Journal Writing Rubric Evaluation


Mrs. Standish

Name ______

Date ______

Criteria / Level One
50 - 59% / Level Two
60 - 69% / Level Three
70 - 79% / Level Four
80 - 100%
Knowledge and Understanding / - demonstrates limited knowledge of facts and information studied and of relationships among concepts, principles and theories / - demonstrates some knowledge of facts and information studied and of relationships among concepts, principles and theories / – demonstrates good knowledge of facts and information studied and of relationships among concepts, principles and theories / - demonstrates thorough knowledge of facts and information studied and of relationships among concepts, principles and theories
Communication / - communicates with limited clarity, accuracy or effectiveness
- limited sense of audience
- limited use of appropriate conventions and forms / - communicates with some clarity, accuracy or effectiveness
- some sense of audience
- some use of appropriate conventions and forms / - communicates with good clarity, accuracy and effectiveness
- appropriate sense of audience
- good use of appropriate conventions and forms / - communicates with a high degree of clarity, accuracy or effectiveness
- strong sense of audience
- extensive command of various conventions and forms
Application / - applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness
- applies few concepts studied / - applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness
- applies some concepts studied / - applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts effectively
- applies concepts studied appropriately / - applies ideas and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness
- applies concepts studied effectively
Inquiry / - uses critical thinking and problem-solving skills with limited effectiveness
- makes few connections to the outside world
- makes few or no connections to faith / - uses critical thinking and problem-solving skills with some effectiveness
- makes some connections to the outside world
- makes some connections to faith / - uses critical thinking and problem-solving skills effectively
- makes relevant connections to the outside world
- makes relevant connections to faith / - uses critical thinking and problem-solving skills with considerable effectiveness
- makes relevant and varied connections to the outside world
- makes meaningful connections to faith

Your first Journal Entry: Name: ______

HPW3C – Journal #1Mark: ______/ 10

Describe and explain what qualities someone would need, if they wanted to work with children. (minimum of 8 with explanations)


Bonus Reflection:

How might you respond to a parent who is concerned that his/her child is not developing as quickly as other children at the Early Learning Centre you work at?

