CEFPI – NC Chapter 2013 Scholarship Award

/ The North Carolina Chapter of the Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI–NC) sponsors a competitive scholarship program to provide financial support for students currently enrolled in a North Carolina undergraduate or post-graduate program related to planning, design and construction of schools.
Each academic year, up to three students in a North Carolina college or university will be selected as the recipients of a $2,500.00 CEFPI-NC Scholarship Award.
Based on the number and quality of the applications received as well as funds available, a larger or smaller amount may be awarded to a single student and the number of scholarships awarded may vary.
CEFPI-NC is a professional organization of individuals, institutions and corporations in North Carolina who are actively involved in planning, designing, building and equipping schools. CEFPI-NC offers information, training and networking opportunities to assist our members in becoming better planners, resulting in schools that better serve students and their teachers. CEFPI-NC is here to foster and promote best practices in planning school facilities.
Submission requirements:
Scholarship Award information packets, with all required submission forms are available from CEFPI – NC Chapter Scholarship Committee by email at or at the NC Department of Public Instruction School Planning Website under “Events & Links” at http://www.schoolclearinghouse.org
The entire scholarship submission will be accepted by mailing a hard copy to:
Steven Taynton, School Planning
6319 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-6319
(Complete application packages must be postmarked no later than March 4, 2013.)



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Eligibility Requirements:
1.  Scholarship candidates must be currently enrolled in a bachelor program or accepted/enrolled in a post-graduate degree program at an accredited post-secondary institution in North Carolina.
2.  Scholarship candidate must be nominated in writing by a CEFPI-NC member, professor or university staff member that is familiar with his/her work and will attest that the candidate meets the eligibility requirements.
3.  Scholarship candidate must complete/submit all required nomination, application, achievement and essay forms and character recommendation letters prior to the deadline.
4.  Scholarship candidate must submit evidence of enrollment at a North Carolina college or accredited post-secondary institution.
5.  Scholarship candidates must show evidence that their intent is to major in, or that they are currently majoring in, a field related to educational facility planning and/or design, such as Architecture, Project Management or Construction Management.
6.  Scholarship candidate must be interviewed by a current CEFPI member, and/or approved by the CEFPI-NC Board of Directors before a final award is made.



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CEFPI – NC 2013 Scholarship Award

Required Submission Materials:

1. A completed Nomination Form from a current CEFPI-NC member, Professor or Senior University Staff member (Form "A").

2. A completed Application Form (Form "B").

3. A completed Achievement Form (Form "C").

4. A completed Essay Form (Form "D").

5. Three letters of character recommendation.

Nomination & Selection Process Timeline:

Candidates must mail a hard copy of all required submission materials to:

Steven Taynton, Chairman CEFPI - NC Scholarship Committee

DPI - School Planning

6319 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC 27699-6319

Submissions must be post marked no later than March 4, 2013

April 5, 2013

Scholarship candidates will be notified by this date of their selection as a finalist for the CEFPI-NC Scholarship Award. Interviews will be scheduled either by phone or in person for the finalists.

April 26, 2013

Successful applicants will be notified regarding the amount of their CEFPI-NC Scholarship funds which will be available for distribution upon verification of registration for their next semester.

Scholarship Selection Advisory Committee:

The Scholarship Selection Advisory Committee is comprised of three or more CEFPI-NC members, including the current President. The Committee will develop scholarship application evaluation criteria and award policies, review eligibility of nominees, select and interview finalists, and recommend recipients to the Board of Directors for the scholarship awards.

CEFPI – NC 2013 Scholarship Award

Selection Process:

Candidates for the award must be nominated by a member of CEFPI-NC, Professor or other Senior Staff member at their college/university who is familiar with their work. All required materials must be submitted as outlined in the Nomination & Selection Process Timeline section. The Scholarship Selection Advisory Committee will review all candidate submissions and select no more than three students, as recipients of the $2,500.00 Scholarship Award.

Evaluation Guidelines:

Academic Achievement - Does the student’s past performance and GPA demonstrate a desire and capability to excel in the degree program in which they are enrolled.

Clarity of Expression - Is the material presented logical and coherent? Are the key points, problems and solutions stated clearly and precisely? Was the essay report carefully proofread for spelling and grammar?

Comprehensiveness - Are sufficient details given and does the essay report fully explain itself or is further explanation needed?

Creativity - Is the essay original and imaginative? Did the student develop new solutions or procedures? To what extent were the student's talent and insight incorporated into the report? How did the student address any surprising or unforeseen developments?

Knowledge - Does the student demonstrate strong knowledge of the area of inquiry and the underlying issues?

Interpretation - Has the student stated the interpretations and conclusions clearly? Do the conclusions and interpretations follow from the results presented? What are the limits of the interpretations and the conclusions? Are there alternative conclusions that fit the results?

Importance and Validity - Does the essay address the topic or major issue? Does the candidate's work demonstrate a high level of intellectual input and is it innovative? How credible are the data, interpretations and conclusions?

Participation and Leadership - Does the student show leadership through participation of school and community activities? Has the student shown they can take the initiative required to excel in academia and business?

Scholarship Conditions:

The Scholarship candidate can receive a CEFPI-NC Scholarship award only once during his/her educational career. The Scholarship Award may be used only for pre-approved tuition, fees, books, room and board. Payments from CEFPI-NC may be used to supplement, but not to duplicate, benefits from the educational institution or from other foundations, institutions, or organizations. The Scholarship Selection Advisory Committee may withhold or terminate a scholarship due to unsatisfactory academic performance. CEFPI-NC reserves the right to publish winning essays. Recipients may be asked to speak briefly at a CEFPI-NC function. All registration costs will be waived and the student’s expenses, including travel cost will be paid by CEFPI-NC.



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CEFPI - NC 2013 Scholarship Award

Nomination Form "A"

(To be completed by CEFPI-NC member, Professor or Senior University Staff member)

We ask that you carefully consider your nomination and refer to us a student who is deserving of such an outstanding award. Just as importantly, we ask that you nominate a well-rounded and creative student who exhibits leadership abilities, excellent communication skills, and active participation in campus and community activities. The CEFPI-NC Scholar should possess outstanding character and personal integrity, high motivation, and the potential to serve as a role model in their community.

Nomination Form (Form "A"), Application Form (Form "B"), Achievement Form (Form "C"), the Essay Form (Form "D") and all required submission materials will be accepted by mailing a hard copy to:

Steven Taynton, Chairman, CEFPI-NC Scholarship Committee,

DPI - School Planning

6319 Mail Service Center,

Raleigh, NC 27699-6319

Telephone 919-807-3560

Nomination for: ______

(student’s name)

Student Address:

(city) (state) (zip)

Student Phone: ( ) Cell (_____) ______


I, ______, a member of the CEFPI - NC Chapter, or a Professor or Senior University Staff Member nominate the above-named student as a candidate for the CEFPI Foundation Scholarship Award beginning in the Fall 2013 semester.

I hereby attest that I have personally interviewed the above-named student and he/she meets or exceeds the eligibility requirements for this scholarship award. Further, this student has my highest regard with respect to his/her strength of character, leadership qualities, moral and personal integrity and outstanding contributions to his/her school and community.

Signed: Date:

(CEFPI-NC Member, Professor or Senior University Staff Member)

CEFPI - NC 2013 Scholarship Award

Application Form "B"

(to be completed by the student)

I, , a student at College/University, understand that I have been nominated for the 2013 CEFPI Foundation & Charitable Trust Scholarship Award and I affirm my desire to be considered. I understand that this application will be available only to qualified members of CEFPI for their use in the scholarship selection. I affirm that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed: Date:

(Student Signature)

Legal Name in Full: Sex: £ M F

Permanent Address: ______

City/State/Zip: Phone Number ( )

High School Last Attended:

High School Address:

Street Address City State Zip Code

College Attending:

College Address:

Street Address City State Zip Code

Educational Program: (check one) £ Undergraduate £ Post Graduate £ Doctoral

Major Field of Study:

I am a: (check one) £ U.S. citizen £ Canadian citizen £ Other

I have enclosed the following required Submission Materials:



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Nomination Form "A" Achievement Form “C”

Application Form “B” Essay Form “D”

Proof of college registration in North Carolina

Three character recommendation letters



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Nomination Form "A", Application Form "B", Achievement Form "C", Essay Form "D", evidence of enrollment in North Carolina Post Secondary educational program, and three (3) character recommendation letters must be postmarked by March 4, 2013. We will not accept on line applications.

CEFPI – NC 2013 Scholarship Award

Achievement Form "C"

(To be completed by the Student)

Participation and Curricular Achievement

Complete Achievement Form "C" by chronicling your involvement, leadership and achievement in high school, college and community activities. These achievements can include, but are not limited to fine arts, music, sports, acting, theatre, dance, writing, debate or involvement in social, religious, scientific, military, civic and leadership organizations.

High School/College: Leadership and Achievement Involvement
Organization / Position Held / Describe Responsibilities / Years of Involvement / Hours Per Week
Academic Achievements
Cumulative Grade Point Average ______Grade Point Average for last Semester______
Average number of academic credits per semester_____ Academic credits enrolled next semester ______
Academic credits required to complete your current course of study______Total academic credits earned to date______
Honors: Academic, Leadership, All-State Contests, Other Scholarships and amount of financial award given.
Award Description
Community Activities
Organization / Position Held / Describe Responsibilities / Years of involvement / Hours Per Week

Please attach additional sheet(s) if needed.



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CEFPI – NC 2013 Scholarship Award

Essay Form “D”

This essay and supporting documentation should be researched and completed by the Nominated Student, please attach as many pages as you deem appropriate to address the issues raised. The Council of Educational Facility Planners International, CEFPI, is the recognized leader in educational facility research. Our website cefpi.org has many articles, publications and resources available that may be useful in helping you answer the following questions.

There has been increasing evidence that the design and condition of an educational facility has a significant impact on the quality of education and a student's ability to learn.

1. With 1,000 words or less, please describe how your high school or college facilities have contributed to the quality of your education.

2. Please describe environmental, equipment and functional changes that you would make to your high school or college facilities that, once implemented, would improve the quality of education and your level of achievement.

Feel free to expand upon and illustrate your concepts with sample drawings or sketches.

At your option please describe the nature of your financial situation and why this scholarship is needed.

·  How will our financial aid directly benefit your educational program?

·  What supplies, resources and or training will this scholarship make available to you?

·  What portion of your education are you self-funding?

·  Are you actively seeking an internship, part-time and/or summer employment?



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