2013-2014 CATALOG
Nature and Heritage Tourism Minor Checklist
BGS Degree
This checklist is for advising purposes only. Consult your undergraduate catalog or official degree audit for degree requirements.
- Twelve advanced hours in the minor coursework are required.
- A 2.25 cumulative GPA must be maintained in all minor courses.
- No grade lower than a “C” will be accepted as credit for the BGS degree.
18 Hours
_____ NHT 4301 - Planning and Development of Nature and Heritage Tourism
(Prerequisite: GEO 2410 with a minimum grade of “C” or permission of the instructor)
_____ NHT 4302 - Internship in Nature and Heritage Tourism
(Prerequisite: NHT 4301)
_____ GEO 4322–Interpretive Environmental Geography (Spring semester only)
Choose 9 hours (from at least 2 separate departments, 3 hours must be advanced {3000-4000 level}):
_____ AG 3318 - Agricultural Business Management
(Prerequisites: AG 2383, AG 2390, MATH 1315 or 1319)
_____ AG 3321 - Range Management
(Prerequisite: AG 1445)
_____ AG 3351(WI) - Agricultural Marketing and Sales
(Prerequisites: AG 2383, MATH 1315 or 1319)
_____ AG 3426 - Soil Science I
(Prerequisites: CHEM 1341 and 1141)
_____ AG 3427 (WI) - Soil Science II
(Prerequisite: AG 3426)
_____ AG 4383 (WI) - Agricultural Resource Economics
(Prerequisites: AG 2383, MATH 1315 or 1319)
_____ ANTH 2415 - General Archaeology
_____ ANTH 3301 (WI)–Principles of Cultural Anthropology
_____ ANTH 3306–World Prehistory
_____ ANTH 3314 - Latin American Cultures
_____ ANTH 3315 - Archaeology of the Southwest
_____ ANTH 3318 (WI)–Texas Archaeology
_____ ANTH 3324–Mexican American Culture
_____ ANTH 3332 - Myths and Moundbuilders
_____ ANTH 3333–North American Indians
_____ ANTH 3345 (WI) - Archaeology of Mexico
_____ ANTH 3347 - Archaeology of North America
_____ ANTH 4320 (WI)–Rise of Civilization
_____ ANTH 4630 - Archaeological Field School--See ANTH dept. for approval
_____ BIO 4304–Wildlife and Recreation: Impact, Policy, and Management
_____ BIO 4305 - Nature Study
_____ BIO 4410 - Field Biology of Plants
(Prerequisite: BIO 2450 with a grade of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4415 – Ichthyology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with grades of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4416 (WI) - General Ecology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2450, any one of BIO 2410, 2411, or 2400 with grades of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4420 (WI) - Natural History of the Vertebrates
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with grades of “C” or higher and permission of instructor
required for non-wildlife majors.)
_____ BIO 4421 - Ornithology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with grades of “C” or higher)
_____ BIO 4422 - Mammalogy
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with grades of “C” or higher; BIO 4416 is recommended)
_____ BIO 4423 (WI) - Wildlife Management
(Prerequisites: BIO 2410, BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with grades of “C” or higher plus any one course:
BIO 4416, 4421, or 4422 is also recommended)
_____ BIO 4434 - Herpetology
(Prerequisites: BIO 2411, BIO 2450 with grades of “C” or higher)
_____ ENG 3345 (WI) - Southwestern Studies I: Defining the Region
_____ ENG 3346 (WI) - Southwestern Studies II: Consequences of Region
_____ ENG 4325 (WI) - Literature of the Southwest
_____ GEO 2410 - Introduction to Physical Geography
(Prerequisite: MATH 1315 or above [excluding MATH 1316] with a “C” or higher)
_____ GEO 3307–Geography of Europe
_____ GEO 3309(WI) –United States and Canada
_____ GEO 3313 - Natural Resource Use and Management
(Prerequisite: One course from GEO 1305, 1309, 1310, 2310, or 2410 with a grade of “C” or
_____ GEO 3325–Geomorphology
_____ GEO 3328–Geography of North Africa and the Middle East
_____ GEO 3329 - Geography of Texas
_____ GEO 3332(WI)- Geography of South and Southeast Asia
_____ GEO 3333–Geography of China and Japan
_____ GEO 3335 - Oceanography
_____ GEO 3411–Maps and Mapmaking
_____ GEO 4306–Geography of the Southwest
_____ GEO 4313(WI)–Environmental Management
_____ GEO 4314 (WI)–River Basin Management
_____ GEO 4316–Landscape Biogeography
_____ GEO 4430(WI)–Field Methods
_____ GEO 4328 (WI)–Geography of the Russian Realm
_____ GEO 4390–Independent Study
(Prerequisite: May be repeated for credit, but a student may not exceed 6 hours of credit in Independent Study)
_____ GEOL1410–Physical Geography
_____ GEOL1420–Historical Geography
_____ GEOL3410–Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
_____ GEOL4320–Topics in Field Geology
_____ HIST3353 (WI)–The Greater Southwest
_____ HIST3370 (WI)–The Tools and Techniques of Historical Research and Writing
_____ HIST3372 (WI)–Texas History: A Survey
_____ HIST4372 (WI)–Mexican American History
_____ MGT 3303–Management of Organizations
_____ MKT 3343 - Principles of Marketing
_____ PFW 1190A – Canoeing
_____ PFW 1190F–Beginning Scuba
_____ PFW 1201–Advanced Scuba Diving
(Prerequisite: PFW 1190F)
_____ PFW 1204 – Underwater Photography
(Prerequisite: PFW 1201)
_____ REC 1310 - Introduction to Recreation and Leisure Services
_____ REC 1330 - Leisure and Outdoor Recreation
(Prerequisite: REC 1310)
_____ REC 3340 - Design and Maintenance of Recreational Facilities
(Prerequisites: REC 2335, Grade of “C” or higher in REC 1310)
_____ REC 3351 (WI) - Evaluation of Leisure Service Programming
(Prerequisites: REC 2335, Grade of “C” or higher in REC 1310)
_____ REC 4335 Outdoor Recreational Planning
Prerequisites: REC 1330, 2335; PFW 1154C; or Consent of Instructor.
_____ SOCI 3340 - Sociology of Sport and Leisure
(Prerequisite: SOCI 1310)
_____ SOCI 3366 (WI) - Folkways and Folklore: An Introduction
(Prerequisite: SOCI 1310)
Updated 08/2013