100 N. 5th Street,
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 / City Commission Regular Meeting
Commission Chambers
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - The Governing Body met in regular session and the following commission members were present: Mayor Mark Preisinger, Mayor Pro-Tem Lisa Weakley and Commissioner Larry Dedeke Absent: Commissioners Laura Janas Gasbarre and Davis T. Moulden
Others present: City Manager J. Scott Miller, Assistant City Manager Paul Kramer, City Planner Julie Hurley, Police Chief Pat Kitchens, Finance Director Ron Hale, Deputy City Clerk Carla Williamson, Parks and Recreation Director Julie Anderson, Fire Chief Gary Birch, City Attorney Tom Dawson, and Public Information Officer Melissa Bower.
Mayor Preisinger opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance followed by silent meditation.
Leavenworth County Historical Society 60th Anniversary December 6, 2014 - Mayor Preisinger presented the proclamation to Madeline Weissenfluh representing the Leavenworth Historical Society. Mrs. Weissenfluh thanked the Mayor and Commission for their support and invited the community to their celebration on December 6, 2014.
Presentation of Employee Service Awards – Mayor Preisinger recognized the following employees who reached a milestone in their career with the City of Leavenworth. These employees are being recognized for their faithful, dedicated, loyal and continuous service to the City.
Ten Year Awards:
Arianne Burgoon, Police Secretary
Cindy DeGraw-Dressler, Animal Control Supervisor
Tim Guardado, WPC Operator III
Kevin Knapp, Equipment Operator I
Lona Lanter, HR Director
Teresa Murphy, Pool Manager
Tesh St. John, Police Detective
Ericka Stajcar, HR Assistant
Mason Trimble, RFCC Custodian
Twenty-five Year Awards
Mary Ann Carrel, Cashier/Receptionist
Cary Collins, Fire Secretary
Forty Year Award
Bob Patzwald, Public Works Deputy Director
Mayor Preisinger also recognized the following individuals for their milestone achievements as listed below:
15 Years of Service:
Erin Bartlett, Fire Captain
Andy Brooks, Fire Captain
Amy Carpenter, Housing Manager
Julie Lizardi, Communications Supervisor
Bret Pursel, Fire Driver/Operator
20 Years of Service:
Mark Bryant, Fire Captain
Mark DeMaranville, Fire Safety Officer
Bobby Flynn, Police Officer I
Rodger Hundley, Police Sergeant I
Patrick Kitarogers, Equipment Operator II
30 Years of Service:
Julie Anderson, Parks & Recreation Director
Robert Mendoza, Police Sergeant I
35 Years of Service:
Ed Davis, Operations Superintendent
Charlie Klingler, WPC Superintendent
New Employee Welcome Ceremony – Mayor Preisinger welcomed the newly hired regular full time and part time City of Leavenworth: Ezekiel Stevenson, Police Officer, Pete Hunter, Solid Waste Collector, Susan Muntzel, PT CVB Office Clerk, Ward Richards III, Police Officer, Glenn Young, Maintenance Mechanic- Planters II, William Gauger III, Park Technician I, Charles Fitzhugh, PT RFCC Custodian, Dylan Briggs, Firefighter, Cody Koch, WPC Operator I, Michelle Roemer, WPC Operator I, Patrick Fuimaono, WPC Operator I.
Consideration of Previous Meeting Minutes:
Commissioner Weakley moved to approve the October 28, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes and the November 4, 2014 and November 18, 2014 Special Meeting minutes. Commissioner Dedeke seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.
Citizens Participation – none
General Items:
Cancellation of Outstanding City Checks – Finance Director Ron Hale presented for consideration 40 outstanding checks totaling $2,853.44. These checks have been outstanding after two years of issuance. If a canceled check is presented for payment, the Finance Department would honor the obligation and issue a new check.
Commissioner Dedeke moved to approve the cancelation of checks that remain outstanding after two years as presented. Commissioner Weakley seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.
Capital Improvement Program 2015-2019 – City Manager Miller presented the 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that was discussed at the November 18, 2014 Study Session for approval.
Commissioner Weakley moved to approve the 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Program, as presented. Commissioner Dedeke seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.
2015 State Legislative Agenda – City Manager Miller reviewed the 2015 State Legislative Agenda items to be addressed at the December 6, 2014 Legislative Breakfast.
Commissioner Dedeke moved to approve the 2015 State Legislative Agenda. Commissioner Weakley seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.
Update on Resolution B-2077 Demolition or Repair of Unsafe Structures – City Planner Julie Hurley provided an update to the City Commission on 820 Osage. At the September 9, 2014 City Commission hearing the City Commission granted Ms. Redie Lewis an additional 60 days to repair the structure. On September 29, 2014 Ms. Lewis signed a Property Remediation Agreement with a deadline of November 10, 2014 to clarify what was required by the property owner. The following repairs were to be made:
· Replace the entire roof
· Repair/replace all deteriorated siding, soffits, fascia, eaves and peeling paint, all deteriorated windows and doors
· Repair Foundation
· Complete construction of floor system to include subflooring
· Repair/replace any load bearing walls that have deteriorated beyond usefulness or have been removed
Code Enforcement and Building Inspection Staff has visited the property two times since September 29, 2014; some work has been done but not all items have been completed. The home still remains an unsafe structure. The following is an update:
· Roof has not been replaced; new shingle have been placed on the roof but roof is visibly sagging and presents a safety hazard
· Deteriorated siding, windows and doors have not been repaired or replaced
· Foundation has been repaired and inspected by City Staff
· Floor system has been constructed and inspected by City Staff
· Some interior load bearing walls have been repaired; extensive repair remains and substantial safety hazard remains
o In addition home has no electrical service, hear source or functional plumbing; home cannot be occupied in its present state
In addition to 820 Osage the City Commission recommended demolition of the properties located at 113 Osage Street and 610 Lawrence Avenue. No progress on these structures and staff plans to add these structures to the next contract awarded for demolition of unsafe structures. Staff recommends 820 Osage remain on the demolition list and be reviewed by the City Commission for progress every 30 days.
Commissioner Dedeke stated that he does not see a reason to review in winter months due to uncertainty of the weather conditions and does not want to hold Ms. Lewis to a short calendar; working without utilities would be difficult with the winter weather.
Commissioner Weakley agreed there is still a lot of work to be done and shares concerns about weather; asked that Ms. Lewis continue to work with staff and all requirements to be in writing.
Ms. Lewis stated that she does not agree with every 30 days. She feels the structure is safe. Foundation has been rebuilt, Foundation was challenging and expensive; does not see why utilities need to be connected at this time. Ms Lewis says she has a generator to work with; difficulty finding windows for old homes.
Mayor went over the timeline of this structure. First extension no work was done; then second extension some work has been done. Roofs can be done in the winter; concerns about the neighbors and neighborhood.
Mayor Preisinger moved to extend the time period on 820 Osage to correct deficiencies and to review progress in 90 days. Commissioner Weakley seconded the motion and was unanimously approved
Contracts and Agreements:
Contract No. 2014-61 2014 Cooperative Agreement with the City of Tonganoxie for Animal Control Services – Police Chief Kitchens presented for approval a Cooperative Agreement with the City of Tonganoxie for use of the Animal Control Facility as a back-up in the event the current arrangement for housing animals is full.
Commissioner Dedeke moved to approve the Mayor to sign Cooperative Agreement with the City of Tonganoxie for Animal Control Services. Commissioner Weakley seconded the motion and was unanimously approved
First Consideration Ordinances:
Ordinance to Rezone 1700 2nd Avenue – City Planner Hurley presented the application to rezone 1700 2nd Avenue from Office Business District (OBD) to Higher Density Single Family Residential District (R1-6). The property had been R1-6 and the property owner requested a change to OBD for a business. The business is no longer in operations and the property owner is requesting to revert back to R1-6 as a residence. Planning commission approved the request at the November 3, 2014 meeting.
Consensus to place an ordinance on first consideration.
Ordinance to Amend Chapter 110 Article II Local Traffic Regulations – Police Chief Kitchens presented a request to place an ordinance on first consideration to make changes to Municipal Code of Ordinances Section 110-41 Speed Limits Enumerated Generally and Section 110-46 School Zones as follows:
· Westwood Street from Halderman to Ohio, including Forrest Lane – lower speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour
· Eliminate the school zone in and around Xavier Early Childhood Center including Pennsylvania Street between Cleveland Terrance to Broadway Street; and Broadway Street between Michigan Street to Arthur Street. There are no longer school activities at these locations
· The School has asked the City to hold off on eliminating the school zone in and around West Middle School including Spruce Street from 18th Street to 20th Street. This item may come back at a later date. School speed limit signs have been removed
Consensus to place an ordinance on first consideration.
Consent Agenda:
Claims for October 25, 2014 through November 21, 2014 in the amount of $1,195,331.62; Net payroll #22 dated October 31, 2014 in the amount of $314,129.40 (no Police and Fire pension payroll); and Net payroll #23 dated November 14, 2014 in the amount of $298,503.81 (no Police and Fire pension payroll). Commissioner Weakley moved to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Commissioner Dedeke seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.
Other Items:
Commissioner Weakly give a special thank you to Parks & Recreation, the parade committee and everyone involved with the Christmas Parade and tree lighting.
Mayor Preisinger thanked Mayor Pro-Tem Weakley for covering for him while out of town and wished everyone a good Thanksgiving.
Chief Kitchens said he has received requests from citizens for the new frequencies of the police radios. It has been posted on the Police Department’s Face Book page and it is available at the Police Department.
Mayor Preisinger asked if anyone has been cited for littering. Chief Kitchens said they have investigating some illegal dumping issues but no littering at this time. Maybe a spring campaign of no littering with the spring clean up would be appropriate.
Adjourn – Commissioner Dedeke moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Weakley seconded the motion and was unanimously approved.
Meeting Adjourned Time 7:54 p.m.
Minutes taken by Deputy City Clerk Carla K. Williamson
Leavenworth City Commission Meeting November 25, 2014 Page 2