Promoting Your NARPM® Chapter
The success of any organization depends on the people who join it end those who promote it. "Spreading the news" is what public relations is all about. Here are some easy tips on how you can publicize your chapter, which ultimately boosts membership, morale and public awareness!
1. Talk NARPM®: Tell your clients, staff and other property managers about NARPM®. Let them know you are a member of a national association for the residential management industry, and share with them the perks and benefits of belonging to the group. Let them know NARPM® is an association designed for real estate professionals who know first-hand the unique challenges of managing single-family and small residential properties. NARPM® offers an effective, professional learning environment for owners of property management companies and their employees.
2. Show everyone what NARPM® is all about: Each NARPM® member gets a gold pin signifying their affiliation with the group. This pin should be worn when meeting clients and tenants in addition to all NARPM® and related functions. People are naturally curious, and will ask what the initials "N A R P M” stands for. If you have a designation (RMP® or MPM®), wear this pin too. Every time you tell someone about the pin, you are promoting your group and adding to public awareness! Another idea is to purchase from the NARPM® store a large copy of the NARPM® Code of Ethics and have it professionally mounted and framed. Display the finished product in your lobby or office for visitors to read. Also hang all NARPM® membership certificate plaques, designation plaques, and awards in these areas.
3. Write about NARPM®: You don't have to have a journalism degree to be an effective writer. What you do need is the ability to communicate in an honest, open and friendly manner. Getting published in your local newspaper can be easier than you think. Press releases sent to your local publications including the big and smaller newspapers must be of interest to the general public and sent in a timely manner. Samples of press releases are available on the website,
What events could generate interest to potential members or clients?
· Classes for property managers
· Workshops for landlords or tenants
· Vendor showcases for rental property owners
· Maintenance how-to courses
· Monthly luncheons with key-note speakers
· Announcements of receivers of PPM and MPM® designations
· Human interest stories about clients, tenants or properties
· Contest winners
· Membership drives
· New board of directors and officers
As you can see, there are tons of topics to write about! If you are in charge of sending out press releases, try and get a contact person at the publication you want to get published in. Call them and be friendly, professional and BRIEF! Remember that these people are very busy yet need your input in order to fill their papers. If you start out pushy or demanding, you can probably count on your press release getting lost or thrown in the trash. After your story gets published, send a nice thank-you note to the
person responsible for getting your story in, and wait for the next time you want to get some publicity. They are usually more than willing to help you out again!
If your newspaper has a local real estate section, get to know the editor or their assistant. Ask if they would be willing to print a column about the rental industry. Many editors will tell you that they only publish stories about sales and new homes, but a good argument is the fact that most renters eventually become homebuyers and lots of investors are looking to purchase more and more properties. Articles about landlords, tenants and property management really are of interest to all, since most people who
read papers either own or rent their own homes/apartments. By publishing stories about the rental side of real estate they are making contacts with more of their public sector. Once you win their approval to get some stories in, find a member (or yourself) who is able to write interesting stories on a regular basis. Don't expect to get paid for your efforts--what you can expect is a "by-line" with your name, phone number, along with a spotlight of your affiliation with NARPM®! In addition to promoting your chapter, you'll be surprised of the publicity and business you'll receive from the readers. When writing stories for the newspaper or other publication, be sure to be interesting and stick to the facts. Give out information freely about your topics--people will be calling you for additional details. The choice of topics is endless--here's a few to start with:
· How to screen rental applic0nts
· Getting your property ready to rent
· Ways to market your rentals
· How to interview your landlord
· Tips on getting your security deposits back
· What is NARPM®?
· Rent collections and legal notices
· Evictions--How to avoid them
· Maintenance how-to's
· Dealing with noisy neighbors
· Pets in rental properties
· Fair housing
· What is habitability?
· The importance of initial walk-through inspections
· How to fill your rental vacancies faster
· Dealing with the fussy tenants/landlords
· Pest control issues
· Rent increases - how and when
· Write in a friendly, conversational manner, end avoid controversy at all costs!
· Insert clauses to your stories about, "Ask your local professional property manager for further clarifying details on intricate issues.”
Most people don't want to be preached to but appreciate receiving information from an expert. Your editor will be thrilled when they know they can count on you or another member to faithfully deliver a well-written story. Avoid breaking a deadline--this
is deadly to your reputation. In closing, Public Relations are critical to the continued success of your Chapter.
We are all busy professionals, but it pays to get involved. Choose your committee members carefully, and have fun! Of all the committees you can choose to participate in, PR can be one of the most rewarding. Be creative, persistent and watch for results. They may come slowly, but you WILL see them!
More tips for promoting your Chapter:
Have your chapter sponsor a local kid's soccer/softball/baseball team and put the NARPM® logo on the kid's T-shirts.
Get members of your Chapter to join together and participate in a local walkathon/run for charity.
Recruit outgoing members to represent NARPM® at local business mixers and meeting for the Chamber of Commerce.
Get involved as a Chapter with various organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity. Select different families to receive holiday baskets donated by members of your group and be sure to send out press releases along with photos of the surprised/happy recipients.
Take out a group ad in the Yellow Pages for NARPM® Members.
If your budget permits, get together with an ad-specialty company and make up items with the NARPM® logo and Chapter name on them to sell to member of your club. Ideas for items could be decals, key rings, T-shirts, coffee mugs, or magnets.
Remember if your chapter uses promotional items be sure to follow the logo usage guideline:
Also, National has created logos for chapter go to this link locate your region and find your chapter and use your logo: