Due: ------

No late assignments accepted

Will only accept hard copies

Directions: Carefully answer the following questions in order. You may either answer them for yourself or interview someone you know. If you chose to interview someone you will need the following information before answering the questions: name of the person, age, sex and relationship to you.

This paper must be typed, 12 point font. Follow the format of the questions.

All information is confidential and non judgmental.

1. Choices

a. What choices (2 choices) have you made in your life that have been challenging for you?

b. Do you think the interpersonal choices you make are “free” or ”determined” by culture and society? Give 2 examples.

2. Relationships

a. How long had your parents been married before you were born?

b. How many other children had been born before your birth?

c. How many children were born after your birth?

d. Describe how you viewed your “place” in the family you grew up in.

e. What was your relationship with your mother, father and siblings when you were growing up?

f. What is your relationship with them today?

g. Who took care of you as a baby?

h. What is your relationship with that person today?

i. How have these early relationships influenced your sense of trust and comfort in other interpersonal relationships?

j. How did your experience with your family of origin affect your life choices regarding your spouse and family?

k. How did you feel about yourself as a child and adolescent?

l. What important experiences helped to shape your self-concept?

m. How do you feel about yourself today?

n. What are you doing to improve your self-concept?

3. Subsequent Relationships

a. When was your first love relationship with someone outside your family?

b. What kind of love was it?

c. Who initiated the relationship?

d. How long did it last?

e. How did it end?

f. How did this relationship affect you and your subsequent relationships?

g. What other significant love relationships (if any) have you had?

h. How long did they last, how did they end, and how did they affect your life?

i. What are your preferences for your relationship? Ex: never getting married, get married, or live with someone?

j. What is your ideal lifestyle?

4. Communication Issues

a. Describe your parents’ relationship and their manner of communicating with each other.

b. How are your interpersonal communication patterns similar to and different from theirs?

c. How comfortable do you feel talking abut relationship issues with your partner?

d. How comfortable do you feel telling your partner what you like and don’t like about his or her behavior?

e. How comfortable do you feel giving your partner feedback about how to please you sexually?

f. How would you approach this topic?

g. How much have you disclosed to a partner about your:

1. previous relationships

2. your feelings about the partner

3. your desires for the future?

5. Sexual Issues

a.  What did you learn about sex from your:

1.  parents

2.  peers

3.  teachers

b. How have your sexual values changed since you were an adolescent?

c. What is the riskiest “choice” you have made with regard to your sexual behavior?

d. What is the safest “choice” you have made with regard to your sexual behavior?

e. What is your policy about asking your partner about his or her previous sex history and requiring that both of you be tested for STIs and HIV before having sex?

f. How comfortable are you buying and using condoms?

6. Violence and Abuse Issues

a. Have you ever been pressured or forced to participate in sexual activity against your will as a child, adolescent, or young adult?

b. How did you react to this experience at the time?

c. What is your feeling about the experience now?

d. Have you ever pressured or forced others to participate in sexual experiences against their will?

7. Reproductive Issues

a. What is your preferred form of contraception?

b. How comfortable do you feel discussing the need for contraception with a potential partner?

c. How many children (if any) do you want and at what intervals?

d. How important is it to you that your partner wants the same number of children as you do?

e. How you feel about:

1. artificial insemination

2. sterilization

3. abortion

4. adoption

8. Childrearing Issues

a.  What are your preferences for your child’s:

1.  religion

2.  discipline

3.  educational (public or private) training?

9. Career Choices

a. What is your major in school and why did you choose it?

b. What are your career goals?

c. How do you plan to mesh your career goals with your plans (if any) for marriage and family?

d. What are your expectations of a partner in terms of career support?

Extra Credit 5 points

Share your findings with the rest of the class.