City of Seattle

Request For Proposal (RFP) # FAS-11916

SRI Training

Pre-Submittal Conference Questions


The following is additional information regarding RFP #FAS-11916, titled SRI Training Programreleased on November 9, 2016.

This addendum is hereby made part of the RFP and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a proposal. Vendors should review the Q&A carefully as some of the responses have been reworded and/or clarified. These written Q&A's take precedence over any verbal Q&A.

From: Cindy C-Wilson

City of Seattle SRI Training Lead

Phone: 206-233-5143

Email Address:

Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Response / RFPAdditions/Revisions/
1 / 11/15/16 / 11/17/16 / How do we register our WMBE information if we are from out of state? /
2 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / How well do the city employees adapt to this change, do they understand? / Varies by department and within departments and the SRI OCM team is engaged with them
3 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Are there groups of employees needing additional training? / Yes, there are ‘enhanced departments’ that are being ‘piloted’ and will include using eSettlement, eSupplier, eProcurement (Direct Connect) and workflow.
4 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Do we need to train suppliers? / BPM and City Functionals will lead this effort
5 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Major business changes? / Yes – standardizing processes across the City. PCA is a big one
6 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Do we need to be concerned about data in side systems? / Not until it hits PeopleSoft, before then it belongs to the departments
7 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Do we have union staff issues? / The City will be making sure to these issues are addressed and provide any information ahead of time that employees would need
8 / 11/17/16 / 11/21/16 / Does the City have a preference for off-shore or on-shore material development? / The City prefers on-shore development of materials.
9 / 11/17/16 / 11/18/16 / WMBE list /
10 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Will the Training Database be in the migration path for configuration changes? / Yes, it will be in the migration path for configuration changes.
11 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Will the Training Database have conversion data that may need to be refreshed? / Conversion data….tbd as the changes are significant enough that conversion is minimal and historical information will not be applicable. This is still under development as to what data will be available as the changes to the basic financial structure is different – i.e. new Chart of Accounts, Project Cost Accounting…..
12 / 11/17/16 / 11/17/16 / Is there data that will need to be redacted or altered for training materials? / If there is, it will be minimal. Example: if there is a tax ID, it will be altered in the training database so it is not ‘real’. No employee specific information will be there.
13 / 11/28/16 / 11/28/16 /
  1. Does the City have a list of Mega-Processes and sub-processes that are outputs of the ERP design sessions conducted at the city? These might include business process flow diagrams or other similar assets
/ The City is currently working on business processflow diagrams and documentation.
This information will be available Q1 2017.
14 / 11/28/16 / 11/28/16 /
  1. Do you have a breakdown of the current number of City of Seattle users by PeopleSoft Module? If so, can this list be provided to aid in creating a proposal response.
/ There is a body of work that will address this breakdown beginning in mid-December. The numbers are not available until Q1 2017.
15 / 11/28/16 / 11/28/16 /
  1. Do you anticipate the need to have distinct training curriculums for the same business process due to the fact that a process may be significantly different for a particular Dept., Agencies, business unit etc. vs. others?
Example: The process for creating a purchase requisition in Dept. A is very different then the steps for Dept. B, thus requiring two separate training topics and UPK lessons. / The basic training curriculums will address standardized business processes and can be used across departments.
One exception is that a small subset of departments will be using some advanced P2P modules; the rest of the departments will not. Please refer to question and answer #3 above.
16 / 11/28/16 / 11/28/16 /
  1. Will the training database that is available on February 1st contain City of Seattle Data and many of the customizations and configurations that will ultimately be used by the City?
/ The training database available Feb. 1, 2017 will contain the configuration and any customizations to date. After Feb. 1, updates to this database are part of the migration path.
Data will be City data and entered throughout the training preparation phase – there will be little ‘conversion’ data due to the significant changes in business processes and the implementation of a brand new chart of accounts.
17 / 11/28/16 / 11/28/16 / Based on our training project experience, are you open to adjusting the timeline of your major training program milestones listed in the RFP? / Unclear what milestones are being questioned. The go live date is 1/2/18 and we need to back into the training development and delivery to accommodate that date.
18 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / Has a change impact assessment been completed for this project? / A Department level change impact analysis is currently underway with the first summary level report available mid-January 2017.
19 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / What are the demographics of the user population? In terms of:
Existing familiarity with PeopleSoft
If no PS experience, familiarity with software applications,
Internet browser supported applications
Receptivity to eLearning or other self-reliant help and learning methods
UPK user (learners not developers) / There is a body of work that will address this breakdown beginning in mid-December. The numbers are not available until Q1 2017. Some of this information will not be captured, e.g., Age, Language.
20 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / Regarding the new or changed business processes, who is responsible for documenting new or changed business processes. (e.g. standard operating procedures, or decision-making support, actions outside of PeopleSoft)?
Training vendor or The City of Seattle / The City is responsible for documenting business process changes (refer to answer to question #13 above)
21 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / In addition to UPK, does the City of Seattle leverage other tools for training, content management, tracking and measurement?
Rapid content and simulation authoring;
Content Mgmt: SharePoint, City intranet site
eLearning: Articulate, Lectora, Captivate / The City uses Sharepoint and loads applicable information to the appropriate audiences.
22 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / Does the City of Seattle currently utilize a Learning Management System to track online learning? / Yes, a system called Cornerstone is used to track classes taken by employees.
23 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / Does the City have UPK v11 Professional or Standard? / The City has UPK v11 Professional
24 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / Does the City intend to maintain/integrate the current end user support system into the City’s standard business process, after go-live? “Support system” in this question refers to the group of (4) Liaisons who each support a segment of the Agency Leads from the (30) City Agencies and Agency Leads who support their respective agency PeopleSoft End users which was described by the City during the 11/17 Q&A meeting? / The post go-live support is being developed. There is no expectation of the training vendor to participate in ongoing support beyond the potential 4 month stabilization period.
25 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / What percentage of time per week or month, does the City expect the Training Vendor Project Manager to be onsite? / At this point there is no definitive percentage of time proposed for the Project Manager to be onsite. The expectation would be that they would be able to provide guidance and address issues in a timely fashion.
26 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / In addition to PeopleSoft Query Manager, what reporting software or other tools is in the Training scope of work for the different End user segment’s reporting needs?
PeopleSoft Query? Hyperion? OBIEE? Crystal Reports? nVision? XML Reports? / Reports will be covered through PS Query, nVision BI Publisher.
27 / 11/28/16 / 11/29/16 / Will the City provide a high-level copy of the project schedule to the training vendor before the selected training vendor begins the project plan? / Yes – this will be made available although the milestonesare currently noted in the RFP.

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