IB Chemistry Syllabus

Mr. Joel Delgado

John A. Ferguson High School


 This is a guide for the material that will be covered in the course.

 The purpose of this course is to prepare the student to successfully complete the External and Internal Assessments.

 Course Content:

Year 1(SL and HL)

Topic 11 – Measurement and data processing3 weeks

Topic 1 – Stoichiometric relationships6 weeks

Topic 2 – Atomic Structure4 weeks

Topic 3 – Periodicity 4 weeks

Midterm Exam

Topic 4 – Chemical Bonding6 weeks

Topic 5 – Energetics/thermodynamics3 weeks

Topic 6 – Chemical Kinetics3 weeks

Topic 7 – Equilibrium 3 weeks

Topic 8 – Acids and Bases3 weeks

Year 2 (SL)

Topic 9 - Redox Processes 4 weeks

Topic 10 – Organic Chemistry 7 weeks

Option D - Medicinal Chemistry 7 weeks

Internal Assessments(20% of IB grade)3 weeks

Group 4 Project1 week


Year 2 (HL)

Topic 9 Redox Processes 4 weeks

Topic 10 – Organic Chemistry 7 weeks

Topics 12-189 weeks

Internal Assessments(20% of IB grade)2 weeks

Group 4 Project 1 week

Option D – Medicinal Chemistry6-8 weeks


 Grading

Tests45% A 90-100%

Quizzes20%B 80-89%

Projects/Labs 20%C 70-79%

Assignments (graded)10%D 60-69%

Assignments (Completion)/bell ringers 5%

 Class Rules

  1. Be on time
  2. Follow directions
  3. Respect others
  4. Bring your own materials to class
  5. Turn off and put away cell phone
  6. Do not use profanity in class
  7. Stay in your seat

 Materials

  1. 3-Ring binder
  2. Dividers (one for each topic)
  3. Paper
  4. Pen/Pencil
  5. Scientific calculator

Practical (laboratory) Work

  1. Laboratory Activities20 hours SL/ 40 hours HL
  2. Individual Investigation (IA)10 hours
  3. Group 4 Project 10 hours

External Assessment

Papers 1, 2 and 3.

Students have about 1.5 min/question

Paper 1 – multiple choice on core content/AHL content

Students are allowed periodic table, #2 pencil, no calculator (simple math)

Organized in sequence of the topics

Distribution of questions is proportional to hours per topic

SL – 30 marks in 45 minutes + 5 minute read through

HL – 40 marks in 60 minutes + 5 minute read through

Paper 2 – short answer and extended response on core content/AHL content

Students are allowed data booklet, pen and pencil, and calculator

Answer ALL questions

Boxes are scanned and marked, so answers should be written in box. If more space is needed, work the problem on a separate sheet.

Always show your work (ECF)

Significant Figures are not rigorously punished, unless stated in question.

Don’t re-write the question in your answer


SL – 50 marks in 1 hr and 15 min + 5 min read through

HL – 95 marks in 2 hrs and 15 min + 5 min read through

Paper 3- short answer and extended response on core, AHL, and Option Content.

Students are allowed data booklet, pen and pencil, and calculator.

Section A – EVERYBODY DOES SECTION A- One data based question and several short-answer questions on experimental work.

Section B- Student will choose the option that was presented in class

SL – 35 marks in 1 hr + 5 min read through

HL – 45 marks in 1 hr and 15 min + 5 min read through.

Internal Assessment

Students will be internally assessed one time for their practical work.

10 hours

 Group 4 Project

  1. Interdisciplinary
  2. Collaborative
  3. There is no assessment of the group 4 project by IB. Evidence of student involvement will be in the form of a short personal statement and declaration on IA coversheet.

Other information to remember

  1. Cheating or copying another student’s work is unacceptable. All students involved will receive a zero for the assignment.
  2. Students are responsible for obtaining notes and completing the assignments when absent from class. A maximum of one week will be given to complete any missed assignments. Make-up tests and quizzes will not be given during class time.
  3. Complete HW assignments at home, not in the beginning of class.
  4. All assignments must be turned in on time (write the date the assignment is collected on top of the page). If a student is absent the day the assignment is due, he/she must email the assignment to by 2:30 pm. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  5. Cell phones must be turned off and put away. Using the cell phone during class time will result in exclusion.
  6. Remember: chemistry is one of the most difficult courses in the IB program, so study consistently throughout the year and do not let material accumulate. Complete your work and try to understand it as you do it. If questions arise as you are completing your work, write them down and ask for clarification the following class.