Classroom Information

Mrs. Wilges Biotechnology

Basic Rules

  1. Respect, Respect, Respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respects rights and properties of others! This includes all school property. Common courtesy is expected at all times.
  2. Give your best effort for each class. “Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?”
  3. Accept responsibility for your actions. Don’t do the crime if you’re not willing to do the time.

Classroom Guidelines

  1. Arrive to class on time. Detentions given for 3 tardies per nine weeks.
  2. Phone policy – not to be out during class without permission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-may be placed in basket upon entering classroom so that it is not confiscated

  1. Come to class prepared. Bring all necessary materials.
  2. Pay attention!! Sleep on your time not mine.
  3. NO FOOD, or DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Safety first at all times. Mature behavior expected. NO horseplay!
  5. Stay in your seats until the bell rings.

Agenda Use

  1. Record daily assignments in your agenda.
  2. You will need to sign out in your agenda to leave the room for any reason.

Classroom Needs

  1. Bring to class every day; book (covered), pencil, black pen, and notebook. Calculators may be needed from time to time.
  2. Your internet account needs to be functional as we will use online activities.

Lab Guidelines

  1. Glasses will be kept in your lab drawers and must be worn for all lab activities. Aprons are always available. Gloves are provided as needed.
  2. Some lab activities are not finished in the same day but equipment should be returned to your drawer at the end of each lab class whenever possible. Labs are not made up if missedbut you are responsible for the information and results.
  3. You are responsible for your equipment and drawer keys.
  4. You will be required to maintain a legal scientific notebook which will be turned in and graded after a lab is completed. These are provided for you.


  1. Turn all work in on time. Late work is only accepted within one day and will cost you a 50% deduction.
  2. When absent make up your work in the same number of days you missed. You must see me to get caught up. I will NOT track you down to get make up work. Whatever work is not made up in the appropriate number of days will be a 0.
  3. Labs ~ 30%

Quizzes and homework ~ 20% - Vocabulary terms for each chapter

Tests ~ 30% - One test each chapter (some chapters may be combined)

* These percentages may be altered due to the new trimester system.

Final exam is 20% of your grade.

Bonus questions are on most tests and quizzes.

4. Assignments may be listed on Progressbook.