WHA Board Meeting
December 8, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm.
Members Present: Jeff Johnson, Bob Marquardt, Vince Foley, Jodi Pearson, Peggy Hamann, Bob Boes, Jenny Wirkus,Scott Riddle, Shannon Green & Jolene Spilde
Guests: Lori Fox, Wendell Falk & Dave Robin
- Balance Sheet andProfit and Loss reports were presented. Bob B. made a motion to accept the report Bob M. 2nd it.
- Bob M. checked with utilities and all credits have been given for past billings.
- November meeting minutes were approved. Bob M. made the motion Peggy H.2nd it.
- Don Barse has agreed to the secretary duties until new term is up.
Vice President:
- Park and Rec hockey needs to sign up at the Park and Rec office for the 2nd session. There will be a maximum of 25 new personal contacts.
- Jim Norton is serving on a Developmental Committee with the Brookings girls coach.
Past President:
- Discussion has held on the outdoor rink. The Park and Rec will not be flooding the rink next year without new boards. If the hockey association will pay for the material they will do the work to replace them.
- Payment needs to be made to Huron Hockey Association for the Tronnes Scholarship for letting us host Rooster Cup games.
- The Senior Ice Bowl went well in Brookings.
- Discuss was held about sending a letter to the teams that participated in the JV jamboree asking them for a donation to help pay for the refs for the JV jamboree.
- Season is going well so far.
- Old jerseys and old equipment will be sold at price to be determined by Scott R.
- Katie Muhl was selected as the Public Opinion athlete of the week.
- Bantam C team will be playing the Dakota Jamboree in Valley City, ND.
- Team is doing well with 13 skaters.
- We will be hosting the PeeWee C Jamboree which our team has been allowed to play in.
- Teams are doing well.
- Parents will be asked to step to help coach the mini mites
- The mite/mini mite tournament is being planned.
Old Business:
- Jeff J. has been entering information on the Public Opinion sports website for the boy’s varsity/jv level.
- Open skate & skate rental has been going good with mite parents running it.
- Motion was made by Bob M. and 2nd it by Vince F. to allow the Skate Club to run open skate on Fridays and Saturdays with them to keep the proceeds.
New Business:
- Discussion was held on a memorial for Christian Hetland. Bob M. made a motion to allow a positive anti-suicide message stickerto be put on the players helmets Scott R. 2nd this.
- 600 programs were made for the games. Each division is responsible for putting in their own inserts. Pocket schedules and posters are still being printed.
- Vince F. made a motion to allow vendors to set up for any tournaments, etc. at a cost of $175.00 for a booth inside the warming room and $125.00 for a booth in the rink per spot on a first come first serve basis. 2nd was made by Peggy H. Jeff will notify current vendors of this new motion.
- Barse’s will bill the association to allow for refs to receive 1 drink item and 1 food item per game per level.
- Adopted pay scale for coaches for 2009-2010 year is as follows: Adam (boys Varsity) $2000.00, Mackenzie and Justin (boys JV) $750.00 each, Charlie and Lucas (Bantam) $1000.00 each, Colton (PeeWee) $1000.00, Holly and Sara (girls) $750.00 each, Mackenzie will receive an additional $500.00 for goalie coaching.
- Motion was made by Vince F. that parent coaches at Varsity level to receive a $750.00 stipend for the 2009-2010 season. 2nd by Bob M.
- Discussion was held on the fees that should be charged for the kids that will be transitioned from the Park and Rec program into the association. Ages 6 and up will the $30.00 USA Hockey fees +$47.00 for the association fees to allow them to play Jan. and Feb.
- Motion was made to allow Vince to spend up to $1000.00 on goalie equipment by Scott R. 2nd by Shannon G.
- Motion was made to allow a security web camera to be installed to monitor the building at an approximate cost of $200.00 by Bob M. 2nd by Jolene S.
- Lori Fox is willing to help out with the website and would also be interested in helping set up slide presentations to be used at banquets, etc.
Peggy H. made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 pm 2ndby Bob B.