Receipt No.

(Filled in by the EditorialCommittee)

JAMSTECReport ofResearch and Development ApplicationForm

Submitted on: (y) (m) (d)

*If you use unpublishedsamples or materials, obtainapproval by following the guidelinesfor use of the bodyor vesselyou used.

1. Names of authors (affiliatedbodiesand departments)

2. Title of article

3. Type of article (check one)

□Originalpaper□Report (includingtechnicaltestreports, cruisereports, etc.) □Review

4. Languageused (check one)


5. Contactaddress (wheredocuments for proofreading, etc. will be sent)

6. Alternatecontact (if the correspondingauthorplans to be absent for an extendedperiod)

7. During the submissionprocess you will be asked to provide two or threenames of potentialreferees.

“JAMSTECReport onResearch and Development”

DataSheet for Submittinga Manuscript

Complete all of the followingitems, and submitthisdocumenttogetherwiththe manuscript.

Names of authors:

Title of the article:

Outline of the article (2–3 sentences, to be providedto the editor in charge (candidate) and the referee (candidate).


□Are you certainthatthis isnot a duplicatesubmission? (in any language, includingmanuscriptscurrentlyin the submissionprocess)

□Have you sufficientlydiscussed the content of the manuscriptwith all coauthors, and obtained theirconsent to submit it?

□When usingthe figure(s)and/or table(s), have you obtained permission from the copyright holder(s) before submission.

□Whensubmission is madein English, have you had the manuscriptchecked by a nativespeaker of English, or someone who is competentat writingpapers in English?

□Does the coversheetcontain: (1) thetitle, (2) authors’ names, (3) affiliatedbody’s officialname, (4) correspondingauthor’s name, affiliated body’saddress, phonenumber, and e-mailaddress, (5) keywords (aboutfive), and (6) marginalheading? Whensubmission is made in Japanese, is each item except (4) accompanied by a description in English?

□Is the submitted manuscriptaccompanied by an abstract in English of about 250 words? Whensubmission is made in Japanese, is an abstract in Japanese of about 400 characters attached, in addition to the abstract in English?

□Are titles numberedsequentially, as set forth in section 2.3 of the Rules for Writing?

□Are punctuationmarks the comma (,) and the period (.)?

□Whensubmission is made in English, is the textdouble-spaced?

□Are the figures and tables written in English? Whensubmission is made in Japanese, are the descriptions written in both Japanese and English?

□Whenreferring to a publication in the text, have you formattedit as set forth in section 2.8.1 of the Rules for Writing?

□Is the referencelist in alphabetical order by author? Is itformatted as set forth in section 2.8.2 of the Rules for Writing?

□Is the manuscript in a PDF file? Arethere any unreadablecharacters or symbols?

□Are thefigures and tables arranged asone item per pageadded to the end of the manuscript?

*Copyright (write○in the spacebelow)

Do you agreethat the article’s copyrightwill in principlebelong to JAMSTEC?

I agree

If it is difficult to belong to the Committeefor a specificreason, on request the authors and the Committeewillconsult and takeappropriatemeasures.


JAMSTEC-R EditorialCommitteeSecretariat

Japan Agency of Marine-Earth Science and Technology,

Research Support Department, Research Support Division II

Phone046-867-9969 Fax046-867-9975