We, the students of Laurel College, establish through this Constitution, a governing body to provide a means for student representation in college governance. We create a means for the expression of student opinion, the opportunity for the promotion of student rights, and the protection of the interests of individual students and of the student body as a whole.

ARTICLE I—General Provisions

Section 1 Name: The name of this organization shall be the Associated Students of Laurel College referred to as the ASLC.

Section 2 Membership: All students currently registered in one or more courses at Laurel College shall be members of the ASLC and shall have the right to an equal voice and vote.

Section 3 Structure: Three branches shall comprise the ASLC:

§ Executive Branch ASLC elected officers

§ Legislative Branch Student Senate

§ Judicial Branch Judicial Review Committee

ARTICLE II—Elections and Appointments

Section 1 Executive Branch: The elected Executive officers of the ASLC shall be the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Student Trustee.

Section 2 Legislative Branch: The Student Senate shall hold legislative powers. Senators elected by and representing the academic areas of the college and Senators elected by and representing student organizations shall serve in the Senate.

Section 3 Judicial Branch: The Judicial Review Committee shall be made up of students recommended by the Executive Vice President and appointed by the Executive President.

Section 4 Elections: In the spring of each year, the ASLC shall elect Executive Officers by a majority vote. Qualifications for officers:

1. Completion of at least 12 credit hours at Laurel College

2. Minimum GPA of 2.75

3. Enrollment in at least six credit hours each semester in office

Academic areas of the college and student organizations shall elect Senators by a majority vote to represent their areas. Qualifications for Senators:

1. Completion of at least 6 credit hours at Laurel College

2. Minimum GPA of 2.5

3. Enrollment in a minimum of six credit hours each semester in office

Section 5 Length of Term: The length of term for all Executive Officers, Senators, and members of the Judicial Review Committee shall be one year, with a maximum of five terms total service. After five terms of service, Executive Officers, Senators, and members of the Judicial Review Committee may serve on an interim basis for an additional year if an emergency arises where no members are available as replacements.


Section 1 Schedule: The Executive Officers of the ASLC and the Student Senate shall schedule separate weekly meetings. Once each semester, the Executive officers and the Student Senate shall hold a joint meeting. The Judicial Review Committee shall hold two meetings per semester and shall assemble at the discretion of the Executive Officers in situations that necessitate a ruling by the committee. The Executive Secretary or other responsible official shall post notices in the campus newspaper and online in the bulletin at least 24 hours in advance of all meetings of the Executive Officers, the Student Senate, and the Judicial Review Committee. Compliance with the Brown Act shall be required for all meetings.

Section 2 Quorum: Before taking any action or vote, a quorum of fifty-one percent of the members of the Student Senate or the members of the Judicial Review Committee shall be present. Executive Officers may vote and take action on items when 80 percent or four-fifths of the Officers are present.
