Chapter 9Addressing Population Issues

Overview of Chapter 9

o  Population and Quality of Life

•  Population and Chronic Hunger

•  Economic Effects of Population Growth

o  Reducing the Total Fertility Rate

•  Culture and Fertility

•  Social and Economic Status of Women

•  Family Planning Services

o  Government Policies and Fertility

•  China, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Europe

o  Achieving Population Stabilization

Population and Quality of Life

o  Difficult to meet basic needs in developing countries

o  Problems associated with overpopulation:







Carrying Capacity

o  Carrying Capacity (K)


Population and Chronic Hunger

o  Food security


o  Effects of Chronic Hunger

o  Solving the Food Problem




Economic Effects of Population Growth

o  Two viewpoints from economists:



o  Most observations support the second viewpoint

o  Developmental efforts are also hampered by debt from past development attempts

Reducing the Total Fertility Rate

Three major influences on total fertility rate

Cultural Traditions

o  Culture influences and controls individuals’ behaviors

o  Couple is expected to have large number of children


o  Children often work in family business


Social & Economic Status of Women

o  Gender inequality is common worldwide

o  Disparities








Educational Opportunities and Fertility

o  Women with more education

•  Marry later

•  Have fewer children

Family Planning Services

o  In many countries men make reproductive decisions regarding contraceptives

o  Family planning services offer information to both men and women on:





Contraceptive Use among Married Women of Reproductive Age

Government Policies and Fertility- China

o  Largest population in the world

o  Controversial Family Planning Policy

•  1971- Chinese Government pursued birth control seriously

•  1979- Incentives to promote later marriages and one-child families



o  Law – controversial and unpopular

•  Compromised freedom of choice



Government Policy and Fertility- India

o  Severe population pressure

•  1950- first country with government-sponsored family planning


•  1976- introduced incentives and compulsory sterilization


•  Recent years- government focused on education


Government Policy and Fertility- Mexico

o  Young age structure

•  Huge potential for population growth: 33% of population is under age 15

•  1974-

•  Very successful

Government Policy and Fertility- Nigeria

o  Population challenge


o  Very high reproductive potential: 43% of population is less than age 15

o  Current National Population Policy



Government Policy and Fertility- Europe

o  Population concern



o  Decrease in population could cause decrease economic growth

Achieving Population Stabilization

o  How can developing country governments help?




•  Especially for women

o  How can developed country governments help?

•  Provide financial support
