Exams Appeals Policy 2015 – 16
This policy addresses the situation where learners may wish to appeal against a grade he/she has received for an externally accredited qualification.
Learners are made aware of the existence of this policy and have open access to it. It can be found by requesting it from as stated in the Learner Charter, and online at the learner moodle ( http://www.nals.org.uk ). All tutors/assessors are made aware of the policy and procedure and how to access them in order that learners can be supported.
This policy is reviewed annually and may be amended in line with Awarding Organisations revised practices.
Procedure to follow if a learner wishes to appeal against an assessment decision
1. If a learner does not agree with a decision made about their assessed work they are required to talk to their assessor/tutor within seven days of the assessment decision.
2. If the learner still does not agree with the assessment decision the learner will need to complete an assessment appeals form and will be referred to the Internal Quality Assurer(IQA) or moderator. The IQA will check any assessed work against national standards and arrange a meeting between the IQA, tutor and learner to discuss the appeal.
3. If agreement cannot be reached the appeal will be referred to the curriculum manager.
4. If agreement still cannot be reached the appeal will be referred to the Performance and Quality manager whose decision is final.
5. If the learner wants to continue the appeal, he/she needs to contact the exams officer on who will provide the learner with information about the appeals procedure for the relevant awarding body and explain what is involved. The exams officer will assist with the completion of any forms and will correspond with the awarding body on behalf of the learner.
This policy was reviewed by Paula Schofield January 2015
Assessment Appeals Form
Learner NameQualification/Award
Awarding/Examination Organisation
Unit/Module Title
Assessor /Tutor Name
IQA/Moderator Name ( if known)
Reason for the appeal (give as much information as possible)
Appeal lodged by learner / Signature: / Date:
Outcome of Appeal
Appeal resolved by / Name: / Signature:
Title: / Date:
Outcome agreed by learner / Signature: / Date:
Appeal not resolved – Learner advised to appeal to Awarding Organisation
Addendum 1
ITC First Aid Qualifications
All candidates have the right to escalate their appeal to the external regulators of the qualification they are enrolled on. If candidates are not satisfied with how their appeal has been handled by ITC then the appeal can be escalated to Ofqual for QCF qualifications or SQA for SCQF qualifications
Ofqual – www.ofqual.gov.uk SQA www.sqa.org.uk