Topic One: Chemistry of Living Things
- All living things must maintain ______in order to stay alive.
A)Homeostasis: A ______state in the body.
B)Failure to maintain homeostasis results in ______or death.
C)Homeostasis is often maintained using ______mechanisms.
- Feedback mechanisms are ______in which the product of one reaction causes another to start or stop.
D)While organisms are balanced, they are not unchanging. The term used to describe the balanced state is______.
- Dynamic Equilibrium: A balanced state created by many small, ______changes.
Word Bank: feedbackopposing dynamic-equilibrium cyclesdiseasebalanced homeostasis
- Life Processes: All living things carry out the same basic chemical______. Taken together, these process make up an organism’s______.
A)Metabolism: All chemical processes used to maintain______.
- ______: Using nutrients for growth, synthesis, repair and energy.
- ______: Converts energy in food into a usable form (ATP).
- ______: Making complex chemicals from simple substances.
- ______: Absorbing and distributing materials throughout the body.
- ______: The control and coordination of life processes.
- ______: Removing of wastes produced by metabolic activities.
- ______: Passes on genes to offspring.
Word Bank: homeostasisprocessesmetabolismreproductionexcretionregulation transport synthesis respiration nutrition
- Inorganic Chemicals: ______compounds
A)______( H2O) : Most common substance in all living things (about 60% of body mass)
- Needed for chemical ______(won’t happen in “dry” conditions)
- Dissolves other molecules into______, allowing them to be transported through the body.
B)______(O2): Needed by most (not all) organisms for cellular respiration.
- Released by plants and algae as a waste product of______.
- Aerobic respiration: Process that uses oxygen to extract ______from glucose (sugar). Used by most organisms.
- Anaerobic respiration: Process that extracts energy from glucose ______using oxygen. Gives ______energy, so only used by some simple organisms (some bacteria, yeast). These organisms do not need to ______in oxygen.
Word Bank: solutionreactionswatersimplebreathewithout less energy oxygen photosynthesis
C)Carbon Dioxide (CO2): With water, used by plants to make glucose (photosynthesis).
- Waste product of______.
D)Nitrogen (N2): Most common gas in air (70%)
- Needed to make______.
- Converted into ______by soil bacteria. Nitrates are ______by plants and then eaten by animals.
- Excreted as waste in ammonia or ______.
E)Acids and Bases: Used for different functions in body (such as digestion).
- Measured by the ______scale
- Very high and very low pHs are usually______.
- pH can affect rates of chemical reactions; for example, digestive ______work fastest in acidic environments, which is why we make stomach ______(hydrochloric acid, or HCl).
Word Bank: ureaabsorbednitratesproteinacidenzymes lethal pH aerobic-respiration.
- ______Compounds: Larger, more complex chemicals. Always contain the elements like carbon (C)and hydrogen (H). Synthesized from simpler substances (building blocks).
A)Carbohydrates: Sugars and______.
- Building blocks: simple______.
- Functions:
- ______energy.
- ______energy (starch in plants).
B)Lipids: fats, ______and waxes.
- Functions:
- Store energy.
- Cell membrane.
- Water______.
- ______.
Word Bank: storeprovidesugarsstarchesorganicoils proofing insulation
C)______: Complex compounds that carry out all the body’s activities.
- Building blocks: ______.
- After water, proteins are the most ______substances in the body.
- Have many different functions as determined by their______.
- Lock and ______Model: Proteins must have the right shape to “___” with other molecules.
- Changing the shape of a protein will change what it can interact with its______.
- Important types of proteins:
- Hormones and neurotransmitters – carry ______through the body.
- Cell receptors – in cell membrane; ______hormones and neurotransmitters.
- Antibodies –______foreign pathogens
- Enzymes- act as catalysts, ______all chemical reactions in the body.
- High temperatures will cause enzymes to denature (lose their shape) and stop______. This is why high fevers are______.
D)Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA): Make up ______and chromosomes.
- Building blocks: Nucleotides; molecular ______(ATCGU)
Word Bank: functioningdangerouscontrollingattackreceivemessages genes bases function key fit shape plentiful amino-acids proteins enzyme
Topic Two: The Cell
- Definition:______.
- Cell Theory has three parts:
- ______.
Unicellular – single celled organisms (amoeba, paramecium)
Multicellular – have more than 1 cell; may be only a few (vorticella), or many trillions of cells (humans). Almost all structures in multi-celled organisms are made of or by cells.
- ______.
Everything you do is the result of the work of your cells – walking, talking, even thinking and feeling. When you get sick, it is because your cells are not working correctly.
- ______.
This seems obvious now, but at one time people believed in spontaneous generation, the idea that living things regularly emerged from nonliving things.
B)Exceptions to the Cell Theory
- ______are not made of cells. However, they also do not carry out all life processes, so many biologists do not consider them true living things.
- ______obviously could not come from another cell.
- Organization
______– A cell part
______– A group of specialized cells
______– Group of tissues that work together
______– Group of organs that work together
Word Bank: virusestissueorganorgan-system organelle The-first-cell
All life functions are the result of the cell activities
All cells come from pre-existing cells.
All organisms are made of one or more cells
basic unit of structure and function in an organism
- Cell Organelles: These are the tiny cell parts that make up a cell.
- ______
- Controls the cell
- Contains hereditary material (chromosomes, genes, DNA)
- ______
- Fluid/liquid in the cell – mostly water
- Helps transport material
- ______
- Carries out cellular respiration.
- Gives cell energy (Powerhouse of the cell).
- ______
- Makes proteins from amino acids.
- ______
- Stores food, water and waste
- Food vacuoles may digest large molecules.
- Waste vacuoles may excrete waste out the cell membrane
- ______
- Carries out photosynthesis
- Plant and algae cells only
- ______
- Gives shape, structure and protection.
- NEVER found in animal cells.
- ______
- Separates cell interior from environment
- Controls what enters and leaves the cell using______.
- Has ______that pick up signals from other cells.
Has ______which are proteins that identify the cell; prevent the cell from being attacked by the immune system.
Word Bank: antigenstransportchloroplastcell-wallreceptor-proteinscell-membrane vacuole ribosome mitochondrion cytoplasm nucleus
Topic Three: Nutrition, Photosynthesis and Respiration
Reminder: All life processes are chemical activities which make up your______.
- Nutrition: Taking in nutrients (______) for various activities including:
- Respiration (______)
- Growth
- Repair
- ______
A)Ingestion: ______.
- Nutrients must be broken down into smaller parts so that they can be ______into the blood and cells of organisms.
- Starches are digested into______.
- Proteins are digested into______.
Word Bank: amino-acidsabsorbedsugarssynthesistaking-in-nutrients
metabolismbreaking down-nutrientsfoodenergy
C)Autotrophic Nutrition: Organisms take ______materials (______,H2O) and convert them into organic nutrients (______).
- Auto =______; troph = ______so Autotroph = ______.
- ______is most common form of autotrophic nutrition
- Ex: plants,______.
D)Heterotrophic Nutrition: Organisms must ______nutrients made by other organisms.
- Hetero =______, so Heterotroph =______.
- All ______and ______are heterotrophs.
- Includes:
- ______: consumes animals.
- ______: consumes plants.
- ______: consumes both.
- ______: breaks down dead matter.
Word Bank: otherfungianimalsconsumefeeds-on-othersself photosynthesis self-feeding glucose simple-organic decomposers CO2 omnivore herbivore carnivore other feeding algae
- Photosynthesis: Process in which sun’s energy is trapped in the chemical ______of sugar.
A)Requires______, CO2 and H2O.
B)Makes ______(C6H 12O6) as food.
C)______and ______are waste products.
- Provides ______for all plants, animals and other organisms.
- Provides oxygen to______.
- Removes ______from atmosphere.
E)Plant adaptations:
- Chloroplast: Cell organelle that does______.
- Gas exchange:
- Stomata : ______under a leaf; let gases in and out
- Guard cells: open and close stomata to prevent______.
- Transport:
- Xylem and Phloem: “tubes” ______food and water throughout the plant.
Word Bank: photosynthesistransportdehydrationholesoxygenwater carbon-dioxide bonds glucose sunlight food stomates
- Cellular Respiration: Process that takes______from sugar molecules and places it in molecules of______.
A)ATP is the ______all life uses for energy.
- No organism can get energy from ______or sugar without first putting the energy into ATP.
B)Requires______, oxygen and water.
C)______and ______are waste products.
D)Most organisms carry out aerobic respiration (uses oxygen) in their______.
E)______respiration does not require oxygen, but gives less ATP (energy) for each molecule of sugar.
- When exercise causes human muscles to run out of______, their cells will do anaerobic respiration. The waste product, ______, causes muscles to “burn” so that you will stop.
Word Bank: ATPmoleculeenergyglucoselactic-acidsunlight carbon-dioxide water mitochondria anaerobic
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration are ______reactions! They are also important in ______oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and water through the environment.
______+ CO2 + H2O glucose + O2 + H2O
glucose + O2 + H2O CO2 + H2O + ______
G)Common mistakes:
- “Plants use photosynthesis, animals use respiration.”
All organisms, including plants, use respiration to get their______.
- “Respiration is breathing.”
Breathing is not respiration. Breathing ______the gases needed for respiration. Inhaling and exhaling does not give you ATP.
- “Oxygen is used to breathe.”
This is backwards. Breathing is used to get oxygen which is used for respiration. Without oxygen, you have no______, no ATP, and no energy.
- “All living things need oxygen/need to breathe.”
Anaerobic organisms do not need oxygen, and do not have to______.
Word Bank: cyclingoppositeexchangesenergyrespirationATPsunlight cellular-respiration photosynthesis breathe
Topic Four: The Human Body
- Organization: The human body is made up of______.
A)All humans (and most other organisms) begin life as a ______cell.
- This single cell is called a______.
- The nucleus of this cell has ______the genes needed to become a complete organism.
B)Humans grow as a result of ______cell division).
- This quickly increases the number of cells in the body until there many ______of cells.
- Since all new cells come from the same single cell, they all share the same______.
C)As cells divide, they begin to develop into specialized______.
- ______or Differentiation: Process in which a cell changes to have a special shape and function.
- Cells specialize by ______specific genes on or off.
- Ex: A ___blood cell has turned off all genes needed to make skin, bone, or nerves. It still has those genes, but only the genes ______to be a white blood cell remain turned on.
D)As the body continues to develop, tissues will work together to form______.
E)Organs will work together to form______.
F)Org an systems will work together to help a person maintain______.
Word Bank: trillions cells single tissues zygote needed white all mitosis specialization genes homeostasis organs turning organ-systems
- Nervous System
A)The nervous system ______your body with electrochemical______.
- The chemical portion of a nerve impulses is called a______.
- Neurotransmitters released by 1 nerve cell are received by ______in the cell membrane of the next nerve cell.
- The ______of the receptor molecule determines which neurotransmitter it can receive.
B)A nerve cell is also called a______.
C)The main organs of the nervous system are the ______and______.
D)The spinal cord controls ______and relays impulses between the brain and body.
Word Bank: shape regulatesreflexes impulsesneurotransmitterreceptor-proteins muscle neuron brain signal spinal-cord
- Endocrine System
A)Uses______to regulate thebody.
- A hormone is a chemical ______secreted by endocrine glands.
- Hormones are slower than nerve impulses, but with ______lasting effects.
- Hormone levels are controlled by ______mechanisms.
- ______molecules on the surface of the cell membrane receive hormones. As with all proteins, it is the ______of the receptor molecule that determines which hormone it can receive.
B)The ______makes ______and glucagon which control blood sugar.
- Common mistake: “Insulin lowers blood pressure.”
Insulin (and glucagon) directly control blood ______(or glucose) levels, not blood pressure.
C)Adrenal glands make ______when the body is under stress.
D)Testosterone (male), estrogen and progesterone (female) are the sex hormones. These are made in the ______(testes for males, ovaries for females).
Word Bank: longer hormonesfeedbackmessengerreceptorshapepancreas gonads insulin adrenaline sugar molecule
IV.Circulatory System
A)Moves ______through the body to the organs and cells that need them.
B)Transported material includes:
- ______and ______from intestines to all cells of body.
- ______from lungs to all cells of the body.
- ______from glands to target cells
- ______from all cells to the excretory organs.
C)Materials usually enter and leave the blood through______.
- Diffusion: Process in which material moves from a ___concentration to a low concentration.
- Ex: There is a high concentration of oxygen in the lungs, so oxygen will diffuse from the lungs into the______, which has less oxygen.
- ______: Microscopic blood vessels where diffusion occurs.
D)The ______is the pump that drives the circulatory system.
E)______carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Hemoglobin: ______in red blood cells that carries oxygen.
F)______is the fluid of the blood. It transports everything except oxygen.
G)Platelets ______the blood.
H)Common mistakes:
1. “The heart pumps oxygen to the brain.”
Technically true, but the heart pumps blood (which carries the oxygen) ______in your body.
2.“Oxygen diffuses into and out of the heart.”
No materials ______in or out of the blood when it is in the heart. This ______occurs in capillaries.
Word Bank: materialnutrientswaterprotein high diffusionoxygen hormones wastes clot capillaries heart blood red-blood-cells everywhere plasma diffuse only white-blood-cells
V.Respiratory System:
A)Breathing provides ______needed for cellular respiration (which uses energy from sugar to make______).
B)Excretes the waste ______which is produced from cellular respiration.
C)The ______is the muscle that allows breathing to occur.
D)You breathe faster when CO2 builds up in the ______(not when you need oxygen).
E)The ______are microscopic sacs where oxygen enters the blood and CO2 leaves the blood.
1.The alveoli are surrounded by ______which pick up oxygen and drop off CO2.
Word Bank: diaphragm capillariesoxygen ATPalveoliblood CO2
- Digestive System:
A)Food is ______down so that it is small enough to enter the body tissues/cells.
- Food is broken down mechanically and______.
- Nutrients and water are ______into the body in the small and large intestines.
B)The digestive system is a one way ______through the body that includes the mouth, stomach and intestines.
C)Food is moved through the digestive system by muscular contractions (______).
D)Undigested food is ______as solid waste (feces).
E)Common mistakes:
- “The digestive system excretes waste.”
The digestive system does not excrete waster (see excretory system).
- “The digestive system gives you energy.”
The digestive system gives______. Energy is gained by cellular respiration.
Word Bank: passagechemicallynutrientsabsorbedperistalsisbroken eliminated excretes
VII.Excretory System:
A)Removes waste produced by the ______of your body.
1.These wastes include ______,______,______and______.
B)Lungs excrete ______and______.
C)The skin excretes ______and ______as sweat.
D)The kidneys excrete ______and ______and other substances as urine.
1.______also control the amount of water in your body.
E)The ______filters toxins and dead red blood cells from the blood.
F)Common mistake:
1.“The body excretes feces.”
Feces never enters cells of the body, so technically it is not excreted. The correct term is “______” or “egested.”
Word Bank: cells salt (2)water (4)urea (2)liverCO2(2) kidney eliminated excretory
- Immune System
A)The job of the immune system is to protect the body against______.
B)Pathogen: ______.
- Types of pathogens include viruses, bacteria, and______.
C)______Blood Cells are the main components of the immune system.
- Different w.b.c’s have different roles, including:
- ______pathogens.
- “____” pathogens for destruction by other wbc’s.
- Destroy pathogen by ______it.
- Destroy pathogen using______.
- Make______.
D)Antibodies are ______made by white blood cells to attack pathogens.
- Every antibody is specific in its______– it can attack one and only one ______of pathogen. As with all proteins, this is because the shape of the antibody must fit its ______(lock and key model).
Word Bank: parasitesidentify pathogensdisease-causing-organismtag white chemicals proteins eating antibodies action type target
E)Antigensare protein “______” that identify a cell or virus.
- Your blood type is determined by your ______(you can have A or B antigens, both or nether (type O).
- Any cell of virus with the wrong antigen will be seen as ______by your immune system, attacked, and destroyed. This is why you must match blood types before receiving blood or an organ______.
F)A ______is an injection of a dead or weakened pathogen.
- Triggers the body to make antibodies ______that pathogen.
- Effective against both ______and bacteria.
- Can only ______disease, not cure it.
G)______are drugs used to stop infections by bacteria.
- Antibiotics will not ______against viruses.
- Unlike vaccines, antibiotics can ______diseases.
H)Common mistake:
- “Antibodies are cells that attack pathogens.” Antibodies are______, not cells.
Word Bank: tagsvaccineforeign antibioticsantigenstransplant prevent cure against viruses work proteins
- Interactions between body systems
A)The different systems of the body work together to maintain homeostasis.For example:
- Nutrients from the ______system are transported to cells by the ______system.
- Wastes from the ______system are removed by the ______system.
- The ______and ______systems work together to control the body.
- The ______system protects the ______system from disease.
Word Bank: respiratory immune nervous (2) endocrine excretory circulatorydigestive
- Diseases and Disorders
A)Typically the exam asks you to name a disease, what ______it, its effect on the______, and how to prevent/treat/cure it. The most important diseases and disorders for you to know are:
- Caused by the ______virus (a pathogen)
- Weakens human immune system, leaving body ______to other diseases.
- Spread through bodily______, usually sexual contact, intravenous (IV) drug use (sharing needles), or blood______.
- Can’t be cured, but spread may be ______by sexual abstinence, “safe” sex (using condoms), not sharing needles, or ______blood before using it for a transfusion.
Word Bank: HIV transfusions causes prevented vulnerable fluids testing body
- Cancer
- Caused when a cell reproduces (divides) at an______rate, forming a tumor.
- Cancer cells do not specialize and take ______from healthy tissue.
- May be caused by______, chemicals (such as asbestos or cigarette smoke), and viruses.
- Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, and______.
- Diabetes
- Affects body’s ability to control blood______.
- Some diabetics may be treated using injections of ______made by genetically engineered bacteria.
- Allergies
- Occur when the immune system ______to a harmless substance (such as pollen)
- ______is a form of allergy caused by a reaction to dust particles in the air.
Word Bank: radiation sugar chemotherapy insulinuncontrolledresources reacts asthma
Topic Five: Reproduction
- Asexual reproduction:
A)Advantages: ______
B)Disadvantage: ______
- Sexual reproduction:
A)Advantage: ______
B)Disadvantage: ______
Word Bank: slower-harder-riskerno-varietyfaster-easier-safervariety
- Mitosis
A)Used in all forms of ______reproduction.
B)The number and types of chromosomes in the daughter cells are ______as in the parent cell.
C)Large organisms use mitosis for ______and ______. Simple organisms use it to ______.
D)One division of a cell two identical, ______(2n) cells.
- Diploid: Cell with a ______sets of chromosomes.