Minutes for Meeting of November 14, 2012


Ray Strong, Josh Greer, Karen Barnes, Steven Keene, Sara Sinclair, Dorene Stever, Kevin Potter, Kevin Christensen, Adam Anderko, Jerry Peterson, Kimberly Giles, Mark Crane, Greg Delauter, Greg Martz, Mike Nelsen, Peggy Mecham, Susan Thompson, David Hess, Kenneth Swallow, Kurt Robinette, Teri Howick and Marsha Andersen

The meeting was opened at 9:00 a.m. by Kevin Christensen. Excused from the meeting were Janet Bass and Hunter Timbimboo.

A motion was made by Mark Crane and seconded by Sara Sinclair to accept the October 10, 2012 meeting Minutes. Motion carried.

Kevin Potter stated that October first was the beginning of the new grant year and that we need a new project as soon as possible. If used early there is a possibility of getting extra money. Kimberly Giles stated that this amounted to $900 this past year.

Josh Greer told the group about the ammonia response drill that was conducted November 10th in Tremonton. They had good participation from Box Elder County and Cache County, as well as participants from Ogden City. Airmed was also involved. Dorene Stever stated that the communication was excellent.

Greg Martz stated that their next drill will be a rail car incident tentatively scheduled for May 2013.

Josh Greer and Jerry Peterson stated there had been a hazmat spill near the airport at the 365 northbound ramp onto the freeway. Both the driver and a passenger had to be extricated out.

Greg Martz said that 200 acres were burned just across the state line into Idaho one half mile from Portage.

Jerry Petersen informed everyone that Dispatch has really stepped up to the plate with the new Spillman system. Kevin Christensen suggested having the dispatch supervisor give the group a presentation.

Kevin Potter gave an update for Janet Bass that Autoliv is adding 25,000 square feet with six new lines. Two of the lines will be in by January and the others will be completed within 12 months. They are also expanding their shipping and receiving area. This will add 50 new jobs and these will be filled through SOS.

Greg Delauter stated that industrial radios need to be reprogrammed by the end of the year or FCC licenses could be lost. Greg Martz suggested giving the frequencies out to responders. He and Greg Delauter will get together on this issue.

Kenneth Swallow from West Liberty Foods stated they are just completing an 8000 square foot expansion, and they will be adding an additional 34,000 square feet to begin after the first of the year.

Sara Sinclair stated that Van Mund is now on the Health Care Coalition. Also, her office will be moving to the new BRHD office located at 440 W 600 N in Tremonton at the end of the month. They had a meeting with the Southeast Idaho Coalition yesterday, 11/13/12, with over 30 in attendance. Their recovery tabletop on November 8th went very well. They will be having a communication drill next Tuesday, November 20th, at 10:00 a.m. using ham radios, satellite phone and 800 mhz radios. Also, ham radios have been ordered for 16 clinic sites. They are updating their surge plan and hazard vulnerability analysis. Sara also handed out the December 2012/January 2013 Communicator.

Kimberly Giles stated that during a state meeting it was mentioned that Box Elder County has one of the best GIS systems. There is money available for a flow study. She also stated that hazmat plans should be updated. There is a Public Safety Summit May 7th and 8th, the UEMA Conference is January 15th and 16th, and there are more NIMS training dates coming up.

Kevin Christensen passed out a public outreach document. Sara Sinclair suggested sending them out with utility bills. Greg Martz stated that there is a video with this information as well, and he is going to look into locating it. Kevin Christensen suggested possibly putting it on the LEPC website.

Jerry Peterson stated that there is going to be a GIS presentation for fire and emergency personnel on December 6th at the Brigham City Fire Department.

Ray Strong reminded everyone that the Peer Exchange is January 2nd at Ogden Regional Medical Center and that door prize donations can be brought to the next LEPC meeting. If attending you need to RSVP with Tammy Folkman, (801) 778-6686. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. with the meeting starting at 9:00 a.m.

Peer Exchange will be in place of the January LEPC meeting.

Kevin Christensen inquired about the direction everyone thought the LEPC needed to go. It was decided that we need to do better on using the grant money. Also, some presentation suggestions were the DEQ, EPA, UOSHA, and agricultural issues. It was suggested that we have a hazmat amnesty day with the landfill and to have the landfill director do a presentation on what can be taken there.

There was discussion on possible committees; training, community outreach, etc.

It was agreed that the LEPC is a good mix of hazmat/all hazards.

To help streamline the meetings a calendar of upcoming events will be prepared and sent out with the meeting reminder and agenda. If you have events you want on the calendar email Marsha at .

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jerry Peterson with Greg Delauter seconding it. Motion carried.

Next meeting is December 12th.