Joseph Howe Home and School Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes: September 24, 2012
David Milgram (Principal), Holly Richards (Vice-Principal), Joe Turner (Teacher)
Karin Yorfido (Chair), Laura McNeil ( Treasurer), Litsa Elles, Tessa Robertson, Jennifer Sotiriou, Elaine O’Keefe, Samia Sattaur, Iftekhar, Hossain, Nancy Varga, Crystal Bradshaw, Freda Servinis, Vania Sakelaris
Recording Secretary:
Karin Yorfido
The meeting was called to order by Karin, who welcomed parents and teachers to the first council meeting.
- Principal’s Report:
Mr. Milgram presented the Principal’s report which is as follows:
The month of September is flying by. We’ve been very busy already with:
- “Meet the Teacher Night” which from all accounts was very well attended and positive
- Entertainment Coupon Book fundraiser
- Terry Fox/Runn 4 Dunn – September 28 and fundraiser for cancer research $1 760.00 thus far raised.
- Presently planning our Beachball School Spirit volleyball day – October 5.
- Cross Country with about 70-80 students – now training at Adams Park each morning
- Boys’ and Girls’ Slo Pitch Team
- Homework Room opens each morning from 8:00 to 8:45 and after school in the library until 4:00
- School Pictures have been taken with retakes being offered on October 17 – TTC pictures have also been taken.
- MADD presentation
Staffing @ Howe for this school year
- New to Joseph Howe – Ms. Gairy; Mr. Turner; Mr. Barnes; ea – Ms. Suzi Galvao; and SNA – Ms. Tammy Garavellos
- We presently have 360 students at Howe (175 gr. 7’s and 185 gr. 8’s)
- Six gr 7 and gr 8 classes – about 30 in the gr 7 classes and 32 – 33 in gr. 8 classes
- Extended French is offered to both grades 7 & 8.
TDSB Information
- New Superintendent - Kerry-Lynn Stadnyk
- Trustee – Jerry Chadwick – who would like to come and talk if we can establish a date – November to share what his role is as a trustee.
- Our transition went smoothly – we meet with our feeder schools to discuss each student coming to Howe and with that information we receive, from their teachers, we learn about each student – helps to make up our classes in grade 7
- New students have acclimatized themselves to the building – everything thing seems fine now and kids I have spoken to said they were really happy to be at Joseph Howe.
- Grade 8’s have adjusted well to their new teachers and we are hoping they will be the leaders in the school.
Communication with families
- Very important and it is two way
- By phone; by email; website; through your child’s agenda
- If you have a concern with a teacher, or a test, or homework – parents are encouraged to speak to the teacher first – if a problem continues to exist then please feel free to call Mrs. Richards or me.
Lunch time routines and expectations
- Stay at Howe – time to socialize – house league will begin once the weather starts to turn
- Outside ½ the period then inside to eat – we ask that our students don’t eat while outside – attracts bees and wasps and we have students who are allergic to stings
- Every other cycle – switch where the 7’s eat first and then the 8’s.
Technology Expectations (cell phones; facebook; msn; etc.)
- Cell phones are allowed at Howe. However, the expectation is once the students enter the school they are to turn their phones off and leave them in their locker for the whole day, including the lunch hour.
- Parents were told that it is illegal for students in grades 7 and 8 to be on Facebook and it was strongly suggested that if your child does have a Facebook account that the parent(s) should know their child’s password to monitor the account. Mrs. Richards and I spend countless hours dealing with Facebook issues and Bullying on the internet.
- Our number one priority is to make sure your child feels safe coming to Joseph Howe and wants to be here.
SSON – School Statement of Needs
- This will be completed by our school council chair (Karin Yorfido) along with the support of Principal and other members of the school council.
- To be completed by the end of October at the latest.
- Areas of School Focus: Technology and Co-Teaching
Holly provided the following update on technology initiatives which are a major area of focus for the school this year:
- WiFi has been established in the school
- A budget has been established to purchase 30 netbooks / notebooks
- New Smartboards will be purchased
- The sound system in the auditorium has been upgraded
- A wireless microphone system may be considered
- 10 small stereo / docking-station type systems are being purchased
- A portable scanner for documents is being evaluated
Holly will provide more information on the specific budget requirements for these items in next month’s meetings.
The Council expressed a great interest in running more fund raising activities this year to augment TDSB funding and help purchase as many of the above items as possible.
Holly also describe that a blending learning program similar to last year’s program with Eric Walters will take place again this year.
- Fund Raising
The major fund raiser underway right now is the Entertainment Coupon booklets. Based on sales to date, the fund raising is lower than in previous years. Mr. Milgram will provide an update in next month’s meeting. Funds raised through this program will go directly toward the technology initiatives outlined by Holly.
The Council discussed a variety of other fund raising options to support grad and technology purchases. For example, ideas were raised to incorporate fund raising into existing school events such as the Holiday Concert.
It was agreed that fund raising ideas would be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.
- Pizza Days
Nancy Varga has kindly volunteered to run the Pizza program again this year. Nancy reported that last year, 65% of the students participated and the goal this year is to increase participation by use 2 order forms for the year.
Term 1: Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan.
Term 2: Feb., Apr., May, June
The Council supported this approach. Other suppliers were also discussed (eg Subway). For Term 1, it was agreed that we would continue with pizza. Nancy would investigate the Subway option and report back at the next meeting.
Volunteers are needed to support pizza days – please contact Nancy.
- Spirit Wear & Support for Cancer Research
Holly and Mr. Milgram described the way the school has supported Jessica Dunn and cancer research through the Believe campaign and sale of Run for Dunn bracelets. The students were very motivated by this campaign and Holly updated that the school is looking into selling spirit wear (with options for the Believe and school logo) as a way to continue to support cancer research.
Holly will provide more information and show samples at the next meeting.
- School Uniforms
Holly is looking into school uniforms for phys-ed and school athletic teams. An update will be provided at the next meeting. The Council discussed that a small portion of the charge for uniforms could be directed towards fund raising.
- School Website Update
The school’s website is now being managed by Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Gillard. There is a link from the website to AW which is the online source of class information and text books for students. Parent information is also posted on AW and parents can only log on with their children’s id and password.
- Facebook Safety Presentation
The Progrant of $500 will be used towards a presentation by Chris Vollum on keeping children safe on Facebook and other social media. The Council accepted Holly’s recommendation that the presentation be made to parents (instead of directly to the students), allowing the parents to be more informed. An RSVP-type of form will be sent out to parents, and if there is room in the auditorium, students may also join.
- Elections
A round table of introductions was made where participants could express interest in taking on an elected roll. The following elections were made:
- Chair – Karin Yorfido
- Vice Chair – Crystal Bradshaw
- Treasurer – Laura McNeil
- Secretary – Samia Sattaur
- Financial Report
Laura provided the financial report.
- Meeting Schedule
The following meeting schedule was agreed to:
October 22, November 19, January 21, February 25, April 22, May 27
If required, these dates (Mondays) will be adjusted for Teacher pause activities
If was agreed that Jerry Chadwick, School Trustee, will be invited to join November 19’s meeting.
Karin adjourned the meeting.