The Tesla-Gray Plasma Engine
By Thomas C. Kramer
This paper is my theory as to how an internal combustion engine can be run on only water vapor or only on air. Now to most people that would sound a bit impossible, particularly if the engine were not powered by steam or compressed air, but merely on a generated SPARK. This is what I intend to prove possible.
It is first necessary to have a basic understanding of the underlying electronics use in such a system. This begins with a simple LC or induction circuit as the initial driver. This consists of a power source, a capacitor, a coil of wire and the wire connections through a switch.
Simple Resonating Circuit
Battery Capacitor
This is a basic resonant circuit (LC circuit) whereby the capacitor charges and then discharges to the coil which bounces the charge back to the capacitor and the cycle repeats itself forever or until circuit factorsdrain off the energy. This bouncing back and forth of the electrical current creates a natural frequency in the circuit based on the capacity of the capacitor and the resistance of the wire coil (inductor). Think of this as a ‘ringing tone’.
Now take a look at what Nicola Tesla patented to spark an internal combustion engine in US Patent No 609250. (see below)
Here he is using the LC circuit to drive a primary coil to induce a secondary high voltage coil that causes the spark at the spark plug.
Capacitor Induction Coil HV Secondary CoilSpark Plug
BatterySpark Gap Trigger
Switch (Distributor)
This is quite similar to how a modern car ignition system works with the battery charging an ignition coil to high voltage (HV) which is released through the distributor cap via a low voltage spark gap (switch/breaker points/electronic triggers) that causes a high voltage spark at the spark plugs. Nothing much has changed in this basic design for the last 100 years.
But it is necessary to take another step based on subsequent Tesla patents and discoveries. The first is to understand what Tesla did with his famous Tesla Coil.
fig. 1 A typical Tesla coil
A Tesla Coil is basically a modern ignition coil with only a few wraps around the primary and a multi-wrapped secondary. Note that there are air gaps between the primary and secondary and that static sparks leap off the metal ball (or toroid) at the top.
The triggering of the Tesla Coil is normally done using a rotary spark gap to a resonating circuit via a capacitor. This means that the primary and secondary coils resonate harmonically together at different frequencies if properly wound.
Tesla took things a step further by resonating TWO secondary coils of different sizes using the same primary coil.
This circuit created havoc! The discharges between the metal balls at the top of each secondary created BALL LIGHTNING that would fly around his lab destroying anything it can in contact with or by creating very loud explosions in the air. Tesla studied this effect to avoid the dangers that ball lightning created.
The SECRET OF Joe Cells and S1r’s Watercar
That is fundamentally what EV Gray did, what Papp did and what S1r did. Simply, you create a high voltage and a low voltage spark gap (plug/positive anodes) and the discharge will form a type of plasma ball in air. Do this intentionally in a cylinder that is grounded and you get a BIG BANG that is contained in a small area that is sufficient to drive a piston down.
Graneau exploded water just using a single HV capacitance discharge, but this approach is not practical in an engine as it created a concentrated unidirectional explosion but was difficult to recharge and reload. Tesla’s dual coil simplicity, however, is easily replicated and can be fired at whatever frequency (RPM) required.
S1r’s circuit is very similar to Tesla’s in that he used his car’s normal HV ignition coil and a low voltage (LV) 110v inverter rectified (with high amps) and fired these together through a single wire to the spark plugs. Many people were confused by S1r’s relays, but these are just additional coils and a way to merge the POSITIVE HV and LV sources together AT A SINGLE ANODE. The same thing could be accomplished using a 2 ANODE PLUG in each cylinder (but nobody makes those YET.)
Papp essentially did the same thing with his engines and cannon devices. His difference was in the fact that he used and re-circulated inert gases in his engine. He basically created a plasma ball explosion over and over again in a closed loop system.
EV Gray did the same thing by using 2 anodes, but he added another trick of using a HV-LV discharge into a ring capacitor/inductor circuit.
Mr. Baraka’s recent article “The Secret of the Joe Cell” is an excellent analysis of how the Tesla and Gray technologies have been mixed.
What is more important is that Mr. Baraka essentially outlined other possible driver circuits and modifications to Tesla’s and Gray’s circuits to suit modern electronic components. His paper is a foundation document, but it establishes the unique relationship between a HV-LV ANODE discharge system and ring capacitor/inductors.
What was missing in Mr. Baraka’s analysis was the Tesla Ball Lightning and harmonic connections that create the explosive force inside a cylinder.
I would like to briefly refer to EV Gray’s patent 4,595,975 to highlight the similarities with Tesla before discussing the Joe Cell implications.
Battery +DC Distributor(Vibrator & Make-Break) LV Anode HV-LV Power
AC Power Supply HV Coil BridgeHV Discharge HV Anode
Transformer RectifierCapacitor
This is the basic EV Gray circuit. The low voltage (LV) side is a bit confusing because he was using an electronic vibrator to set a baseline timing frequency and a make-break switch that should be a rotary design. The rest of the circuit, as very clearly described by Mr. Baraka, are safety features.
Do note that the HV and LV are married in the middle component and this combined THIRD VOLTAGE is what is used to drive the EV Gray engine or other devices.
Now lets look at EV Gray’s secret component #14.
This is the innards of component #14.
LV Pulsed Anode Carbon Resistor Spark Gap (Ball Lightning)
HV Anode Ring Capacitor/ OUTPUT Voltage
Inductor Capacitor/Inductor
The creation of a ring capacitor/inductor is the obvious link between an EV Gray circuit design and a Joe Cell design.
Although EV Gray used air gaped concentric rings using air as the insulator material, it is equally effective to use any other dielectric material or WATER as a spacer so long as the metal rings are kept separate. If water is used, then non-corrosive metals or metals with non-corrosive but conductive surfaces must be used. This is simple logic.
Now lets take a closer look at a Joe Cell. I wrote about this before, but it didn’t seem to sink into thick skulls. Note that the NEGATIVE LOW VOLTAGE TERMINAL IS CONNECTED TO THE INSIDE OF THE CENTER TUBE.
This creates a negative charge on the INSIDE of the smallest cylinder and a POSITIVE LOW VOLTAGE CHARGE ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE CYLINDER.
The same effect can be achieved by using a solid rod charged POSITIVE as the central ANODE.
Water molecules are thus charged by the POSITIVE charge and flip-flop into conductive patterns (STAGES) that subsequently charge the successive capacitor/inductor rings in sequence. This has been clearly noticed by the changes in voltage readings between tubes at various charging stages and in the clear restructuring that “charged” water takes on to permit bi-directional energy transfers.
The magnetic deflection of compass needles near a Joe Cell also clearly indicate a capacitance/inductance effect is taking place.
In previous postings about Joe Cells I also mentioned that we are dealing with variations in POTENTIALS. That is, a high voltage potential and a low voltage potential. This is the same as is seen in the Tesla and Gray designs above. The Joe Cell is creating the LOW VOLTAGE circuit potential when installed onto an internal combustion engine.
The normal ignition coil is the HV portion of this circuit.
Bringing the two together you end up with a pulsed HV-LV ball lightning potential in each cylinder, particularly since the air in the cylinder is compressed and heated (mechanically energized) and often contains a percentage of di-polar water vapor molecules (atmospheric or injected).
The harmonic tuning and optimizing of firing conditions can thus be technically analyzed as Mr. Baraka has done, but will most likely fall within the same basic Tesla and Gray circuit designs above with modernizations for finer adjustments (added variable resistors, timer chips, etc.)
The Tesla, Gray and Papp designs give rise to the question of whether or not it is necessary to use a water cell approach or a dry cell approach to firing an internal combustion engine.
Tesla, Gray and Papp did not use water as an insulator. S1r used water as a fuel. Joe has said that you can run a car WITHOUT a Joe Cell, just proper charging (circuits, that is, a proper low voltage potential circuit).
And Mr. Baraka has introduced modern circuits that can deliver what Tesla and Gray have done, with or without a water cell.
It should also be noted that human beings are about 80% water in special energized formations: pentagonal for weak, sick, de-energized individuals, hexagonal for healthy energized individuals and odd dissociated bonded water that is excreted. Humans are also natural di-poles: negative on top and positive grounded at the bottom.
With the above di-pole and energized human structure it is easily seen how humans can influence a di-pole energized water field just by coming near one (a Joe Cell for example). It will have the same effect as if you placed a strong electromagnet or power line near a cell. It will either add to or bugger up the works.
Thus it is my humble opinion and conclusion that the better approach would be to design a DRY CELL or more specifically a Gray Cell to handle the HV-LV discharge or alternatively use a double Tesla Coil approach noted above. The basic designs are already there. The proof of operation has been demonstrated.
So why mess with a finicky Joe Cell that will crap out every time you pass an EM field when you can design a more stable and consistent circuit?
Not enough is known about ball lightning to come to a consistent definition. In nature it occurs in many different sizes and colors, primarily dependent upon the concentration within atmospheric air at the time of a lightning strike. More methane, carbon soot, dust and so on, can cause such variations.
The common factors seem to be a compression of air and multiple HV lightning discharges. Atmospheric air can be compressed by swirling or shockwaves (thunder).
The Lightning ball itself appears to be an initial mass compression encased in an electron shield. It appears to be a type of plasma whereby atoms shed some of their electrons and condense inward, but the positive attraction of the now positive mass does not allow the electrons to flee very far.
This state lasts only temporarily in most cases as the shed electrons or other electrons drawn from nearby metals or other ground negative sources quickly re-stabilize the ball or positive atoms (ions). This often results in an explosion as the electrons rush back to be re-captured thus pushing out of the way atoms that have been normalized. If the electrons are supplied by an earthed conductor, this rush results in melting or burning.
Ball Lightning in an Engine
Now as I see this happening in an internal combustion engine cylinder using a Tesla/Gray/Papp approach, a plasma ball lightning is formed between the HV and LV positive electrodes (pulsed lightning formation) in a situation whereby you have air (with or without water vapor or inert gases) being compressed mechanically and then electromagnetically(implosion) followed moments later with the re-normalization of the air (explosion) on the power stroke.
This all happens very quickly as an internal combustion engine generally operates at high RPM’s (frequency of firings). But it would require the initial plasma formation to take place usually BEFORE TDC because of the initial implosion, except in the cases of additional water injection or in using water as a sole fuel as this will slow down the plasma ball formation due to higher concentrations in the cylinder and the formations of steam as the plasma collapses back to normal. In the latter (S1r) situation the firing of the plasma would most likely be delayed till AFTER TDC. The timing of the plasma firing would thus be determined by the type and vapor concentration of whatever fuel is being used (air, inert gases, water vapor, gasoline, cooking oil, etc.)
Papp’s and S1r’s approaches are interesting in the fact that their fuels were “re-circulated” and only topped up occasionally. This indicates that the fuel is dissociated and then recombined in the plasma reaction without any significant degradation. This is another clear direction in which we should be focused.
Looking Ahead
I believe that what is on the table now are the viable pieces to this puzzle and the fundamental methods and circuits with which we can achieve the successful running of an internal combustion engine on air, water vapor, inert gases or other common fuel other than hydrocarbons. The answer is more clearly in front of us.
What is needed now is just some basic circuit up-grading, perhaps some double anode plugs, and a focused experimental approach.
Joe Cells are an opening to this understanding. Understanding the capacitance/induction aspect of a Gray or Joe Cell is also critical, as well as, the importance of the HV-LV positive anodes and the harmonic resonance tuning and timing of such a new system.
Others have discovered this before. Now it is up to us to re-discover what they did and improve upon it.
Your comments and positive contributions are thus much appreciated in the development of this next generation of power supplies. We need to come together now to do this for the benefit of mankind and the betterment of our world. TK