St. Edward the Confessor Parish SchoolPHONE: 949-496-1241 ext.1119

33866 Calle La Primavera FAX: 949-496-1819

Dana Point, CA 92629 E-MAIL: Content Standards for California Schools WEBSITE:

School wide Learning Expectations


The goals this curriculum set out to develop in a Catholic environment are:

  • The enjoyment of physical activity
  • Gaining movement skills and knowledge through instruction and assessment
  • Enjoying peer acceptance through good sportsmanship
  • Developing a positive self-image and self-realization
  • Understanding health-related & skill-related fitness for life-long participation

This FUN progressive curriculum allows children the opportunity for full and satisfying participation while encouraging them to fully demonstrate their potential.

Skill and movement patterns are emphasized in second through fourth grade. Our curriculum goal is designed to meet or exceed the California Physical Education Content Standards. We have implemented C.A.T.C.H. Physical Education.

(Coordinated Approach to Children’s Health). Our program consists of skill related and health related fitness activities.

Learners learn: Motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

IntroductionCooperative GamesStriking w/ implements/Games

Fitness assessment TumblingStriking w/hands games

Rhythms Character CountsParachute Games /Fitness

Games from the United StatesDance Emergency Preparedness

Throwing Games Jump Rope

K-8 Physical Education Content Standards:

Standard 1: Demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Standard 2: Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies as they apply to learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.

Standard 4: Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.

Standard 5: Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies as applied to learning and performance of physical activity.

Physical Education Rules:

  • Have Fun!
  • Play Hard - Play Fair - Play Safe!
  • Follow safety rules. (Wearing jewelry is prohibited, except post earrings)
  • Shorts must be worn to waist level (especially the boys) and the shorts may not be rolled up at the waist or worn too high (especially the girls), all uniform policies and decisions are made at the discretion and judgment of the Physical Education Department and Principal.
  • During the winter month‘s students may wear the designated school sweats.
  • Closed toe athletic shoes, laced up and tied, are required for all PE classes.
  • Children are accountable for any work or information missed while absent.
  • If your child is ill or injured, a note from the Doctor, Parent or Guardian is necessary. They

will then be involved by limited-participation or observation, depending on their needs.

Grading policy:

Scores are weighed in two areas to determine the final grade. Warnings are given before scores begin to drop.

The two areas are:

Participation 80%Classwork 20%


Preparedness FitnessKnowledgeAssignments

Daily Points: The daily grade given to each learner will be based upon these factors and deductions will be made for those students who do not meet these requirements. Each day learners can earn up to 10 points

1. Participation in the activity (3pts)

2. Behavior (3pts)

3. Following uniform guidelines (2pts)

4. Participating in warm-ups (2pts)

Injuries/ Sickness/ Medicals:

Any condition that requires a learner to sit out of PE activities must have a parent signed note, or e-mail to excuse for that day. If there is a recurring problem with a student missing due to notes, it may require a change in grading criteria or a conference with a parent to remedy any issues that may arise. A parent note is good for only three days of excused physical education. A doctor‘s note is needed for any extended period of time beyond that. If a learner has forgotten a note and is not feeling well, please have them communicate with the school nurse or me. While sitting out, the learner will be assigned a task (scorekeeper, timer, written assessment, etc.).

During class students must notify the teacher immediately of any injury that occurs during class, even if they are still able to participate.

During a medical absence, the student is responsible for all assignments or information given out in class. Learners sitting out for an extended time will be given an alternative assessment to receive a grade for the unit.

I have read the rules and my child agrees to follow these rules.

Parent Signature______Student Signature______