UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR: B.A. in EnglishK-8 Teacher Certification Track
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESENG 100 / College Writing or equivalent CW course / 3 / None
ENG 140 / Reading Literature / 3 / CW
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESENG 245 / Introduction to Literary Studies / 3 / CW
ENG 220 / World Masterpieces / 3 / CW
Note: ENG 245 is a prerequisite to all upper-level courses for English majors only.
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESENG 340 / History of Literary Criticism and Theory / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 341 / Contemporary Critical Theories / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 342 / Topics in Contemporary Theory / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 344 / Sex/Gender and Sexuality / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 345 / Racial Formations / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 440 / Independent Study in Literary Criticism and Theory / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 441 / Seminar in Literary Criticism and Theory / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 202 / Memoir and Autobiography / 3 / CW
ENG 203 / Topics in Writing / 3 / CW
ENG 204 / Professional Writing / 3 / CW
ENG 205 / Sentence Style / 3 / CW
ENG 300 / Fiction Writing / 3 / ENG 201
ENG 301 / Poetry Writing / 3 / ENG 245 and ENG 300 or instructor’s permission
ENG 302 / Fiction Workshop / 3 / ENG 245 and ENG 300 or instructor's permission – may be repeated for 3 additional credits with instructor’s permission
ENG 303 / Poetry Workshop / 3 / ENG 245 and ENG 301 or instructor's permission – may be repeated for 3 additional credits with instructor’s permission
ENG 304 / Advanced Memoir / 3 / ENG 202 or instructor’s permission
ENG 305 / Rhetoric, Syntax, and Style / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 306 / Writing the Novel / 3 / ENG 245 and 302 preferred and permission of instructor
ENG 309 / Newswriting / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 310 / Topics in Journalism / 3 / ENG 245 and ENG 309
ENG 400 / Independent Study in Creative or Expository Writing / 3 / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 401 / Writing Minor Thesis / 1 / ENG 245 and ENG 302, 303, 304, or 306
ENG 409 / Internship in Professional Writing / Variable / ENG 245 and ENG 309 or 310, or permission of the Department.
ENG 410 / Independent Study in Journalism / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 411 / Seminar in Journalism / 3 / 24 credit hours in English & ENG 245 or instructor permission
Historical Period Courses Before 1800
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESENG 315 / Ancient Literature / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 316 / The Bible / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 317 / Studies in Ancient and Biblical Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 320 / Continental Literature / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 325 / Epic and Romance / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 350 / Medieval English Literature / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 351 / Chaucer and the Medieval World / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 352 / Medieval Drama / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 353 / Medieval Women Writers / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 354 / Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 355 / English Renaissance Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 357 / Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 360, ENG 361 / Shakespeare / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 362 / Studies in Shakespeare / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 363 / Studies in the Renaissance / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 365 / Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 366 / Studies in the Restoration and Eighteenth Century / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 367 / Literature and Culture of the Early Republic / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 368 / Studies in Eighteenth-Century American Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 369 / Emergence of the Novel / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 370 / Literature of Discovery, Exploration, and Colonialism / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 379 / Earlier Women Writers / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 415 / Independent Study in Ancient and Biblical Literature and Culture / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 450 / Independent Study in Medieval Studies / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 451 / Seminar in Medieval Studies / 3 / Prerequisite: 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 455 / Independent Study in the Renaissance / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 456 / Seminar in the Renaissance / 3 / Prerequisite: 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 465 / Independent Study in the Eighteenth Century / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 466 / Seminar in the Eighteenth Century / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor
Historical Period Courses After 1800
ENG 322 / Modern Autobiography / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 324 / Studies in Canadian Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 326 / Studies in International Literature Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 327 / Modern Short Story: Themes and Methods / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 328 / Modern Novel: Themes and Methods / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 329 / Modern Drama / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 346 / Language, Literature and the Politics of Identity in Contemporary Ireland / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 371 / Romantic Writing / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 373 / Studies in Romantic Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 375 / Nineteenth-Century British Novel / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 376 / Victorian Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 377 / Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 378 / The Novel of Self Development / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 380 / Early Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 382 / The Earlier American Novel / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 383 / Studies in African-American Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 384 / Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 385 / Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 387 / Women Writers Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 390 / British Poetry Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 391 / American Poetry Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 392 / British Novel Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 393 / The American Novel Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 394 / Studies in American Literature and Culture Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 395 / Irish Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 396 / James Joyce / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245
ENG 397 / Studies in Irish Literature and Culture / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245; May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ENG 398 / Studies in British Literature and Culture Since 1900 / 3 / CW, ENG 140, & ENG 245; May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
ENG 475 / Independent Study in the Nineteenth Century / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 476 / Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Studies / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 490 / Independent Study in Literature Since 1900 / Variable / By instructor's permission. See Department for application form.
ENG 491 / Seminar in Literature Since 1900 / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESENG 411 / Seminar in Journalism / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 419 / Seminar in Genre and Form / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 431 / Seminar on Literacy Studies and the Teaching of Writing / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 441 / Seminar in Literary Criticism and Theory / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 445 / Seminar in Interdisciplinary and Cultural Studies / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 451 / Seminar in Medieval Studies / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 456 / Seminar in the Renaissance / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 466 / Seminar in the Eighteenth Century / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 476 / Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Studies / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
ENG 491 / Seminar in Literature Since 1900 / 3 / 24 credit hours in English, including ENG 245 or permission of the instructor.
MAJOR ELECTIVES: _12_ CREDITS (or as needed to complete 36 hours in the major)
With the help of a faculty advisor, students may choose elective courses that will prepare them for specific goals, such as teaching in secondary schools, applying to graduate school, or pursuing a career in writing. See the Department website for more information on concentrations.
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESCluster - These three courses will satisfy the Thematic Cluster and are required for the degree (9 credits):
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESEDU 305 / Foundations of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity / 3 / HRD 200
SED 335 / Students with Exceptionalities in General Education / 3 / None
SED 420 / Multi-tiered Systems of Educational Support / 3 / SED 335 or instructor permission
COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / CREDITS / PREREQUISITESEDU 452 / Teaching Science K-8 / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
MME 405 / Teaching Mathematics K-8 / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
EDU 451 / Teaching Social Studies K-8 / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
EDU 565 / Teaching Reading in Grades K-8 / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
EDU 566 / Teaching Writing in Grades K-8 / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
EDU 441 / Seminar in Teaching and Learning I / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
EDU 442 / Seminar in Teaching and Learning II / 3 / Teacher education pathway concentration
EDU 324 / Student Teaching / 9 / Teacher education pathway concentration
Students must complete elective credit to complete the 120 credit hour degree. For those students interested in teaching at the middle level (grades 6-8), it is recommended that they complete coursework in a second content area (e.g., English, mathematics, life or physical science) to become highly qualified to teach an additional content area. Finally, students should consider taking education courses that will support them to become better teachers including, but not limited to, topics such as literacy, technology, understanding and collaborating with families.
CORE AREA / COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / REQUIRED BY MAJOR?CW / ENG 100 / College Writing / Yes, as a prerequiste
CE / ENG 201 / Creative Writing / No, but may be selected
CE / ENG 202 / Memoir & Autobiography / No, but may be selected
CI / ENG 140 / Reading Literature / Yes, as a prerequiste
CI / ENG 244 / Intro to Cultural Studies / No, but may be selected
CI / ENG 262 / Poetry / No, but may be selected
SCA / ENG 230 / Literacy Studies / No, but may be selected
EISRC / ENG 348 / Topics in Interdisciplinary Studies – Empire, Ethics and Globalization / No, but may be selected
DIV / ENG 383 / Harlem Renaissance; African American Women’s Novel (all titles of this topic) / No, but may be selected
INT / ENG 326 / Women and Islam / No, but may be selected
INT / ENG 397 / Irish Film / No, but may be selected
Text from the 2015 – 2016 Catalog:
BA in English Teacher Education K-8 Certification Track
This track of the English degree provides prospective K-8 teachers a strong academic foundation in English and a thorough interdisciplinary education in math, science, and history/social studies. The curriculum combines English courses in writing, literature, and literary theory with a sequence of pre-internship education courses and field experiences focusing on the theory and practice of teaching.
Students completing the 120-credit hour degree will have satisfied the USM Core Curriculum and the English Major as well as liberal arts courses required for initial K-8 teacher certification. Graduates are eligible for recommendation for K-8 teacher certification in Maine.
Students must take the following courses before beginning study in the English Major. These courses do not count as credit toward the English Major.
- ENG 100 College Writing (or an equivalent writing course)
- ENG 140 Reading Literature
Other Requirements:
USM Core Curriculum (including pre-internship education courses):
Entry Year Experience-EYE 108: Culture, Identity and Education (recommended) (3 cr)
EDU 100: Exploring Teaching (recommended) (3 cr)
College Writing-ENG 100 or ENG 101 (3 cr)
Cultural Interpretation-ENG 140 (3 cr)
Quantitative-MAT 120 (4 cr)
Creative Expression (3 cr)
Socio-Cultural Analysis- HRD/SBS 200: Multicultural Human Development (required) (3 cr)
Science Exploration (4 cr)
Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility & Citizenship- EDU 310: Purpose of Schooling in a Democracy (required)
(3 cr)
Capstone–English major senior seminar (3 cr)
Liberal Arts Courses (19 credits):
(Note: Through the Core Curriculum, liberal arts requirements, and the major, students meet at least the minimum credits in English, social studies, math, and science required for State certification at the elementary level.)
- English- Through the major the students become highly qualified to teach middle level
- Mathematics- MAT 131: Number Systems for Elementary Teachers and MAT 231: Algebra for Elementary Teachers or MAT 232: Geometry for Elementary Teachers (6 credits)
- Science- Students must take one lab science in addition to Science Exploration in the core. (7 credits)
- Social Studies- Students must take HTY 101 Western Civilization I & HTY 123, United States History Since 1900 (6 credits)
Acceptance into the Bachelor of Arts in English Education (K-8) is contingent upon admission to USM and successful completion of the University's writing and mathematics proficiency requirements. Other acceptance criteria include a minimum 3.0 GPA and experience working with children. No more than 60 credits can be transferred into the program.
Students must maintain a high level of academic achievement. Minimum academic requirements to remain in the program are as follows:
- A grade of C or better in all University Core and major coursework.
- A grade of B or better in all professional education coursework.
- An overall GPA of 3.0 or better.
Prior to admission to the professional internship year, students must pass the Praxis I and II exams and demonstrate satisfactory progress toward the State of Maine Core Teaching Standards.
For the purposes of field placements in schools during the educational cluster and internship year, students are required to complete and show documentation of the fingerprinting process outlined by the Maine Department of Education:
All students must formally declare their entry into a teacher certification concentration by completing the declaration procedures found on the Office of Educator Preparation website at Passing Praxis I scores, subscription to Tk20, and two recommendation forms are necessary to complete the declaration process.
Core curriculum codes
EYE – Entry Year Experience
CW – College Writing
QR – Quantitative Reasoning
CE – Creative Expression
SCA – Socio-cultural Analysis
CI – Cultural Interpretation
SE – Science Exploration
EISRC – Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
DIV – Diversity
INT – International
CAP – Capstone
Tk20 Subscription:
All undergraduate and graduate students who matriculate into an Educator Preparation program or pathway in USM summer 2013 or later are required to subscribe to the Tk20 online data management system. The subscription allows students to use the system for assessment, advisement, field-experience and career portfolio management. The subscription fee of $103 covers some of the expenses related to the administration and assessment of the program. For loan purposes, it will be eligible for consideration as part of costs. The subscription is a one-time payment and must be made by each student during the first semester of program or pathway matriculation (check with individual programs and pathways for specific subscription timelines). Subscription instructions are posted on the Office of Educator Preparation website:
Please note Professional Education Council Policy: In order for USM’s Education Preparation Unit program completers to be recommended by the institution to the state for certification or licensure, the candidate must provide evidence of meeting all certification requirements, including proficiency on the standards relevant to his/her state approved professional program. This evidence must be compiled and assessed within the context of the Unit’s data management system (i.e., Tk20).
Students who fail to meet any of the academic or professional requirements of this track of the major must withdraw from this track, though they may still complete all requirements for the B.A. in English without certification.