Eng 447: The Poetry and Prose of Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot Paper #1: The Prose
During our discussions of Pound’s and Eliot’s prose writings, we identified in class a number of common emphases. Your task is to select one of these emphases and write a short comparison of the two poet/critics’ perspective on that single issue. To demonstrate your familiarity with both writers, be sure to incorporate quotations and summaries of positions from a minimum of two works by each writer. That is, be sure to incorporate supporting evidence from a minimum of two essays by Eliot and two essays by Pound.
Your essay should begin by introducing the two poet/critics, naming the issue central to both writers’ prose, identifying the particular essays that you will rely on for your evidence, and stating a comparative thesis, one that implies a judgment about their two positions and predicts the structure of the following argument. This introduction should be followed by consecutive definitions of and commentaries on each of the two writers’ positions. That is, define and discuss Eliot’s position on the selected topic, then define and discuss Pound’s position on the subject; or discuss Pound first, then Eliot, depending on your preference and goals. End your essay with a conclusion that states a final comparison and contrast of the two authors’ positions and presents your final judgment of each writer’s position.
Choose one of the following topics:
Vers Libre
The Tradition
The Function of Criticism
The Function of Poetry
You may also select a concept that does not appear on the above list but that, in your view, is also important to both writers’ work, but you must clear that topic with me by submitting your choice in writing by Thursday, November 18.
Essay Due Date: No later than Wednesday, November 24 [You may deliver the essay to the Office of General Education in HH 220 or to Mary Ann Duncan in the English Department Office.]
Essay Length: 4-6 typewritten, double-spaced pages using a Times New Roman 12 font and a 1 inch margin on all four sides of the page.