Many everyday tasks at home naturally encourage using two hands together in a coordinated way. Household objects can be fun toys for younger children, and preschoolers often like to help out at home and do “grown-up” activities.


Ø  playing with pots and pans

Ø  opening/closing containers (jars, Tupperware)

Ø  mixing food in a bowl

Ø  tearing lettuce, peeling an orange/banana

Ø  rolling cookie dough with a big rolling pin

Ø  using an eggbeater

Ø  carrying plates to set the table

Ø  carrying a tray with food

Ø  taking raisins out of a small box


Ø  dressing/undressing

Ø  dressing/bathing dolls


Ø  carrying the laundry basket

Ø  folding laundry (towels, socks, sheets)

Ø  handing clothes to dry with clothes pins

Household Chores

Ø  sweeping with a broom

Ø  washing/drying dishes

Ø  polishing silver

Ø  washing windows or a car with a big sponge

Ø  digging in sand/garden with a large shovel

Ø  vacuuming

Ø  putting a letter in the mailbox

Ø  putting fruit/vegetables into bags at supermarket

Ø  wiping tables

Ø  objects in/out of a bag


Ø  playing with a large ball

Ø  take-apart toys (Duplo, Lego, Megablocks, Poppit Beads)

Ø  rolling playdough between hands or with a rolling pin

Ø  clapping songs, action songs

Ø  musical toys (accordion, castanets, cymbals, piano)

Ø  string beads or macaroni to make a necklace (or Cheerios, pieces of cut-up straws)

Ø  finger painting (shaving cream, pudding)

Ø  folding and tearing paper

Ø  cutting with scissors

Ø  push toys

Ø  T-ball, hockey, golf

Ø  riding a tricycle

Ø  climbing at the playground

Ø  Tug-o-war

Ø  unwrapping presents

Ø  popping bubbles with a clap

Ø  practice alternating movements such as swinging arms while walking, stride jumping, wheel-barrow walking

Ø  dealing cards

Ø  make large figure 8’s (race tracks) and play a large game of X’s and O’s outdoors with sidewalk chalk, or on the blackboard

Ø  dot-to-dots and tracing objects