Pastor Charles Holmes



29-5 I believe that the seventh angel of Revelations 10 is the seventh church age messenger of Revelations 3:14. Remember... Now, let me read... look... where I can read... Now, this was the seventh angel.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel... (7th verse)... when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants the prophets.

Now, you notice, this was a angel; and it's the angel of the seventh church age, because it says here, it is the seventh angel of the seventh church age. Found that... If you want to see who the--where the angel is, Revelations 3:14, it's the angel to the Laodicean church.

30-1 Now, you remember when that was told there, the angels and the church ages. And now in this, it'll dovetail right into these seven seals that we're coming to speak. And the seven seals that we're trying to speak of when I come this time, is the seven written seals. And these seven seals, as you know, is just the manifestation of the seven angels of the seven churches. But there are seven other seals that's on the back side of the Book, that's outside the Bible. Notice, we'll get to it in a moment.

Now, before I start this, are you tired? Would you like to stand, change position?

30-3 Now, listen close. The seventh angel of Revelations 10:7 is the seventh church age messenger. See? Now, watch. And in the days... Now, watch here.

But in the day's of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...

Now, sounding forth, this messenger, the seventh angel here, is sounding forth his message to the Laodicean church. Notice his type of message. Now, it wasn't to the first angel (wasn't given that), second angel, third, fourth, fifth, sixth; but it is the seventh angel that had this type of message. What was it? Notice, his type of message: finishing all the mysteries of God that are written in the Book. The seventh angel is winding up all the mysteries that's lain loose-ended, all out through these organizations and denominations. The seventh angel gathers them up and finishes the entire mystery. That's what the Bible said: finishes the mystery of the written Book.

34-7 Now, watch. There's a lot of truth lost out there. Why? Where others compromised on truth. But this seventh angel don't compromise on nothing. He gathers up all the loose ends, gathers them all up, and at his sounding, all the mystery of God should be finished. Oh, God sent him. All of the hidden mysteries was finished when he... It was revealed to him. By what? If these are hidden mysteries, the man will have to be a prophet. And didn't we just get through and see that the prophet that would come in the last age would be that great Elijah that we been looking for? Because these mysteries that's hid through the theologians will have to be revealed to God, and the Word comes only to the prophet. And we know it. He will be the second Elijah, as promised. Oh, my. The message he--he will bring will be the mysteries on all these things.

36-1 The Book that is written within is then completed, when this--all these mysteries have finished to be sounded.

Now, let me read it again, so you will be sure. Now, look.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,... (the last angel)... when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...

Now, what is the mystery of God... one of them? Paul said in I Timothy 3, I believe it was, said, "Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness... For God was manifested in the flesh." We handled Him, seen Him, received up into glory. Witnessed by angels, vindicated here on earth. God was.

Sure, it's a great mystery, but it's all solved: not Father, Son and Holy Ghost, three Gods, but One God in three offices. The Fatherhood under Moses, the Sonship under Christ, the Holy Ghost under this dispensation: three dispensations of the same God, not three Gods.

The mystery's finished now. The Bible said it should be.

47-4 Junie, I want to take your dream. Look, Junior, before the pyramid was ever preached, months before it, seen this dream. You say, "What about a dream."

Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream that Daniel interpreted, told the beginning of the Gentile age, and when it would leave. And it's done just exactly that way. Not one bit has failed.

You notice, the writing that the--was on the rocks; I was interpreting it for them. They were elated. That's the mystery of God that's been not understood for years. Could that be that? And then notice. In some mysterious way, we picked up out of the air a sharp tool that opened up the top, and in there was white granite, but it wasn't interpreted. There was no letters. I didn't interpret that, Junior. I just looked at it, and said to the brethren, "Look on this," and that's fulfilled tonight. While they were studying that, I slipped towards the west. What for? Maybe to understand the interpretation of what's written in the top of this. Could it be?


77 And then we notice that He put His... had a rainbow over His head and raised up His hand and swore by Him that lives for ever and ever, that time should be no more (when these seven voices uttered, seven thunders uttered their voices). And He told them, "Don't write, but seal It." And we found it was on the back side of the Book.

78 "But when the seventh angel had finished his Message, his prophesying of the day, then the mystery of God should be finished," everybody knows the Bible says that. "The mystery of God, what God is, Who God is, and all about the way into the baptism and things, that should all be settled in that day.


74-2 {40} Now, you see, I'm just not making that up. That's what... It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. I'll read it to you out of the Book: the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the mystery of God should be finished that's been declared by His holy prophets. That's the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the sounding of the seventh church age, the last church age, all the loose ends that through these church ages have been probed at, will be wound up together. And when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. Now remember, this seventh angel is on earth at the time of this coming.

74-3 {42} Just as John was giving his message, the same time that Messiah come in the days... John knew he would see Him, because he was going to introduce Him. And we realize that in the Scriptures over in Malachi 4, there's to be a one like John, a--an Elijah, to whom the Word of God can come to, and he is to reveal by the Holy Spirit all the mysteries of God and restore the faith of the children back to the faith of the apostolic fathers: restore back all these mysteries that's been probed at through these denominational years. Now, that's what the Word said. I'm just responsible for what It said. See? It's--it's written is right. That's what It is.


126-3 {61} Now, notice: But it's to be revealed when the Lamb leaves His intercessory place from the Father. (Now, that's Revelation 5). Now, He takes the Book of Seals, the Book of Seals or a Book sealed with Seals, breaks them and shows them (look) at the end of the age now, after the intercessory is over; the church ages has done finished up. He come in the first age, the Ephesian Age, revealed, sent the messenger. Notice what happened as we go along.

Here's the plan of it: The first thing happens, there is a--a--an announcement in the heavens first. What happened? A Seal is opened. What is that? A mystery is unfolded. See? And when a mystery unfolds, then a trumpet sounds. It declares a war. Or a plague falls, and a church age opened. See? What is the war part? The angel of the Church catches the mystery of God, not fully yet revealed, but when he does, he catches this mystery of God, and then he goes forth to the people (after the mystery has been given to him), goes forth to the people. What does he do out there? He begins to proclaim that message, and what does it start? A war, a spiritual war.

126-5 {65} And then God takes His messenger with the elect of that age, and lays them away asleep, and then He drops a plague upon them who rejected it: a temporary judgment. And then, after that is over, then he goes on, and they denominate, and bring in denominations, and start off with that man's work like of--of Wesley and all the rest of them, and then it gets all in a scrapple again; and then another mystery comes forth. Then what happens? Another messenger arrives on earth for a church age. See?

Then when he arrives, he--the--the trumpet sounds. He declares war. See? And then what happens? Finally then he's caught away. And then when he's laid away, then plague falls destroys them. Spiritual death hits the church and she's gone, that group. Then He goes on to another one.

Oh, it's a great plan until it comes to that last angel. Now, he has no certain mystery, but he gathers up all that's been lost in them other ages, all the truths that wasn't truly revealed yet (See?), as the revelation come. Then he reveals those things in his day. If you want to read it, there it is: A Revelations 10:1 to--1 to about 4. You'll get it. All right. See?


187-4 {76} And these things that we're talking about was to be revealed at the last day, just before the last trumpet, at the end of the message of the last church age. That's right. If you want to read that now, you can turn to... You... I just referred to you last night two or three times, Revelations 10:1-7 (See?): "And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the mystery of God would be revealed and finished." And there's only one thing left when this Seven-sealed Book is open, then the entire mystery of God, why, we probed at through years, and according to the Scripture then when there was no way to understand it until this day, because it's been hid. We've seen the symbol, what it was symbolized by, but it could not be correctly revealed until the last day. See? Now, then we must be there at the--at the end time.


252-1 {176} Now, notice, now, and here we are at the end time. And spiritual Eve, just as nat--as Hebrew Eve was promised... The Hebrew bride was promised the Word to return, and the spiritual bride from Pentecost, when she fell at Nicaea, then she's promised in the last days that the Word will come again. Now, you say... Then... If you want another Scripture, take over here, Revelations 10. And said, "In the hour, the time of the--the last angel, the seventh angel, seventh messenger, begins to sound, the mystery of God is finished (See?), the restoration back to the Word. The Bible said that this messenger of the last days would be--restore them back to the original faith again, back to the faith of the fathers. But you think they receive it? No, sir. Last days He would restore the original Word again, as He said in Malachi 4, but--that--that she had forfeited.

Now, she forfeited that Word at Nicaea. Eve forfeited in Eden. Eve rejected hers at Calvary, and Nicaea's group is rejecting it in their last days--just the same. My. But when the Word came in human flesh, she, Eve, the Hebrew church, mother of all spiritual living as then, she rejected it; she was so dead in her traditions and dogmas that she missed it. So is this one. It's exactly.


190 Notice, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." The messengers will be in Sodom; and the called-out Church will receive a sign, of what? God manifested in human flesh. Glory! Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. It's a sign to the Gentile Church. Now it's our time. It's us to see it, God's promise. We could stand here for an hour, back and forth, through the Scripture, and weave that together and prove that that's right. And this is the hour. Here is the last sign to be showed. We're at the end time.

191 The Book of Revelations, in the Church Ages, the Laodicean Church Age, the seventh angel was supposed... In the sounding of the days of that, "the mystery of God should be finished." And we are in the Laodicean Age; lazy, soft, no good, lukewarm, and that's the condition our Pentecostal church has got in. God has shook every gift that He could before it.


100 Revelation 10 said, "The seventh angel's Message." Now remember, that's right at the Seven Trumpets, and there's seven angels blowing Seven Trumpets. That's what we're coming to next. But remember there, very specifically It said, "The angel's...," not the seventh angel's Trumpet, but the "seventh angel's Message." See, not the Trumpet angel, the Message angel! See, the angel only sounded the trumpet, that seventh angel. The Trumpet angel was this, that in the days of the Message of the seventh angel; see, when his Message is finished. See, that's the church age Message. And this time, then he would... the Message, not the Trumpet, and "the mystery of God (that's written in the Word) should be finished."


158 And then the Scripture says, "And at--at the Message of the seventh earthly angel," the messenger on earth, the seventh and last Church Age, "at the beginning of his ministry," when it starts off into the earth, at that time, "the mystery of God, of these Seven Seals, should be made known by that time." Now we see where we're at. Could it be, friends, could it be? Notice, all possible.

159 All that had been redeemed in the Book, He come forth for redemption. All that was to be redeemed was in the Book, predestinated before the foundation of the world. He come to redeem It. All He had redeemed was written therein.

262 Remember, at Tucson, the seven Angels, what the Message was, "The finishing of the mystery of God." Immediately after that, coming down the range...

263 You all heard about the mountains. Notice. Brother Fred got some pictures of it, and Brother Tom. And I got some pictures, some movies, everything. We're going to show it here someday, show you just where it was at. You all know the story.

264 Watch, the three peaks. He said, "There is your First, Second, and Third."

265 And Brother Fred has got an outstanding picture of it, when he and Sister Martha passed. The clouds had come up from the moisture of the ground, and had hid all the rest of them, and it just showing the Three Pulls; one here, one here, and one there. See? The seven!

266 Watch, the First, three. Three is perfection. That's when the ministry went forth.

267 The Second Pull was the discernment of spirits, the prophecy. (First was the healing of the sick.) The Second was the prophecy that went forth, and it knowed the secret of the thoughts, when the Word Itself was made manifest. Which, that's grace.

268 But, remember, the seventh is the finish. Could this be the finish Pull, it's all over? Could it be? Think of it now. Just think. Where you at? See? Seven is always the finish. Three Pulls!


130 Now that's the question. Here is where I wanted to get to, in Revelations 10. We'll get to it in a few minutes, and another Scripture verse. He said, "In the days of the Message of the seventh angel, the mystery of God ought to be finished." Here is the question, is, if you follow in that line in this hour, will it be finished? "Will I find the Faith?" Will Malachi 4 be fulfilled in this time, "Restore the Faith of the children, back to the Faith of the fathers, the original, the Word"? See?