PSED Graduate Level Certification Requirements

(Certification after December 2012)

We welcome you as you begin your journey to becoming a secondary school teacher. As a prospective teacher, you are making one of the most satisfying and influential career choices. As teachers of tomorrow, you are afforded the opportunities “to touch the future” by giving students the skills and knowledge to succeed. We wish much success in this endeavor and urge you to use our resources and use them well. The checklist below will help guide you as you work your way through the teacher certification program.

You are urged to meet regularly with your advisors, one from Professional and Secondary Education, and one from your discipline department, to ensure receiving certification in the most efficient manner. Students must be accepted to the Graduate College, which includes the review of all undergraduate course work.

Course Requirement

A total of 24 credits of professional courses work are required plus a semester of student teaching, which includes a Senior High placement (6 cr.), a Middle School/Jr. High placement (6 cr.), and an Arts & Science 499 Internship (1 cr.)

Required Courses

_____PSED 510: The Teacher and The School Community 3 credits

_____PSED 516: Learner and the Learning Process 3 credits

_____PSED 524: Teaching ELLs in the Diverse Classroom Setting 3 credits

_____REED 528: Teaching Content Area Reading to Diverse Learners 3 credits

_____SPED 550: Nature and Needs of Exceptional Individuals 3 credits

_____SPED 551: Inclusionary Practices 3 credits

One of the following “Teaching of” subject courses

(Some of the courses are not offered every semester)

_____PSED 506: Teaching of English in Secondary Schools 3 credits

_____PSED 586: Teaching of Communications in Secondary Schools 3 credits

_____PSED 517: Teaching of Foreign Language in Secondary Schools 3 credits

_____PSED 536: Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools 3 credits

_____PSED 546: Teaching of Science in Secondary Schools 3 credits

_____PSED 566: Teaching of Social Studies in Secondary Schools 3 credits

_____PSED 520: Seminar in Secondary Education 1 3 credits

_____PSED 521: Seminar in Secondary Education 2 3 credits

_____PSED 518: Students Teaching in Secondary Education/ Senior High School 6 credits

(Arts & Science Dept. Code) 499: Internship in Student Teaching 1 credits

Key Events

Admittance into Department (screening)

Accepted into the ESU Graduate College.

Successful completion of PSED 510, PSED 516, and SPED 550 (or approved equivalents)

Earn G.P.A of at least 3.0 If GPA is less than 3.0, make appointment with graduate coordinator to discuss options.

Receive passing scores on state-mandated certification tests. Check with PSED advisor on what these currently are. Give a copy to your scores to PSED secretary in Stroud 209.

Turn in a copy of your incident free Act 151, Act 34 and FBI fingerprint check to PSED secretary.

Make an appointment with PSED secretary to be interviewed and screened into the department.

Preparation for student Teaching

One (1) year prior to student teaching, attend the meeting. Sign will be posted in Stroud Hall or call the office of Field Experience/ Partnership at 570-422-3471 to inquire.

Attend campus preparation sessions.

Test tuberculosis test-Tine test for PA/Mantoux for NJ. This can be done at campus infirmary if you have health records on file.

Secure liability insurance or plan to join PSEA/NEA at first student teaching Practicum session.

Renew clearance (Act 34, Act 151 and FBI fingerprint forms are in the Field Experience Office) Clearances must be current for entire field experience.

Before or During Student Teaching

Check that all state-mandated certification test requirements are met (must pass in order to be certified and have scores sent to ESU. Code#2650, and PED, Code#8033). Check to be sure you are taking the appropriate test for Pennsylvania certification, as well as other states in which you wish to be certified.

Candidates for certification in foreign language may need to take additional mandated certification tests. Check with your foreign language advisor.

Complete all Secondary education and academic discipline requirement.

Complete Application for PA certification

Have a physical (can be done at campus infirmary; must have evidence of TB test).

A 3.0 GPA is required to be certified in Pennsylvania.

Check that all state-mandated certification test requirement are met.

Check with the Dean of College Education in Rosenkrans East about the on-line application for certification.



O: PSED WALL/Graduate wall/PSED Graduate Level Certification Requirements Updated 2015