Plaza de Flores Condominium Association, Inc.

Regular Board of DirectorsMeeting

Plaza de Flores Clubhouse 4202 Central Sarasota Pkwy

February22, 2011 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President James Atherton at 7:00 p.m.

Determination of a Quorum: James Atherton, Harvey Garver, Sandy Katz and Gerald Ratzer present in person.

Director absent:Marietta Belfiore.

Owner’s Present: Lois Atherton, Jerry Brief, Gary Cassandra, Gloria da Cunha, Manny da Cunha, Anthony D’Elia, Kelly England, Richard Hadjopoulos, Peter Jefferis, Ethel Leone, Larry Leone, Larry Lushinsky, Jesus Nuevo, Bob Quinn, Josie Quinn, Fred Santucci, Vince Zingarelli, Al Wattenberg, Marion Wattenberg

Proof of Notice: Notice was posted per FL Statute and Bylaws on Sunday February 20, 2011.

Approval of the Agenda President Atherton made a motion to add the $25.00 late fee on late payments to the agenda and to approve the agenda. Mr. Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes from November 15, 2010 Annual Budget Meeting and the January 11, 2011 Organizational Meeting.

Mr. Ratzer made a motion to approve the minutes, Mr. Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Finance ReportMr. Garver recapped the January financial report noting that utilities were approximately $2,000.00 higher than expected. After a discussion about the need for a Finance Committee, Mr. Garver made a motion to accept the finance report, Mr. Ratzer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Outstanding business

Mr. Atherton made a motion to appoint Cavanaugh as auditor, Mr. Ratzer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

President Atherton discussed the BOD certification form and the requirements to be a Board member.The form is due April 12, 2011. Mr. Atherton also reminded the Board that certification courses are available at the PCM offices.

Mr. Ratzer discussed the PCS insurance presentation given earlier that afternoon and explained the cost of the various options, the change in deductable to keep the cost in line with the budget and the reason for choosing the option the Association chose. Mr. Ratzer also explained we will be re-quoting insurance in May prior to hurricane season. The new proposals will not cause our rates to go up, but has the potential for them to decrease.

Mr. Ratzer made a motion to continue with PCS Insurance Group and approve the ICAT insurance package proposed. Mr. Atherton seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Atherton confirmed that it was agreed that the CAM office hours will be 25 hours per week. He made a motion to accept the 25 hours per week. Mr. Ratzer seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Mr. Atherton stated that the additional office hours have made a difference in the condition of the property.

New Business

Mr. Ratzer explained the new Plaza de Flores website and presented a demonstration of the public and private side of the website. It was mentioned that the website could pay for itself by selling advertisements and save on mailing costs. Mr. Atherton stated that our Documents do not state that electronic delivery is an acceptable form of distribution. Since the documents are not clear on electronic delivery, Mr. Atherton suggested sending a “consent for electronic delivery” letter to all owners and each owner can make their own decision on whether not they want electronic transmission of documents. Mr. Atherton made a motion to send this form out in a mass mailing. Mr. Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Atherton explained the current policy for the clubhouse rental of $100.00 deposit and $100.00 usage fee were not clear. After a brief discussion Mr. Ratzer made a motion to charge a $100.00 deposit and a $50.00 usage fee to rent the clubhouse for both owners and tenants. Mr. Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Atherton explained that he and Mr. Garver met with fund managers from Morgan Stanley/Smith Barney at the offices of PCM.MSSB could eliminate the need to “shop around” and get us the best rates with 3-star rated banks. Mr. Atherton made a motion to accept MSSB as our fund manager. Mr. Garver seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Atherton talked about a “seasonal owner” who left last year without leaving their air conditioner on resulting in the need for mold remediation in his unit. Mr. Atherton reminded the owners of the policy of having the A/C units serviced annually and leaving their A/C on when the unit is empty for an extended period of time. Mr. Ratzer reminded the owners that leaving the ceiling fans on, or the use of a humidistat would also help. Mr. Atherton felt the A/C use & maintenance policy should be written into our Rules & Regulations and turned it over to the Policy Committee for review.

Mr. Atherton felt the need to review the Rules & Regulations and develop a “set of standards” for all residents to understand and to follow as residents of Plaza de Flores. Mr. Atherton turned this over to the Policy Committee to be reviewed and to be put into a new format that can be used by current residents and new residents. He would like this to be restructured and reorganizedin April and be effective in June.

Manager’s Report

Audit will take place in March.

Requested an estimate on the GAP Program for insurance on delinquent accounts as a alternative to LM Funding

Dryer vent cleaning has been completed

Rusting and cleaning of the carport roofs still needs to be addressed

Fire panel replacement cost still needs to be addressed

Parking lot seal coating project is complete

Job description for Sebastian

Strip and repaint pool deck in March

Need to add Harvey Garver as a check signer

Mold remediation of affected unit will not require wallboard replacement or result in any cost to the Association.

Spa pump needs to be replaced.

Update of the FAQ has been completed

Committee Reports

LandscapingPeter Jefferis gave a review of the planting of the courtyards, the current status of the irrigation and the re-seeding of grass areas that are in need. He discussed the need of a “Mission Statement” and the desire to make PDF a beautiful place. Mr. Atherton suggested the cleanup of certain areas and the thinning of shrubs.

PolicyNothing to report but looking for volunteers

FacilitiesNothing to report

CommunicationsPDF website was already discussed

SocialMs. Katz discussed upcoming events.

Owner’s comments

Jesus Nuevo questioned the reasons why the Rules & Regulations should be changed and felt they should not be changed.

An owner asked about the Committees that have been formed. Another owner asked who decided on which committees were needed. Mr. Atherton responded, they were the committees he felt were needed.

Manny daCunha suggested approving a draft of the reorganized Rules & Regulations.

Mr.Ratzer mentioned the $25.00 late fee on late payments, that was approved many years ago. Mr. Atherton asked Steve to record the document with the Circuit Court so the late fee can legally be charged.

Gloria da Cunha stated the need for plantings around the gazebo across from building 12.

Mr. England asked if there would be any reason for an owner to be kept from having access to the PDF website.

Adjournment/Next Meeting Date

The next meeting dates wereset for March 22nd, April 19th & May 17th2011.

Prepared by Steve Wisniewski, CAM – Progressive Community Management