Council on Diversity Initiatives –Meeting summary11.20.15

Council on Diversity Initiatives

Date: November 20, 2015

Location:Reno-UNSOM 214; LV-1701 W. Charleston, Ste. 130|Classroom C; Elko-GRIS 31

Attendees:Gerald Ackerman, Megan Almansoori, Daniel Cook, Debra Glogovac, Susan Hill, Nicole Jacobs, Richelle O’Driscoll, Melissa Piasecki, Ricky Salazar, Guests: April Heiselt, Mary Shultz

Introductions (M. Piasecki)

  • April Heiselt,Director, Office for Community Faculty
  • Mary Shultz, Director, Savitt Medical Library

UNSOM Office for Community Faculty (OCF)(A. Heiselt)

  • The OCF was formed as a partnership between Renown and SOM with office space located at Renown; an “embassy” representing all community physicians; offers networking space, “Savitt” stations with connections to the medical library;a cup of coffee and a place to connect with fellow faculty and physicians
  • A. Heiselt contacted the LCME regarding diversity data for community faculty; AAMC is looking at how to collect data for this group; UNSOM is on the list to participate in a pilot, volunteer faculty survey being developed by the AAMC
  • OCF has begun collecting community faculty dataincluding: gender, ethnicity, race, first generation, frontier rural and economically disadvantaged backgrounds; self-reported data; are not currently collecting sexual orientation data
  • OCF will hosta ribbon cutting as well as open-houses over the next few months
  • CDI may want to consider submitting a monthly article for the OCF monthly newsletter
  • Offer cultural competency scenario trainings within the first few years for students and faculty members
  • Is there a disparity between how community physicians are trained to perform and how this plays out in the community in terms of cultural competency; how do we measure this?

Native Voices Traveling Exhibit: National Library of Medicine (NLM)(M. Shultz)

  • NLM offers several services including travelling exhibits on various topics
  • Institutions submit comprehensive application packets and, if awarded, commit to a six week exhibit hosting two public programs (an opening reception, panel discussion and other programming events)
  • Savitt Library has applied to host NLM’s newest exhibit “Native Voices” described as:

“Stories drawn from the past and the present that examine how the determinants of health for American Indians, Alaska natives and native Hawaiians are tied to the community, the land and spirit. Through personal interviews native peoples describe how individual and community wellness were affected by the political and cultural events of the 19th and 20th centuries. Individual reflections show the impact of epidemics, federal legislation, loss of land and the inhibition of culture on the health of native individuals and communities today.”

  • The six panel exhibit includes an introductory panel and five theme panels: individual, community, nature, tradition and healing. IPads are included in the exhibition so that viewers can listen to the over 150 native people’sinterviews
  • The American Library Association has partnered with NLM to provide grant funding for libraries interested in hosting the exhibit
  • On behalf of the Savitt Medical Library, an application has been submittedwith letters of support; determinations will be made by December 15th
  • Submitted dates that are five years out in February and March or October and November
  • Community members welcome more institutional events – they want to come to campus!

2015 CDI Survey update(M. Piasecki)

  • Plan to use 2015 CDI survey data for LCME reporting, future fact sheet and to reflect on successes and opportunities
  • Develop a response/report to include: key highlights, summary of findings, executive summary that is made available to everyone; glean highlights for the fact sheet, the website
  • There is a heightened awareness of diversity at major universities; need to highlight our journey to add to this national conversation
  • President Johnson and the Dean should be making public statements
  • Create a message from the Dean that he is “proud to share” this data and include the CDI fact sheet Action item: M. Piasecki to contact Dean Schwenk regarding a follow-up message
  • Data reflects a need to educate: target students, faculty, pipelines, distribute to the university as a whole through appealing graphics
  • Create a sub-group within the CDI to identify low-hanging fruit?
  • What were the “aha” data points in the survey?

Diversity Events(Group Discussion)

  • Cultural Considerations in Healthcare, February 22 and 23, 2016

Being Mortal, G. Shonkwiler presentation

Contact Rachel Blinn for program submissions; Jodi Shpargel is also on the CCHC planning committee

  • Exploring Diversity and Equity through Access, Retention and Engagement, April 7, 2016

UNR Cultural Diversity Committee (CDC) event

IRAP poster presentations

The Center for Student Cultural Diversity update(R. Salazar)

  • UNSOM students, Roberto Lopez and Anna Delgadillo, are interested in connecting lower campus students to the medical school in the form of informational event for students interested in medicine; create a pipeline of consistent communication between SOM students and other students in the community and on campuses
  • Provide a tour of the medical school
  • Look into hosting a session at the CCHC event to get a feel for interest; also a great AHEC activity Action item: R. Salazar to contact R. Blinn and G. Ackerman for support
  • Include the OCF – tutoring; would need to provide training for community faculty Action item: N. Jacobs to send idea to A. Heiselt

Next meeting dates:

Friday, January 22, 10:00-11:00am; Friday, March 11, 10:00-11:00am; Wednesday, April 27, 10:00-11:00am
