Meeting Minutes
Date:September6, 2013
Time:8:00 am –9:30am
Location:Executive Board Meeting – Mastoris Diner, Bordentown, NJ
Attendees:President/Director A, Christine RoyDave Kook
Vice President/Director B, Mike HeenehanStacie Curtis
Treasurer, Richard ScottJennifer Nevins
Secretary, Leigh Rutter
Assistant Secretary, Patrick McClusky
●Christine Roy spoke about her recent discussions with International regarding the Chapter’s by-laws. Eric Finn, Esq., General Counsel, made a few minor suggestions which Christine incorporated into the by-laws. A motion to accept the changes was made and approved (see “Motions” section below).
●Rich Scott spoke about recent changes International implemented. The changes were relayed via a conference call which both he and Christine Roy attended. The changes discussed were:
- The use of Debit Cards is no longer permitted.
- All expenditures over $600 require two signatures on the check (it was suggested that we add this to the by-laws).
- The Treasurer must input debits/credits into QuickBooks within a 2 week time period.
- The President must log in to QuickBooks at least once a month to oversee the records.
- International will “spot check” two Chapters a year.
●Dave Kook suggested we look into scanning all receipts into the computer so that we have an extra paper trail.
●The first meeting of the year was discussed. It was decided that it will be held on October 8th at the Woodbridge Hilton (if available – Jennifer Nevins will check). The speaker will be Patrick McClusky who will give a presentation on an interstate natural gas pipeline looping project which just completed construction.
●It was agreed that in-person Executive Board meetings are more effective and that going forward, we will try to have every other meeting take place in person.
● There was discussion relating to whether or not it is too late for the Chapter to have a booth at the 2013 League of Municipalities Conference. Leigh Rutter will inquire.
●The Board discussed the need to get the Chapter’s committees up and running. A few of the committees already have chairpersons, but many are still in need of chairs and members. Christine Roy will send an e-mail out to the membership seeking interest and will also contact Doug Webb regarding the Education Committee. It was also discussed that each committee’s chairperson should speak for a few minutes at each meeting to give the membership an update on that particular topic. It was also recommended that the individual committees should meet in person as opposed to on conference calls.
●Stacie Curtis suggested using Constant Contact as a potentially better way to reach out to the members. Leigh Rutter will investigate.
●The Spring Forum was briefly discussed. Jennifer Nevins volunteered to chair the Spring Forum Committee. She also volunteered to chair the Planning Committee.
●Dave Kook suggested having a Chapter “Project of the Year” contest and then having the winner give a presentation on it. He also suggested possibly having a general project panel with different entities (BPU, water, power, etc.) attend.
●There was discussion around having a full or half day seminar on project permitting, possibly in February.
● A motion was made by Mike Heenehanto accept the minor revisions made to the by-laws. This was seconded by Stacie Curtis. All were in favor.
Action Items
● Christine Roy– Send out a save-the-date e-mail to the membership for the October8th meeting.
●Jennifer Nevins – Contact the Woodbridge Hilton for the October 8th meeting.
● Leigh Rutter– Look into Constant Contact for e-mails to membership.
● Christine Roy – Call Doug Webb to discuss Education Committee.
● Christine Roy – Send out an e-mail to the membership regarding joining/chairing committees.
● Leigh Rutter– Look into whether there is still time for the Chapter to reserve a booth at the LOM conference.