The 17th Annual Pirate Regatta 2015

The Great Cardboard Boat Race

Mr. Reason – Pirate Academy

Regatta Grading

A.1st place guarantees an “A” for everyone in your group

This includes the Overall Race Winner and the “Best in Show” Award ONLY

  1. All grading is based on a four-point scale.

4 pts = A

3 pts = B

2 pts = C

1 pt = D

0 pt = E

Blueprints, calculations, boat evaluation, and portfolio are all double grades.

  1. Your final grade will be a composite average test score (100 Points)

See the grade sheet for details.

Regatta Rules

1. Allowable materials for boats and oars

  • Corrugated cardboard (not waxed), white glue, duct tape, and paint.
  • No waxes, water based paints, glitter, epoxies, varnishes, nails, staples, or bolts.

Nothing that will damage the pool or contaminate the water will be allowed.

  • Team Names and Numbers must be on the sides of the boat. (We assign the #)
  1. No more than 10% of the total exterior surface area can be duct tape. This must be shown on your calculation sheet. Going over the limit = a disqualification from the race.

3.Glue may only be used between layers of cardboard.

4.The length of the boat may not exceed 7 feet.

5.The weight of the boat may not exceed 40 pounds.

6.Maximum three paddles per boat.

7.The boat may not be a raft. Meaning it must have sides and the bottom of the boat must sink below the surface of the water when put in the water. All designs must be approved.

8.Teams must be supervised at all times when making the boat. (Home and school).

Most of the paperwork will be done at PHS, but the construction of the boats will be done primarily at someone’s house. Students should always be supervised (obviously) but parents should not build the boat. This can be tempting!!! Parent help is great, but the team members should do all construction.

Regatta Competition:

  1. All boats will race 2 pool lengths. Both passengers must remain in the boat throughout the entire race.

2.Any boat not meeting the required rules will race, but will not qualify for a winning any prize, and can not receive the 1-4 points for finishing the race.

3.The boat with the fastest time is the winner. Assuming that they pass the end of the race evaluation. (Cutting the boat into sections to see if they have broken any rules)

4.The decisions of the judges are final and binding. (Reason and the timers)

  1. Any interference of another boat by physical destruction before or during the race will result in immediate disqualification from the race (0 points on the regatta).
  1. 5 boats will race per heat. All races are final … meaning there are no re-do’s.

7.All crewmembers must clean up after themselves immediately following the competition. Failure to do so will result in a 0 for the competition. The 2 people that do not race are responsible for boat disposal. All boats must check in at dumpster. It is YOUR responsibility to clean up your lane and boat after the race, not the crew.

8. All races will begin on the edge of the pool. Once the gun has sounded, you must put your boat in the water, 2 team members must get in, and then you may begin paddling. You may not push off the edge. The race ends when your boat touches the edge of the pool, not the paddle, your arm, or anything else!

9. If your boat capsizes at the very start, you may use the deck to restart, you may only try

this one time. The only penalty is that you’re losing time.

10. There are 4 ways to earn 0 points at the regatta.

Interfere with another boat before, during, or after the regatta.

Use of any water projecting device, silly string, confetti, etc. at the regatta.

Failure to clean up your lane, or dispose of your boat following the regatta.

Getting into ANY trouble at the regatta.