

88. In the figure, if AD = 50, CD = 12, and B is the midpoint of AC, find BC.

• • • •


A. 38B. 19C. 25D. 37

89. What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (-4, 8) and (3, -7)?

A. B. C. -D.

90. Find the slope of the line perpendicular to the line containing points (4,5) and (-2,3).

A. ½B. –1/3C. -3D. 1/3

91. List the sides of STU in order from LONGEST to SHORTEST if the angles of STU have the
indicated measures: m S = x + 6; m T = 2x + 8; and m U = 3x –2.


92. The measures of two vertical angles are 5x–15 and 3x+3. Find x.

A. 14B. 16C. 12D. 9

93. The measures of the angles of a triangle are x – 15, x, and x + 15. Find x.

A. 60B. 55 C. 65D. 45

94.The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle is called the______.

A. baseB. vertex C. hypotenuseD. leg

95. A triangle with no congruent sides is called a(n) ______triangle.

A. equiangularB. isoscelesC. obtuseD. scalene