Dearborn Early LearningCenter

Payment Contract

School Year: 2018-2019

Child’s Name:______

Tuition Fees: Initial ______

The yearly cost for our program is as follows:

Half-Day Program (2 Days) $2,250.00

Half-Day Program (3 Days) $3,250.00

Half-Day Program (5 Days) $5,500.00

Full-Day Program (2 Days) $4,500.00

Full-Day Program (3 Days) $6,500.00

Full-Day Program (5 Days) $9,500.00

*You can elect to pay tuition in 9 monthly payments that are due on the first of the month September

through May.

*You can elect to pay tuition in 34weekly payments due each Friday.

Any account showing a balance by the end of the day that it is due will be charged a $25.00 late payment fee. Please plan ahead for vacations, due dates occurring on the weekends and sick children. Checks turned in on time but postdated for dates after tuition deadlines are considered late. Any child’s tuition account showing a balance 7 days after its due date will not be permitted to attend school until payment is received. Discounts aren’t given for sick days, vacation days, holidays, snow days or dropping your child from the program.

We accept Checks, Money Orders and Cash. Please turn in checks to Michelle at the front desk. Please be sure to get a receipt for cash payments. Cash payments must be exact as we don’t typically have money on hand to make change.

Class Change Fee after August 1st: Initial ______

There will be a $50.00 class change fee after August 1st if you change/drop your child’s scheduled class days or times.

Refunds: Initial ______

We do not offer refunds for missed classes due to illness, vacations, field trips, holidays, snow days, or dropping your child from the program. If you choose to withdrawal your child from the program, you will not be refunded any monies paid at registration regardless of the reason you are dropping. This includes loss of job, moving, etc.

Holidays: Initial ______The Center will be closed for the following holidays: Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas break (2 weeks),MLK Day, Winter Break (1week),

Spring Break (1 week), Easter Break (2 days), the Friday before Memorial Day and Memorial Day.

Withdrawing Your Child from the Program Prior to Classes Starting: Initial ______

Registration/Supply fee along with the final tuition deposit payment is non-refundable and non-transferable, regardless of the reason why you are withdrawing your child from the program. Fees cannot be transferred to a sibling. This includes loss of job, moving, etc.

Withdrawing Your Child from the Program During the School Year: Initial ______

Written notice must be given by parents two weeks prior to your child’s last day of class. If written notice isn’t given, your child is still enrolled in the program and you are still required to pay your child’s tuition even if they’re not attending school. Additionally, the money you paid when you registered your child for this program is non-refundable and cannot be applied to your child’s final two week tuition payment.

Returned Check Charge: Initial ______

Checks returned to our office due to insufficient funds and/or closed accounts will result in a $30.00 returned check charge. If check is resubmitted for deposit a second time at the discretion of our bank and it fails to clear, you will be charged an additional $30.00. All returned check charges must be paid with cash or money order. If 2 checks are returned for insufficient funds, personal checks will no longer be accepted.

I have received a payment schedule and understand the policies, payment amounts and due dates for my child’s tuition account for the 2018-2019 school year.

Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______

I would like to pay my child’s tuition in the following manner: (Check One)

9 Monthly Payments ______34Tuition Payments ______