44° RALLY VAN WERVIK 08-09/06/2018

The rally of Wervik is organized by the Auto club Scuderia Vervica V.Z.W. and will take place on 8-9 June 2018 in Wervik, Belgium.

A Timing

Saturday 03/02/2018 Regulations published and entries open.

Sunday 03/06/2018 From 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Last chance to register and pay. ’t Kapittel Ooievaarstraat 33 - 8940 Wervik From 8:00 p.m. Entry list to view at ’t Kapittel Ooievaarstraat 33 - 8940 Wervik.

Wednesday 06/06/2018 Issuing of the Road book and numbers ’t Kapittel from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Thursday 07/ 06/2018 Issuing of the Road book and numbers ’t Kapittel from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Friday 08/06/2018 From 09: 00 a.m. to 4:00 pm Issuing of the Road book and numbers ’t Kapittel From 10:00 a.m to10:00 p.m. Control Roadbook (surveys ) From 4:30 p.m.to 10:00 p.m. Document control ’t Kapittel . Mandatory timing
From 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Scrutineering Rally HQ “De Graankorrel”, Magdalenastraat 29 - 8940 Wervik . Mandatory timing

Saturday 9/06/2018 07:00 a.m. Rally HQ opens at “De Graankorrel”, Magdalenastraat 29 - 8940 Wervik.
07:00 a.m. List of cars allowed to start published. . 08:30 a.m. Start first car . 19:30 p.m. First car due to finish.

B Organization

Permanence: Until June 07. 2018 Dhr Filiep Forrest , Roterijstraat 84 - 8500 Kortrijk tel +32 475 22 17 95 On June 08 2018 Clerk Filiep Forrest +32 475 22 17 95
On June 09 2018 from 07:00 p.m. Rally HQ “De Graankorrel”, Magdalenastraat 29 - 8940 Wervik

The rally of Wervik qualifies for the V.A.S. Regional rally championship, the VAS Historic rally championship , de MSA PROTYRE rally championship , The FRC challenge. The rally is also open to national and international crews R.A.C.B.

Organizing club: Autoclub Scuderia Vervica V.Z.W. - Mesenstraat 44 - 8940 Wervik

C Special provisions

Definition: The rally of Wervik is a rally of ”type A” and is held over 164 km (about 101 miles), of which 96 km (about 59 miles) are special stages(58,54%) and 68 km (about 42 miles) are road sections. The special stages are 97% tarmac.

Registrations: The entry form (www.scuderiavervica.be) must be fully completed, signed and sent to: V.Z.W. Scuderia Vervica c/o Dhr Filiep Forrest , Roterijstraat 84 8500 Kortrijk Belgium. E-mail at latest June 2 2018 at 05:00.p.m. Up to 150 crews will be allowed to start. Priority will be given to the teams already registered and paid in full.

Registration fee: The registration fee , payable to the organizer is 220,00€ per crew. Each participant should pay the required via Bank :
IBAN : BE 49 8500 1880 5971 BIC/SWIFT : NICABEBB . In cash and exact change only by June 8 2018 to Filiep Forrest .

Entry fees: Each crew will only be eligible to start after payment of the insurance premium and contribution to the running cost of the Federation (VAS vzw) have been cleared. De total entry fee is 165€ . This amount can be payed in cash and exact change or by bank card ( no credit card (e.g. VISA, …)).

Insurance: Insurance underwritten by : AXA BELGIUM N.V. ,policy number 700558685

Times and official sign-on: Official sign-on is from Sunday 03 june 2018 in ‘t Kapittel
On Saterday 9 june from 07:00 a.m. in the rally HQ “De Graankorrel” .

Reconnaissance: Road books are only issued on Friday June 08 2018 from 10:00 a.m. until 22:00.p.m.

Refueling: Refueling can only be done on the indicated places. Who brings his own fuel needs to refill at the refueling zone.

Awards & trophies:
The award ceremony will take place on Saturday june 9 at “De Graankorrel” (half an hour after official results)

Service area: At registration specify service vans and tent size. The organization will identify a service place.

Miscellaneous – abuse of Alcohol:
These private regulations are based on the standard rules of rallying , see V.A.S. rules 2018, There will be alcohol control !

Forrest Filiep: Roterijstraat 84 - 8500 Kortrijk Belgium + 32 475 22 17 95

Spacial competition reglulations approved on 2018-02-01 under nubmer 2018.009.0102 by Jos Goessens (VAS vzw, Flemisch rally federation). Two pages.