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Audition Date: ______Play Title: _Little Shop of Horrors (MUSICAL)_
Sharpstown High SchoolTheatre Department Audition Sheet
Student Name: ______
Phone Number:______Dean:______
ID #:______Grade Level (2015-2016):______
Parents Name: ______Parent #:______
Theatre Resume/Experience: (Use the back of this form if you need more space)
Play TitleYear RoleTheatre/School____
Ex. “Cinderella” Fall 2011Prince/ Set CrewSharpstown High
Desired Role/Position:
Schedule Conflicts: (List any date conflicts on this sheet. Check the Production Calendar for rehearsal, clinic, and performance dates. Use the back of this form if you need more space).
*Return completed sheet to Mr. Morales on audition day.
Theatre Audition Details and Student/Parent Requirements
*Auditions are open only for those interested in being in the production (actors and techs). Friends and buddies who are not auditioning cannot be in the room during auditions.
*Pre-Audition clinics will be available on Wed August 26, Thurs Aug 27, and Fri August 28 from 4:30pm-6pm in the Sharpstown Auditorium entering through Door 23 (door closest to the Student Parking Lot). Students will be able to learn the music that will be used in the audition process as well as read scenes. Come dressed in moveable clothing. It is HIGHLYRECOMMENDED that anyone interested in being part of the show attend the pre-clinics. No Experience Required.
*Auditions will begin Tuesday September 1 from 4:30pm-6pm and will run every day thru Friday September 4. It is expected that everyone interested in a position in the play show up all 4Days. Auditions will take place in the Sharpstown Auditorium, entering through Door 23 (door closest to the Student Parking Lot).
*If student is selected for the play, rehearsals will begin on Tuesday September 8 from 4:30pm-6pm. Student must be able to attend rehearsals.
*Come dressed in comfortable and moveable clothes. Theatre t-shirt, shorts/sweats, and Running shoes/Tennis Shoes are accepted. Auditions will consist of moving, dancing, singing, acting, tech work, researching, and team building. Bring water (no teas, juices, soda pop, milk… water only).
*Students must figure out a way home after auditions and rehearsals. Metro, walking, or parent pick up.
*Students in the production must be ON TIME and MUST BE ABLE TO TAKE DIRECTION. Attitudes will not be tolerated.
* Rehearsals during the school year will take place 4-5 days a week (Monday-Friday) including some Saturdays. Students involved in other extracurricular activities must inform the director in order to accommodate schedule. Look over Production Calendar for exact dates and times.
*Rehearsal time will be from 4:30pm- 6:00pm on Mondays- Fridays. Some Wednesdays will be used as tutorial days. In order to be in the play, YOU MUST be passing ALL classes and must be able to take direction from others.
*** This is a very fun but difficult musical to produce. Students must be committed 100%. This includes 100% in rehearsals, tech builds, academic classes, etc. Work as a team and do your personal best.
*For more information, please see Mr. Morales in Room 412 or email him at 713-773-6127 (theatre office) 832-661-4160 (cell phone)
-Julio Morales SHS Theatre Director
Parents and Deans: By signing below, you are stating that the student above is an exceptional student. You guarantee their behavior and know they will do well in the theatre department. Parents, you agree to support your child in any way possible to ensure a successful show.
*Return completed sheet to Mr. Morales on audition day.
Dean/Principal Signature of Approval: ______Date:______
Parent Signature: ______Date:______