Eat This, Not That Booklet Rubric

You will be creating your own “Eat This, Not That” Booklet/Slide Show. You will need to include all of the following to get full credit.

·  Use Google Slides/Powerpoint – a total of 4 slides (compare 2 items on 1 slide) (10 pts)

·  Title page with Title of Project and Name and Picture (10 points)

·  Include Comparison between 2 foods at your Favorite Restaurant (10 pts)

·  Include Comparison between 2 drinks that you enjoy-serving same needs to be the same (ex. 12 oz vs 12 oz) (10 pts)

·  Include Comparison between 2 snacks that you enjoy – serving size needs to be similar (ex. 15 chips vs 17 chips) (10pts)

·  When using comparisons must include 3 of the following: (10 pts)

o  Fats (lower this is, then the healthier it is for you)

o  Calories (lower this is, then the healthier it is for you)

o  Sodium (lower this is, then the healthier it is for you)

o  Carbohydrates (lower this is, then the healthier it is for you)

o  Fiber (higher this is, then the healthier it is for you)

o  Sugar (lower this is, then the healthier it is for you)

·  2 pictures per page (10 pts)

·  Title of Eat This, Not That (or Drink This, Not That) over correct food/drink (10 pts)

·  One interesting fact per page (food, drink, restaurant, etc)(10 pts)

*If time allows, we will present to class. You must speak clearly when presenting and able to read facts and information correctly. Take project seriously. * (5 pts)

When finished, share project with Mrs. Waychoff through Google Drive. (5 pts)

If finished extremely early, create another booklet for extra credit. (15 pts)


Points: ______/100 points